Some disability service providers in Western Australia are being forced to operate in three systems, creating a financial burden and causing anxiety for clients, while they wait for the state and federal governments to agree on a model of the national disability scheme.
Topics: government-and-politics, disabilities, health, wa
SA's Enterprise Patient Administration System is part of the State Government's ambitious plan to develop an electronic medical record that can be used in hospitals and other health services, but it has been fraught with operational issues and has been subject to extensive criticism by health professionals.
Topics: states-and-territories, government-and-politics, healthcare-facilities, health, health-administration, adelaide-5000, sa, australia
| UpdatedIt's cricket season — a time when many a backyard or amateur player can pull up with a sore shoulder or twisted ankle. Tasmanian Roar player Isobel Joyce shares some tips on how to not get injured.
Topics: cricket, sport, sports-injuries, health, exercise-and-fitness, human-interest, hobart-7000
Margaret Court, the most decorated tennis player in history, believes she could have been even better if she had found God during her career.
Topics: tennis, gays-and-lesbians, marriage, christianity, religion-and-beliefs, mental-health, health, perth-6000, wa, australia
| UpdatedAn electronic patient records system crashes at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, throwing medical care into chaos, as extra staff are called in to help deal with the workload.
Topics: healthcare-facilities, health-policy, health, unions, states-and-territories, government-and-politics, woodville-5011, adelaide-5000, sa
Premature births have been entirely prevented in mice with the use of a drug that switches off inflammatory pathways, according to Adelaide researchers, looking to solve the problem in pregnant women.
Topics: babies---newborns, babies, family-and-children, pregnancy-and-childbirth, health, infant-health, adelaide-university-5005, adelaide-5000, sa
A Stroke Foundation report finds the nation's stroke care system has made little improvement in the past four years, with one in five patients being discharged from hospital without proper medication or a care plan.
Topics: health, diseases-and-disorders, stroke, sydney-2000, australia
Planning to deliver a baby before 39 weeks can significantly increase the risk of the child having developmental delays, according to a new Australian study of more than 150,000 babies.
Topics: pregnancy-and-childbirth, children, family-and-children, child-health-and-behaviour, health, reproduction-and-contraception, community-and-society, research, medical-research, australia
Warnings that 2016's hayfever season would be the worst in years has come to pass, with sufferers across Melbourne reporting severe symptoms.
Topics: allergies, health, melbourne-3000
Peter Tiernan speaks about being mistakenly identified as pro-vaccination blogger 'Reasonable Hank.'
Topics: health, social-media, vaccines-and-immunity, byron-bay-2481
Topics: health, vaccines-and-immunity, social-media, crime, byron-bay-2481
Forty-three per cent of Australian women are not being screened regularly enough for cervical cancer, a fatal disease that is almost completely preventable, according to the Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation.
Topics: cervical-and-vulval-cancers, cancer, diseases-and-disorders, health, science-and-technology, melbourne-3000, vic, wa, tas, sa, qld, nsw, nt, act, australia
| UpdatedUnderwater therapy, a dementia friendly community, tireless advocates — they are all amongst the winners for the National Disability Awards announced on Monday night.
Topics: disabilities, health, alzheimers-and-dementia, diseases-and-disorders, computers-and-technology, science-and-technology, inventions, kiama-2533, nsw, australia, adelaide-5000, sa
| UpdatedAustralia's scientists say the "innovation nation" is crumbling as more of them consider leaving the profession because of limited career prospects, a study reveals.
Topics: science, science-and-technology, work, careers, health, australia
There are fears this summer could be the deadliest yet for Australian 'party drug' takers, with hundreds of new and unpredictable substances on the market, one of which a Brisbane woman tells the ABC "terrified" her.
Topics: drug-use, health, drug-education, education, drugs-and-substance-abuse, community-and-society, drug-offences, brisbane-4000, qld, australia, southport-4215, vic
Transgender people are facing waiting lists of up to six months to see a specialist and a lack of training is compounding the issue, a leading specialist says.
Topics: health, mens-health, womens-health, sexual-health, adelaide-5000, sa
Blind Canberra student David Saxberg relies on public transport to get around, but he says there is still a way to go before the system is fully accessible.
Topics: disabilities, health, road-transport, canberra-2600, act, australia
Topics: science, health, research, medical-research, science-and-technology, australia
The population of Australia's smallest town increases from zero to 200 for the fifth annual Channel Country Ladies day.
Topics: people, human-interest, community-organisations, community-and-multicultural-festivals, charities-and-community-organisations, womens-health, health, rural-women, rural, birdsville-4482, longreach-4730, qld, australia
Canadian singer Michael Buble says he and his wife are "devastated" after learning their three-year-old son has been diagnosed with cancer.
Topics: cancer, health, family, arts-and-entertainment, united-states
Three volunteers who got expert advice on their sleep struggles as part of ABC Health & Wellbeing's Reboot Your Life project report back on what worked best for them.
Topics: health, sleep, caffeine, computers-and-technology, australia
A former coal miner who has unwillingly become a symbol of black lung disease details his plight, telling a state parliamentary committee there are moments he no longer wants to live.
Topics: community-and-society, health, environmental-health, health-policy, health-administration, occupational-health-and-safety, diseases-and-disorders, rural, mining-rural, government-and-politics, brisbane-4000, ipswich-4305, qld
| UpdatedThere is renewed debate over whether the expensive meningococcal B vaccine should be available free to children, after the death of a toddler from a suspected case of the disease in South Australia.
Topics: meningococcal-disease, diseases-and-disorders, health, vaccines-and-immunity, family-and-children, community-and-society, australia, sa
| UpdatedThere are fresh calls for people not to eat aquatic food from two local creeks near a RAAF base, after toxic chemicals were found in some shellfish.
Topics: environmental-health, air-force, health, darwin-0800, ludmilla-0820, rapid-creek-0810
| UpdatedParents are urged to consider paying hundreds of dollars to vaccinate their children against the potentially deadly B-strain of meningococcal disease by South Australian health authorities, after this week's death of a toddler at an Adelaide hospital.
Topics: meningococcal-disease, diseases-and-disorders, health, child-health-and-behaviour, community-and-society, family-and-children, health-policy, adelaide-5000, sa