Federal Politics

Malcolm Turnbull set to axe Tony Abbott's Green Army environmental program

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Australia's environmental sector wants the Turnbull government to explain its plans for significant changes to major programs, including savings of more than $350 million from axing the Green Army - Tony Abbott's much-hyped employment project.

Environment and Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg all but confirmed reports on Monday that the government's Expenditure Review Committee had decided to kill off the program in this month's budget update, saying savings were required from across government.

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Green Army in retreat

The Greens are celebrating reports that Tony Abbott's 'Green Army' is to be axed, but Malcolm Turnbull is declining to confirm its demise. Courtesy ABC News 24.

Established after Mr Abbott's 2013 election victory, the Green Army was designed to use the manpower of up to 15,000 unemployed young people, aged 17 to 24, for conservation projects in every state and territory.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said he wouldn't comment on the project's demise before the mid-year economic and fiscal outlook statement, due on December 19.

Green Army service providers were surprised by the reports. 

The May federal budget included $360 million in funding over four years for the program, but the government promised to allocate an additional $100 million to Landcare last week to win support from the Greens for changes to rate of tax paid by backpackers.


The Green Army was not part of the Greens' deal with the government, which requires the extra funds for Landcare not be taken from existing environmental programs.

Landcare Australia chief executive Tessa Jakszewicz said she had learned of the announcements in the media and was seeking more information from the federal government, including about how the extra $100 million would be spent.

"The Green Army has unique qualities, including encouraging younger people to participate in Landcare-related activities, with some of those people going on to find careers in this space and others have at least got some familiarity with environmental principles," she said.

"Like all things, it's good when it's not funded from another part of the environmental budget."

Ms Jakszewicz said the Green Army had served as an important environmental and employment program.

"From our perspective, we've seen about 40 per cent of participants find funding or further education, immediately following the projects. In that regard, yes it's good employment outcomes, but there are also some good environmental projects also."

The creation of the Green Army, led by former environment minister Greg Hunt, saw nearly $500 million in funding removed from Landcare, but the program has been popular with local MPs, including in electorates with high unemployment rates.

Before the July 2 election, the Coalition said the Green Army had launched more than 700 teams working on the ground, involving more than 5700 young people.

At the end of August 2016, 1145 Green Army projects have been announced, with 627 completed and 264 projects under way.

NSW had nearly 400 projects, compared with 240 in Queensland, 150 in Victoria and 145 in Western Australia.

The Australian National Audit Office had flagged a potential review of the program's administration.

Mr Frydenberg told ABC radio on Monday it had been "very successful" but he'd wait to see if it would continue.

"Whether it's planting 2 million trees as a result of the Green Army or ridding 90,000 hectares of weeds, but these are issues that have to be looked at in the overall context of the budget situation," he said.

"I don't want to pre-empt what will be released in MYEFO, other than to say we have to find savings across the board."

Mr Abbott's office has been contacted for comment.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale welcomed the decision.

"We always opposed the Green Army. It was not an environmental program, it was an employment program and a bad one at that."

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