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Anonymous Bernard said...

“Ethnic cleansing” is an euphemism for the mass expulsion or killing of an unwanted group. Scores of ethnic cleansings in the list below were unjust, immoral, uncivilized, cruel, or criminal.


There is no defense for advocacy of a national policy that normalizes mass expulsion or mass murder.

Is such arrogance in the “advanced” USA for real?

The failure to condemn the inappropriate oxymoron of “peaceful ethnic cleansing” potentially misinforms any discussion of such a public policy. Mass expulsion and murder are never benign for the victims. Public discussion in any nation “sufficiently advanced in civilization to 'handle' freedom” would build generic awareness of, and strong resistance to, mass murder and expulsion, in any context.

What the U.S.A. did to the indigenous American Indians should not be repeated.


What some Zionists did to Palestinians must not be further enabled by the U.S.A.


May 22, 2016 6:21 PM

Anonymous Bernard said...

Since January 2116, the alt.right movement has had its own Wikipedia page here:


Dan Young's podcast is additionally linked here:


Young's critique initiated some genuine interchange. Matthew Heimbach, from TradYouth, responded, in part: “Free Trade and globalism hurt our people.”


Bernie Sanders agrees that free trade hurts U.S. workers. So there is this common ground:


Keith Preston responded, in part: “concerns [about mass immigration] ought to at least be heard and considered” “I don’t adhere to theories of racial determinism.”


Immigration policy is controversial. Let's hope the search for common ground continues.




Do we agree on these facts?

Some men in the U.S. suffer real economic hardship. Good jobs have gone overseas, and won't come back. The new jobs here are insecure and underpaid. Pensions and unions have disappeared. “Real wages” are lower. The U.S. middle class is shrinking. Some feel that Neoliberalism has failed. In decades, whites in the U.S. will be the new minority.







With these facts as background, a few are developing a new synthesis for the alt.right. The creative process is more chaotic than controlled, and more spontaneous than linear. But, hopefully, new political and economic insights will emerge over time.

June 08, 2016 6:24 PM

Blogger Matthew N Lyons said...

Three Way Fight utterly rejects any effort to seek "common ground" with alt-rightists, white nationalists, or fascists of any stripe. All such efforts simply lend legitimacy to far rightists' supremacist and exclusionary politics, which -- despite their claims to the contrary -- are predicated on the belief that human equality is a myth and some groups of people are superior to others. For decades, far rightists have used points of superficial agreement with leftists, such as "free trade hurts workers," to seek alliances with leftists or recruit leftists to their cause. Anti-fascists have addressed this dynamic extensively, but two useful resources are Chip Berlet's essay "Right Woos Left" (http://www.politicalresearch.org/1999/02/27/right-woos-left/#sthash.7img5NiF.dpbs) and the book My Enemy's Enemy, which is available from Kersplebedeb Books (http://kersplebedeb.com/posts/myenemy-2/).

June 11, 2016 5:32 PM

Anonymous Bernard said...

The alt.right does NOT seek alliances, consensus or “common ground.”

I am sorry if some egalitarians are provoked, insulted or offended by some parts of the alt.right. But I doubt if many egalitarians understand the alt.right. Apparently, the alt.right does reject egalitarianism; its reasoning is new and complex (and in a dark way).




June 15, 2016 6:45 PM

Blogger Matthew N Lyons said...

Bernard, you're the one who brought up the idea of seeking common ground with alt-rightists, not me. And what do you mean by "I am sorry if some egalitarians are provoked, insulted or offended by some parts of the alt.right"? Do you mean you are sorry that alt-rightists make jokes about the Nazi genocide? Do you mean you are sorry that alt-rightists think Muslims are evil, violent, and dangerous? Do you mean you are sorry that alt-rightists routinely talk about black people as stupid, lazy animals? Or do you mean that egalitarians should look at this ideological garbage and not be offended?

June 18, 2016 10:18 AM

Anonymous Bernard said...

What do I mean by “I am sorry”?

Say, for example, I see some 2003 photos of torture from Abu Ghraib. I might respond emotionally by writing “I am sorry,” i.e., sad, regretful, sympathetic to the victims.



Anonymous Internet abuse is found on alt.right sites, but that's because verbal abuse on the Internet is pervasive, including on sports and game sites.





The alt-right is primarily thousands of unpoliced blogs, podcasts, and social media accounts. The Breitbart article below is noteworthy, because Breitbart.com “mainstreams” some of these alt-right views. Three critiques target this article:





Still other perspectives of the alt.right:



June 23, 2016 1:41 PM

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