
An unfinished revolution: Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln - Robin Blackburn

Examines the impact of the American Civil War on Karl Marx, and Karl Marx on America.

Out of the Red Closet: Gay and Lesbian Experiences in the Previous Communist Movement

A pamphlet put out by the defunct Kasama Project, detailing accounts of former members and supporters of the Revolutionary Communist Party in the USA who were homosexual and the treatment they received by the party. The accounts contain mental and emotional abuse and bigoted language.

Our enemies in blue - Kristian Williams

Let's begin with the basics: violence is an inherent part of policing.

Anarchy #042

Issue of Anarchy magazine from August 1964

Anarchy #039

Issue of Anarchy magazine from May 1964

Anarchy #038

Issue of Anarchy magazine from April 1964

Anarchy #037

Issue of Anarchy magazine from March 1964

Anarchy #036

Issue of Anarchy magazine from February 1964, this issue focuses on the role of the police and prison system in society, and includes anecdotes of police violence(The laughter of Inspector Rowley) and attempted framing of suspects(I’ve dislodged a bit of brick).

Anarchy #035

Issue of Anarchy magazine from January 1964

Anarchy #034

Issue of Anarchy magazine from December 1963