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Blogger Chip Berlet said...

...and this is why I begged Matthew to co-write a book with me.

March 15, 2016 12:00 PM

Anonymous Akira said...

The Reality Television Fox News Troll will now simply walk from one set of television studios to another, and become the leader of the free world. This is the final transition point into a truly post-modern political order in which the line between reality and television is not just transgressed, but finally and completely gone, over, perhaps even unthinkable.

It is theorized that the final assimilation by the Spectacle of everything is exactly the point of its total self immolation and collapse. This final inversion has long been predicted by the most ancient of sacred traditions and the most sophisticated of avant-garde French drug addicts. Is this not what the opening event of the American Apocalypse would actually look like?

So America is lurching over in its fatty-wheelchair for some Soda, but it doesn’t want the two big brands (OMG it is so bored with them) and the whole shelf of lame store brands don’t entice it. And then lurks down the aisle something deeply uncanny (and very, very sinister), a pure avatar of the spectacle. He has some new crack for sale, and he even takes food stamps…and OMG he is from TV!

He will make the Sale.

March 19, 2016 8:24 PM

Anonymous Bernard said...

“Trump’s campaign is fueled by rage at the neoliberal establishment.”

Matthew Lyons begins to identify the depth of that fury: His postscript brings up the racism and Islamophobia found in Trump's campaign.

Populist rage at neoliberalism might be clearly and patiently drawn out by well informed and compassionate leadership. That rage can be loosened/separated from the mindless scapegoating, the threatening racism, and the fear-based authoritarianism of some Trump supporters.

Trump supporters rail against the neoliberal political establishment; they even more deeply distrust and fear the unknown: what a more compassionate form of capitalism and government might look like.




March 24, 2016 12:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post.

January 17, 2017 2:20 PM

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