Daily Life

There's a Tumblr documenting the moments Trump voters realised they made a terrible mistake

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Just under a month since Donald Trump was elected to the US Presidency, it seems many of his supporters - including high profile individuals who endorsed him to the public - are already deeply regretting their decision.

And one Tumblr user, racked with schadenfreude, is gathering their moments of realisation together on a blog they have titled Trumpgrets, so the rest of the world can join in saying "I told you so".

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Somehow, even political pundits are surprised that the President-elect has not in fact "drained the swamp" as he promised, but rather gone fishing in it for his appointments. As Trumpgrets points out, perhaps the likes of Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter and former Congressman Joe Walsh should have done some more research before they endorsed him. 


Nor does the President-elect appear to actually plan to prosecute Hillary Clinton or build a wall, despite his "lock her up" and "build the wall" election campaign battlecries. Some folks are surprised and bitterly disappointed.

Others who voted for him have been dismayed by his rhetoric in tweets about China. Or the fact that he is still tweeting at all. 

Even white women are realising they might have chosen the wrong person to champion their rights. 

To this, the creator of Trumpgrets says: who did you think you were voting for?

Speaking with Mic, the person behind the blog, who wishes to remain anonymous, said its purpose is "purely therapeutic".

"Like many people of my political bent, I was emotionally devastated by the results of this election and needed an emotional balm," they said, adding that reading regretful tweets had been "soothing". 

"Judging by the responses to this blog, I think this 'therapeutic' effect is shared by the readers," they said..  
