wildcat strikes

1921-22: Kansas Miners Strike and Women's March

In 1921 strikes were effectively illegal in the state of Kansas due a state arbitration system (the Industrial Court). In response the Kansas miners struck, the strike nearly failed due to actions of their own Union leadership, but rallied when the women of the mining community began their own campaign.

Behind the camouflage; a new strike wave in the Bangladeshi garment sector

Garment workers protest - Ashulia, Dec 2016

Following a period of relative quiet after the 2013 Rana Plaza factory disaster, new struggles emerge from the garment factories.

Ovambo migrant workers general strike for rights, Namibia: 1971-72

Ovambo miners towards the end of the strike

In the winter of 1971-72 the economy of South West Africa (Namibia) was shutdown by a general strike of contract labourers challenged the economic system emplaced by Apartheid South Africa. The strike led to the scrapping of the contract system and is seen as a watershed moment, encouraging a rapid growth of opposition movements.

Deliveroo drivers on wildcat strike

Workers for the takeaway delivery firm are taking wildcat strike action over proposed changes to their contracts, pay and conditions.

Wildcat strikes at Walmart China

Walmart workers at four stores across China have utilised social media to launch a series of coordinated wildcat strikes against the company’s imposition of a new work schedule that enables management to change work hours at short notice and reduce overtime payments.

The matchgirls strike, 1888 - John Simkin

Annie Besant with the strike committee

A short account of the successful strike in 1888 by thousands of unorganised female workers at the Bryant & May match factory in London.

The Nord-Pas-de-Calais miners' strike, 1941

A pit occupied by Nazi troops

A short history of the mass strike of miners in Nazi-occupied northern France from 27 May to 10 June. Despite heavy repression it won improvements to pay and conditions.

Dockers boycott SS Jolly George, 1920

Commemorative stamp depicting Harry Pollitt and the boycott

A short account of UK dockworkers who in May 1920 refuse to load a ship carrying armaments bound for use against the revolution in Russia.

Turkey: When the workers make their voices heard

Strikes at Renault Bursa febr.-march 2016

In the current situation of global crisis and rampant local wars, Turkey has an important place. The tensions in this country are running high, both within the capitalist class(1) and between capital and labor. In this article we report on recent workers' struggles that develop in Turkey against the effects of the crisis. Workers are struggling despite state repression and attempts to divide workers.

Coalminers strike against Pittston Company in Virginia, 1989-1990

Striking miners rally

A short history of the successful 10 month long strike at Pittston Coal against cuts to retirement and health benefits, which included mass sit-ins and sabotage.