
South Africa: class struggle, 'xenophobia' and the local elite

This article offers a brief case study of how grassroots self organisation enables communities to resist xenophobic violence in South Africa.

Echoes of the past: Marikana, cheap labour and the 1946 miners strike

Chris Webb puts the Lonmin massacre in some historical perspective.

South Africa: victory for student hunger strike against staff sackings

Micah Roshan Reddy reports from Wits University, South Africa, where a hunger strike by students against a proposed abusive sacking of 17 catering staff became an international campaign and secured a remarkable victory.

Take Back What’s Yours: the Mine-Line Occupation in Johannesburg

Shawn Hatting from the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front on the Mine-Line Factory Occupation in Johannesburg

New Report on Repression of the Landless People's Movement in Johannesburg

This statement, from the Landless People's Movement (LPM), welcomes the new report and links to a pdf of the report.

Five more Landless People's Movement militants arrested in Soweto

The crackdown on the Landless People's Movement in Johannesburg continues. Two LPM militants have been killed in recent days and, following the arrest of five people last night, ten are currently in prison.

The Shacks of Two Landless People's Movement Activists are Burnt Down in Johannesburg as the Police Look On

On Saturday one Landless People's Movement activist was killed, another seriously injured and many more beaten and arrested in a vicious police attack in the eTwatwa settlement in Johannesburg. Early on Sunday morning the homes of two LPM activists were burnt down as the attack on LPM degenerated into what threatens to become a full fledged ethnic pogrom in the settlement.

Police kill Landless People's Movement militant in Johannesburg

The Landless People's Movement in Johannesburg continues to face repression. A number of its leaders are now in hiding. Police attack in eTwatwa, Ekurhuleni; one person is dead and another seriously injured.