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Yesterdays news is still today's truth!

They only tell us what they want us to know.....An Anti Austerity Demo gathered outside the BBC headquarters in London the other weekend, ...





Monday, 28 November 2016


The DeRellas are back! Not that they really went away; A swift line up change and straight out of the Punk'n'Roll Garage all fired up and  onto the streets again, ready to continue the party they started. Their new  mini-album Freakshow is a sexy six track glittery glamstastic brew. Every track is guaranteed to get yer stack heels stomping, doc martins dancing or brothel creepers bopping. Splatterings of Slaughter and The Dogs, lashings of The Lurkers and heaps of The Heartbreakers and a never say die, don't give a fuck attitude adorn the bands own tunes, while in the bottox dripping 21st Century silicon implant obsessed world an inspired cover of Adam and The Ants Plastic Surgery rounds it all off nicely. Top shelf stuff....These boyz just keep on sticking it to the man! Freakshow is available here in 10” slime green vinyl or as a Digipack CD.  Highly inflammable and highly recommended! 

Tuesday, 22 November 2016


In times of social confusion, political upheaval and economic uncertainty we need Rock'n'Roll that matters, and in this new error we are entering Enemies Of Promise matter, with their lyrical snapshots of this dis united and divided Kingdom we are living/existing in. Opening track Know Your Shame references Julian Assenge, David Kelly The second addresses the National Health servicing multi national drug companies Hearthland is a scathing attack on the North South divide. and Broken burys the capital punishment debate.
Enemies of Promise just keep getting better and better with each release, and the Hearthland E.P is their best yet. With dual vocals, power chords and thumping rhythms, they sound like Carter USM meeting The Jam, but with twice the passion. They are a force to be reckoned with; keeping the flag flying in the face of the impending storm that is heading our way unless people question the way the winds of change are blowing, and who the real enemy is. Insurrection and Revolution never sounded so pure, powerful and full of promise. Check 'em out over at their facebook page. Ignore and remain ignorant of a different future than the ones our enemies are promising us.

Monday, 14 November 2016


Well....It's been a few months since the good people of Great Britain voted to leave the European Union, they fell for all the bullshit and propaganda, since then both the Labour and Conservatives had/have leadership issues and party’s have become divided. The result of the referendum was a democratic decision, but it has left Britain with another unelected Prime Minister. Racial tension is growing across the globe; trigger happy US Cops gun down Black people, Black people gun down cops. There is a very real possibility that Donald Trump could become the next American president, The referendum result has seen the rise of hate crimes in Britain, thanks to the anti immigration sentiments promoted by certain sections of the leave campaign; UKIP and Britain First. The Austrian people elected a Right Wing president and the Le Penn dynasty in France are always there All that is solid melts into air as a spectre haunts Europe – the spectre of Fascism!

Another day another death, carnage on the streets of somewhere. Terror attacks Total war Muslims V's Christians

Independence Day, Armageddon or Apocalypse Now! Project Fear becomes project reality, only time will tell, but the workers, disenfranchised and the dispossessed will still get the crumbs.... That's if we do actually leave.

Turn a negative into a positive? Glass ½ empty, glass ½ full, or glass smashed on the floor?

My brain is starting to hurt through trying to keep sane in this crazy world, where death and destruction appear to be a daily occurrence across the globe and nearer to home.

People stare at screens while I write in my note book.

Anarchy in the UK....In the days that followed the Brexit 'victory' the government were in meltdown; there was nobody driving, and whose gonna rule when governments fall? Not the Labour Party that's for sure, because they were (and still are) in a mess and are a defective opposition against an undemocraticly elected leader; Theresa May. Once again our democracy is left wanting.

(All the above was written prior to US election result.)

The election of Donald Trump as US President is a piece in the jigsaw, a picture of a New World Order that gets it's support from people basic primal instinct; self interest and self preservation.

Playing with the pieces means you don't see the whole picture.

Militarised Police Forces Robo-Cop storm-troopers the defenders of the state against what it defines as terrorism. Descent will rise as people on both sides of the political divide get let down and lied to. “Ever get the feeling you've been cheated” United they stand divided we fall. They want build walls/fences instead of bridges across the divides that they keep creating, both physical and mental.

Medicate feelings through state prescribed drugs.

Half the Americans are in therapy or on anti depressants, it's no wonder they voted for President Trumpery Trump! Perhaps the right to vote wasn't such a good idea! Universal sufferage, yeah....and universally everyone is gonna suffer. The only thing that's gonna save the World is an assassins bullet. Extreme? Maybe.... but a President that didn't denounce the KKK's endorsement of him, well that just scares the shit outta me. Still at least it's gonna give Putin someone to have a fight with over another piece in the jigsaw....The Middle East! Then there's the Balkans and Russia’s annexation of Crimea. Or will Trump withdraw the US military from the world, he's not keen on NATO, is that the sound of a future European Army marching.

9/11 another piece. The Taliban the Americans friends when they were fighting the Russians in Afghanistan. US UK special relationship Cruise missiles and Greenham Common. Orgrave, Battle of The Beanfield, the Poll Tax, Criminal Justice Bill, more small pieces. Anti terror laws, stop and search armed police 24 hour CCTV Universal coverage and all to protect our freedom. Democracy; smoke and mirrors one person one vote.

Brexit and Trump have been described as “democracy in action.” Yeah right....one based on division and deception. British Prime Minister Theresa May is unelected by the British people! More voted against the Conservative Party than voted for it, and more people voted for Clinton than Trump.

In regard to Brexit, Theresa May is refusing to let Parliament have a say and decisions as to how it happens. High Court judges decided that they should, but May is appealing against this ruling. A parliament that is made up of MP's from all parties who were voted there by the people. So how exactly is democracy in action if she doesn't believe that these MP's who represent the people should have a say about what the people have decided. There is an acceptance that despite the blatant lack of truth on both sides of the in/out brigades, the immediate going back on promises in regarding the NHS and xenophobia and right wing rhetoric on the leavers side that Britain will leave the EU, it is how and when this happens and what it will mean to the country that's what our MP's need to have a say on, without that we will be living in a Totalitarian Fascist state not a democracy.

The first foreign politician Donald Trump meets is Nigel Farage! Where's a suicide bomber when you need one?

If all things come in Threes then next year will see the election of the far right leader Marie LePenn as French President.

Emotional Fascism! Don't tell me what and how to think. Get over it, move on don't be a sore loser stop winging. FUCK OFF!....don’t try and deny peoples feelings or make them feel that it's not acceptable to question the rules of law and the results of so called democratic decisions. Disobey all orders!


This review is long over due, the passing of time in a timeless age goes too quick, better late than never. Continental Liaison have taken the past out from the garage, downloaded the present and constructed a solid structure of sound from blocks of Beats'n'Riffs, it's the sound of the future; a post industrial new technological world disorder. Continental Liaison keep on keeping on with the power of their songs, and these couple of latest ones (Action Time! and The Sublime) are no exception. Once again Continental Liaison sound like nothing else from the underground with their death dance disco beats, fuzzy garage guitars and semi spoken/sung vocals. A Goth, Garage Punk, Disco Pop mash up as infectious as the zeke virus.  Check 'em out at their facebook page.

Monday, 30 May 2016


Just under a month to go before the people of Britain 'have a say' in their countries future, and just over a month since I started writing this and trying to make sense of the NOnsense of it all. Should we stay or should we go? IN / OUT shake it all about! Great Britain or Little England?
UKIP and the Vote Leave campaign want to take back control of our country, (well....I wouldn't want those UKIP cunts in charge of anything!) from the European Union and its monolithic bureaucracy which is taking away Britain’s sovereignty if you believe that truth. Well I for one would rather have the better Workers and Human Rights that have come from Europe than our government using its sovereignty to try and take them away.

Why are we having this referendum? Is it to appease the UKIP, EDL and Britain First Populist flag waving public who will choose their choice based on Immigration! Because both the Labour and Conservative Parties parties refused or were unable to address these concerns for fear of being branded racists, or because they knew we needed a supply of cheap labour to increase profit for Ukplc, and British workers would refuse to work for 'low' wages.

The voters are given 'informed opinions' by lying politicians, totally partial impartial economists and the pound loving business leaders everyone trying to protect their own interests. Who do we believe? Non of 'em! How do we make our decision? Or has it already been made for us?

The IN / OUT campaigns are psychological warfare; the people are under psychic attack from propaganda that is using fear as its weapon. Our country will be at risk from....Everything and Everyone, if we leave (Higher prices houses, food etc, and Terrorists). Our country will be at risk from Everything and Everyone, if we stay (millions more immigrants, not enough jobs, schools, hospitals etc) A game of chance in a casino economy. This isn't the X Factor or Britain’s Got Talent, this is for the nations future, or so they say, because I have little doubt that the deals have all been done; it's what money wants that counts, global money in the unseen hands of the elite that pull the strings of puppeteer politicians and play the tunes for governments to dance to, and I'm sure they want Britain dancing along arms in arms with France, Germany and the rest of 'em at the Brussels Ball, unless they want a New World disOrder, then there will be no more dancing just disharmony at home and abroad.

Project Fear (their words not mine) is now telling the people that leaving the EU could threaten global peace and bring about a risk of war in Europe, and ISIS and Russia would like it if we were to leave the EU. Cameron is not just a cunt, he is a crazy cunt peddling propaganda that is meant to scaremonger people into submission. Anyway....I thought the government were meant to keep the people that keep them in power safe and secure, that's why they tell us we've got CCTV watching our every move, armed police shadowing every step to keep us safe from terrorists who want to destroy the British home ownership, share holding, foreign holiday way of life, yet the Prime Minister is spreading fear and terror amongst the people he's supposed to protect.

If the Great British public decide to exit the EU then David Cameron will have to go! Replaced by Boris Johnson?! A charismatic fella, connects with people all the makings of a dicktator for the flag waving populist peoples. Across the Atlantic our new special friend could be Donald Trump, that's if he would be prepared to do business with multi-cultural Ukplc.

Prices will go up. What price the cost of living when people are only existing to pursue the latest product? Maybe if people were free from a consumer existence they might start living!
Glossy Sunday paper pull-outs; more Royal pornography a 90 year old tax burden figure head for a near bankrupt Ukplc, a not so Great Britain, the days of Empire have past. Let the statues remain so future generations will learn the truth about our past rather than a photo-shop revisionism of our history. Ghetto mindset of selfie interest. Everyone's seeking acceptance of their existence! Please Like Me! Have my thoughts/feelings been shared? How many care?

The media manipulates the minds of the masses with lies and moral out crys. Politicians lie and the majority have no morals, they preach of the ills of corruption yet Ukplc feeds and facilitates the corruption with foreign aid and cheap London property. Everyone is guilty! Offshore Bank accounts, backhanders, not paying the correct tax its all the same. Power corrupts, and the powerful are the most corrupt. David Cameroon shakes the hands of the “fantastically corrupt” while UK tax and property concessions go into their backpockets, and then stands back in judgement.

Barrack Bully Boy Obama protecting US interests; capital hill and the dollar bill! a New World Order needs a united Europe. Special relationship missiles on British soil, Starbucks on every corner. If not then get to the back of the line. The US need Britain to stay in the EU, so that they have someone to do their dirty work for them. How many of our allies would have joined with Americas war on terror if Britain hadn't backed it? Talking of war in Iraq, where's the Chilcott Report! Lets hope it doesn't take as long as the Hillsborough Enquiry, when after 27 years the truth is out 96 working class fans unlawfully killed and facts covered up., lets hope justice comes quicker, before the guilty die! Wonder what they don't want us to know about in The Chilcott Report....Lies, cover ups, misinformation, What we do know about is the outing of the offshore banking business of the money elite, and that David Cameron is a liar....FACT!
Chilcott Report due out in July! I think they mean this July (2016) Lest we forget that the trouble started with Blair and Bush's illegal war, and now he's got the cheek to say that the only way to defeat ISIS is with having troops on the ground, is he still the Middle East Peace Envoy? I fuckin' hope not, cos he aint done too good a job of it.

Speaking out against the Israeli state doesn't make you Anti-Semitic. Referring to historical facts and mentioning Hitler in relation to them doesn't make you a Nazi. There maybe Anti-Semitic sentiment in the far Left of The Labour Party that need addressing, because lest we forget the Nazi Party in Germany were a Left Wing party....The National Socialist Party!
The Conservatives are no better, the Election for the London Mayor were marred by their Islamaphobic views towards Labour candidate Sadiq Khan, and then we've got UKIP, who just hate everyone that wasn't born in Britain.
First Ken Livingstone, and now Boris Johnson mentions the H word (Hitler) in reference to the EU Referendum, he stated another fact; that Hitler wanted a unified Europe, a superstate, like the European Union. Once again it is deemed in some quarters of the media that it is wrong for politicians to mention Hitler, no it is wrong to try and censor people and hope that if unfortunate truths aren't mentioned then they will go away and people will forget facts. It's interesting that a couple of politicians from the left and right both choose to mention a Totalitarian leader, because that is where we are heading....a Totalitarian state with illusions of democracy whether the vote is Yes to stay in, or Yes to get out.

The referendum has already divided Political parties, friends and families, will these divisions start to polarise if those that wanted to exit lose the vote. Will there be more defections to UKIP, who will emerge the victors whatever the result, because someone will have to address the populists opinion that will grow and see Britain First and the EDL gain support, and as we have seen neither of the major parties seem to be able to do anything, they wont even celebrate St Georges Day by having it as a Bank Holiday. It is an uncomfortable truth that there are growing Nationalist feelings across Europe, it was a close call in Austria; where in the land of Hitler’s birth the Far Right candidate nearly became President. Lets not think it can't happen in Britain, because it already starting, and that's my fear....If we leave the EU then Britain will become far more nationalistic than is healthy. The state machinery is strong Armed Police, Anti- Terror Laws, Total CCTV Surveillance, access to emails etc. It has grown stronger due to Governments scare tactics about our safety and security, people have been led by unfounded fears into acceptance of having freedoms taken away in order to remain free from those that wish to destroy our freedoms. Just who are the terrorists? And do we want this machinery to end up in the hands of The Nationalist Flag waving Peoples Army of UKIP and their like?

In some sort of conclusion, where to place ones cross on June 23rd, in probably the most important decision that the people of Britain have been allowed to make; to Leave or to Remain in the European Union. Whatever the result, I don't think the United Kingdom will be the same again. If we go times may get tough a lot quicker, if we remain it may take a little longer. Nationalism will rise (lets see what happens in the European Champions Final in France this summer.) not just in Britain. If we remain cracks will develop not just between between our government and the EU, because there are other countries that aren't happy with relationships with the Union.
With these sort of decisions, its about the Head and Heart, my heart says if we leave then it would be the first step to some sort of revolution in Britain which could be good, but my head says that the Conservatives would lead it more to the right, and would Labour even get into power to lead it the right way to the left? I certainly wouldn't want this lot of Tory Cunts having total control of the show So if we remain my head says that there will be more compromises Britain has to make with the EU that will be unpopular with the people, I think I'd rather that than the Conservatives having the final say on making new laws, look what they've already done for the poor, made them poorer,the workers, made them work harder all while we are in the EU. My heart says that we should remain, because there is safety in numbers, and the workers of Europe need to remain united, in times when all that is solid is starting to melt into air! The citizens of Ukplc need to vote with their hearts, because all the for/against propaganda has fucked with peoples minds! Here's to hoping the British people have a heart and do the right thing and VOTE TO REMAIN! 

Monday, 25 April 2016

BAD BREEDING - Bad Breeding (*EXCLUSIVE* Free Download of their album! (*AVAILABLE NOW*)

If Stevenage had a sound, then this would be it; Discordant and Disjointed just like the council estates that make up England's first New town. It's from here, a place where “nothing happens except nothingness” that Bad Breeding come from, they have been described in some quarters (NME and The Guardian) as “The Best New Punk Band in Britain.” but hey who believes what they read in the press? Never mind that, take it from me Bad Breeding are something special, a band taking a stand and doing things their way on their terms, this is no corporate cock sucking retro bullshit; this is the now. Bad Breeding’s self titled debut album is a stark statement of intent, a Punk Rock symphony in sixteen parts, a soundtrack to closing factories and steel mills, celebrity culture and aspirations in a divided unequal society run by a government whose moral compass is pointing nowhere. It is a state of the nation address to a nation in a state, where things need addressing. It is the sound of the gory days of 1980's Thatchers Britain fast forwarded to the future were after Thirty Six years nothing politically or socially has changed, if anything things have got worse. Musically think Crass, Flux of Pink Indians with a (dot)dash of Wire fed into the music blender, which has produced a sound akin to a full scale riot. This is angular and angry stuff; with a capital A! music to smash shit up to!! Bad Breeding have taken raging against the machine to another level, but it isn't a mindless thrash, it's intelligent stuff with words that say and mean something:
“Sick of being tied to your institution / Fumbling around for a moment of clarity / Punch drunk from every conflicting demand / I blame myself, blame you, blame everyone//” Bad Breeding speak out for and to a new generation of dispossessed, disadvantaged and discriminated against in a divided we are all in this together (like fuck we are) society. This album is the sound of dissatisfaction and de(con)struction. A relentless roar of rage and frustration with every vocal breath, often struggling to be heard above the barrage of buzz saw guitar that drills into yer skull and the pounding, pummelling bass and drums which shake your spine. The individual songs bleed into each other with feedback and white noise stitching them together to create a seamless and tuneful cacophony that needs to be heard, and demands the listeners attention. This is uncompromising, challenging and confrontational. Fast and frantic, full on and furious. A total onslaught and assault on the senses. Music to torture Tories with; Cameron and his cronies need capturing, locking in a room and forced to listen to this at full volume on repeat play until their ears fucking bleed and their heads explode!. This album is Bad Breeding’s truth, and the truth hurts. Extreme music for extreme times when the walls really need shaking. The kids of today have got everything, yet they have nothing. What they really need is some Bad Breeding in their lives. It's the future, Turning nothingness into something.“Stevenage Calling to the underworld, come out of the cupboards all you boys and girls.” Keeping it real and sticking it to the man rather than selling out to him, Bad Breeding have made their debut album free to download Right Here, Right Now....RIOT ON! 
In the wake of the success of 'left-field' bands like Sleaford Mods and Slaves, and the continued support of mainstream music media Bad Breeding could become The Most Important Punk Band band in Britain. Giving the yoof of today a parental guidance free band that matter!




Friday, 15 April 2016

JOEY RAMONE & FRIENDS - Live in New York (*MPFree Download*)

Hey, Ho, lets go....Here's a little something to remember Joey Ramone who died on this day fifteen years ago.....Today’s post finds him very much alive somewhere and at sometime in New York City  with his all-star band; Daniel Rey-Guitar/Andy Shernof-Bass/Marky Ramone-Drums, blasting out a short, sharp and sweet set of Ramones numbers and a couple of covers.  Enjoy! 

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

LE MAT - The Waltz of The Fool (*VINYL ALBUM, MP3 RE-POST*)

I've been asked to re-post this several times, so here we go. Le Mat came from Southend on Sea, England. Their debut album The Waltz of The Fool was recorded in 1982 over 10 days and on a budget of £2,000 it was eventually released on Friday 13th June 1983 by Whaam records. A very special album that defies all categories; is it folk, post punk, psychedelic or prog rock, who gives a fuck! It is a unique and beautiful record both musically and lyrically. If anything, it sounds in places like a group of travelling Elizabethan mistrals armed with electric guitars singing protest songs for the peasants.  I should have re-posted it way before now, but better late then never. You’d be a fool not to have a waltz to it, so here you go! It is a real gem that still shines brightly after over 30 years, shame this rip from my original vinyl is a bit crackly and has one glaring jump/scratch, I make no apologies for having a well played and loved record in my collection.   Enjoy!

Thursday, 7 April 2016

BLACK BOMBERS - Black Bombers (*A REVIEW*)

The spirits of Nikki Sudden and Johnny Thunders ooze into the mixture of the Black Bombers 5 star Rock'n'Roll petrol. Their self titled debut album is the sound'n'smell of burning rubber; screaching'n'smoking, a full throttle pedal to the metal Rock'n'Roller coaster of a ride that slips and slides across the tarmac. Drums pound and clatter, the Guitar drops out before it stabs you with  chops and slashes. The Bass rumbles on as speakers start to shake and rattle. Vocals are an anguished drawl. Garage Punk at its best; wild and feral with no bullshit to detect. Eleven tracks that kick in the jams and mow you down, leaving you twitching by the roadside. The freshest old sounds I've heard for years; Rock'n'Roll keeps revolving! Black Bombers are a testimony to this and are just the prescription for the summer time blues. The album is released by Easy Action records at the end of May. Highly Inflammable and highly recommended! 

Monday, 28 March 2016

JOHNNY THUNDERS COSA NOSTA - Live @ The Lyceum, London 9th Oct 1983 (* A MPFree Re-Post*)

An anonymous reader/listener who's got good taste has requested this mighty fine Johnny Thunders recording be re-posted, so here it is for whoever you are, and for whoever else wants a blast of some top quality Thunders gear, if they haven't already sampled it!. The Lyceum was packed and Johnny played his heart out for an hour and a half with a collection of top tracks, the old, new, borrowed and blue, the good the bad and the ugly, they are all here, on what is possibly my favourite Johnny Thunders live recording ever; as it captures everything that made him great as a musician and entertainer in just one hit. Enjoy!  


There appears to be a dark cloud descending over the Western world, full of bigotry and intolerance, from Donald Trump to the European Union. Anti this, anti that finger pointing stigmatizing and wall building. Fear and terror spreads, exploding in Airports, Stations and on the streets. Taliban Tabloid terror stalks through readers minds, seeds are planted and start to grow into hanging trees.  We are not so much sleep walking into a total security armed police state where everyone is a terrorist and everything a suspicious package, but are being drugged by doses of misinformation and propaganda. When ignorant people are scared they will believe what the powers tell them and follow blindly down the path the pied piper leads them! those that stay behind need to take care, because a hard rain is gonna fall and there might not be much shelter from the storm.

Friday, 25 March 2016

THE NOVEMBER FIVE - Throwing Rocks Against The Sun (*A REVIEW*)

It's been Three years since their critically acclaimed debut album If You Are Satisfied Then You Are Dead, and The November Five are still angry.   Their new relsease Throwing Rocks Against The Sun packages this rage into a parcel bomb of an album that when played explodes in your stereo. This is awe and some more some stuff. A soundscape of a disUnited and divided Kingdom painted with pounding rhythms, contagious choruses and guitars that chop and cut right through you. Compelling and incendiary stuff, caustic and catchy. Eleven atmospheric and anguished anthems howl at and kick against the cold clinical corrupt and corporate computer age climate. In this environment The November Five are keeping the engine of Music as Revolution running, they're a shining and polished example of Rock'n'Roll at its best, something that fuels the heart and feeds the head. The sound of 21St Century Rhythm'n'Bruise with a touch of Gothic glamour added to the mix. Think The Stooges, Gang of Four, The Godfathers and Joy Division colliding at the crossroads. Throwing Rocks Against The Sun is a work of art, a life affirming and uplifting listen for times when a darkness descends. Do not ignore this machine! If you feel satisfied without giving The November Five a listen, then you really are dead! Check out their Facebook page.

Friday, 11 March 2016


It was over 10 Years ago I started this blog as a means of self expression. I've been a bit quite over the last couple of years, months, weeks, days* (*Delete as applicable)

A Groundhog daze, waking every day to the same global dramas, it's not that I have had No Comment, it's just that I've said so much before that I start to struggle with anything new to say about anything happening in the world.

Repetition gets boring things have changed, nothing has changed power still lies with the powerful the less fortunate are demonized, dehumanized and demoralized by a class less society who wouldn't know good taste if it bit off their tongue while they were drooling at the prospect of a new Iphone, tablet, flash car etc, etc....the choice is endless, the powers we let be call it freedom....economic freedom to them.... entrapment to those that choose their chains! Instant credit long term debt keeps the workers working to pay for their freedom.

On the subject of choice and choices....In or out of Europe? Who knows? Its a destination unknown. How will our lives be affected if we were to stay or go? We will never know unless we were to leave, so looks like the Great British public are gonna have to roll the dice, cos that's what it will be....a gamble, because no forecasts by big business or the bankers will really be able to predict the future if we did break from 'Brussels bureaucratic chains of red tape'

Facts and figures are manipulated by the powers that want us to vote for their side. Stories are fabricated and plant seeds in the peoples minds that grow into real fears that the powers will prey on until people have surrendered to which ever side's propaganda was the most persuasive. The truth is that it is all bullshit, just another chapter in the book of the New World Order. Capital will decide; whatever is best for the Pound, Dollar and Deutsch Mark will prevail and in the pursuit of profits populations will be controlled by fear!

The way I see it is that it is like someone who wants self rule without the interference of the state, but on a larger scale. Some want this self rule away from the European Super-state (the OUT campaign) then there are those that feel we are better having this state control (the IN campaign).
In a pure and ideal world individuals should be able to live in a society based on the ideal of co-operation rather than competition, these society’s should themselves flourish in a world of federalization. I know its not an ideal world and purity has been bought and sold on the free market place,but one can dream.

Human Rights and Workers Rights. Yes the Human Rights Bill might have been used and abused in several cases, usually involving 'illegal immigrants' these are the ones people read about in the papers, the stories are pure propaganda and result from the decisions of judges in High Courts. The establishment establishes its own truths and presents them to the people as the only truth that is to be believed. The Human Rights act is then seen by many people as being detrimental to the country, when the reality is that it offers some protection against the human wrongs in the world. Workers Rights protect people from the profiteers and their penny pinching and poncing from the working population. Without the EU both these Rights and the protection they offer people would not have progressed as far as they have, I mean the British government are presently trying to take away the right to strike away from the Unions.

We don't know what would change, or if things would until we took a collective step over the edge. One thing that does concern me if we were to leave Europe, is that Britain has nothing to trade with the world, all the big industries, mining, steel production etc have been slaughtered by cheap imports encouraged by a succession of Governments leaving Britain as not so much a nation of shop keepers, but a nation that works in shops, a country that serves the rest of the world. In Middle England the self made entrepreneurs feel they would be better off out of Europe and free from its trade laws, as a poorly paid public servant I wouldn't know about this, but it strikes me that they have being doing alright within the EU so far, so what would change for them if Britain were to leave. Well the major driving force of Capitalism is the pursuit of more capital and there is no business however large or small doesn't want to make money, so I conclude that small business feels there is more profit to be made by not being part of a federal European Union.

The media drones on. The war machine marches forward further into a war that no one can win unless they stop the race, because we are heading for a cultural and ideological crash of biblical proportions! The children of Syria are getting dressed in life jackets or suicide vests. Tides of humanity wash up on the shores as Fortress Europe is closing its doors. The freeworld has become a migrant camp for those it has displaced. In its total war on terror Russia, Britain and America have become the real terrorists. What we see....the bodies, the rubble is what they have created and the carnage will continue until their jackboot has stamped humanity into the scorched earth that is all around us. Global domination a Rockefeller dream. Regan, Thatcher, Bush and Blair, the Generals of Free Market Globalization. This is the daily nightmare people awake from and start living in. Communities destroyed by dead industries, the Labour movement destroyed by a dying ideology.

Ground Control busies itself burying bad news under David Bowie's body....never mind life on Mars, what about life on earth? If you don't talk to strangers you may never learn the truth! You need to see through it all like its a double glazed window! If you don't make a stand....You stand for nothing!

Thursday, 11 February 2016

MANUFACTURED ROMANCE - Live in Stevenage 1981 (Re-Post)

Here's a re-post request (sorry it's taken so long Phil) Manufactured Romance are probably and possibly the most ignored band from the Post Punk 1980's era, 10 minutes of fame; One single, the brilliant and beautiful Time of My Life b/w Room To Breath and a couple of tracks on the Backstage Pass compilation. It would be 30 years till the band played together at a few gigs in 2008 and released a self financed and untitled ten track compilation CD of released and unreleased tracks. Anyway, here's what I had to say about Manufactured Romance when I first posted this.  These recordings literally fell out of the sky and hit me on the head, well almost, while putting some stuff into my loft a box of tapes fell out, nearly knocking me off the ladder one of the tapes lying on the floor was this one. I’d forgot I even had it, well borrowed it years ago from the original recorder (cheers Simon.H) the rest of the tapes aint worth writing home about, but this one, well……………..Where to begin? suppose the venue's a start; Bowes Lyon House in Stevenage, and when? 1981 In the space of 2 months Manufactured Romance played a couple of great gigs there and then. Considering this tape is nearly 27 years old, the quality aint too bad, a bit ropey at the beginning but it improves, and is very listenable to, especially when the bands recorded output was minimal; one single, posted here ages ago and a couple of tracks on a compilation album and that was it. Imagine Penetration and X-Ray Spex. Listening to these gigs shows what a great band Manufactured Romance were, a real loss to the 80’s music scene after they disappeared. It also captures the atmosphere from what I remember at both gigs with noisy audiences and skinheads chanting “4th Reich”, the bands original and slightly dubious name. While converting the tape I was transported back there to a room full of punks and skinheads jumping about wildly to the sound of punky pop’n’roll. The only song titles I can tell you they played over both gigs are “Time Of My Life”, “You” and a cover of “Knock On Wood” Great stuff, both then and now. 

MANUFACTURED ROMANCE - Live in Stevenage 1981 Enjoy! but remember....it is what it is!

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

S*M*A*S*H T*H*E D*E*M*O*S - A R*E*P*O*S*T

Here's a repost request, nice'n'timely as there's a film due to be released about S*M*A*S*H and their fellow partners in the new wave of the new wave scene; These Animal Men.  More details about the FLAWED IS BEAUTIFUL DVD can be found here

“This is the sound of the suburbs” Welwyn Garden City in Hertfordshire to be exact “a satellite of London.” Local lads S*M*A*S*H’s flame shone brightly for a couple of years, when they went from ’local band’ status to darlings of the music biz, thanks to the music press sponsored pre Brit Pop;
New Wave of The New Wave, which was basically a load of bands with the attitude, style and sound of bands from between 77-79 lumped together by the NME and Melody Maker, S*M*A*S*H along with These Animal Men were the best of the bunch.
Like the Stone Roses on PCP was how S*M*A*S*H were described by the NME in 1994. On this their first demo recorded in 1990 when they were called Smash At The Blues they sounded more like The Stone Roses without the PCP. With their second demo, (not sure if it is actually their second demo, but it’s the second one in this post) an MC5 aural assault had started to creep into their songs, and they were just S*M*A*S*H. By the time of their 1993 Self Abused demo the PCP had kicked in and thanks to favourable reviews in fanzines, local radio station and a review in the NME the band were on their way, and what a great fucking band they were ,touring tirelessly up and down, and across the country with cheap gigs, cheap merchandise and their own fanzine; Petal Buzz, which helped to spread the word and build them a large and loyal following. Two independently released singles in 1993 received rave reviews and sold out endorsements from The Jesus and Marychain, Joe Strummer, New Statesman and The Guardian soon followed as did a Top Of The Pops appearance and a record deal with Virgin subsidiary Hi-Rise which saw the 2 singles re-released as a mini-album before their debut album Self Abused hit the streets in Sept 1994. More gigs followed including support slots with The Ramones, The Cramps and Corrosion of Conformity.
Sadly S*M*A*S*H disappeared from the radar in 1996. They did start playing again in 2003 and released a second album Icon in 2007, which I don’t think is a patch on their debut, the PCP seemed to have worn off, saying that though, it’s a ton better than a lot of the shite that’s been about over the last few years. Maybe S*M*A*S*H were a band of a moment and that moment may well have past, who knows, because I saw ’em live again at Club 85 in Hitchin a few years back, and they were still on the ball.

The above text is from the original post but the links to the demos are new.  Enjoy'n'Destroy!

Monday, 16 November 2015

NIKKI SUDDEN - Egyptian Roads (*A MPFREE Re-Post.*)



Still no official conformation that the Russian passenger plane downed over Egypt was blown from the sky by ISIS, but I'm pretty sure that it was, but no one dares think what the Russians response, reaction and retaliation will be. The French have already started bombing Syria as a result of the spectacularly staged multiple attacks in Paris last Fri 13th November.
Coincidently the previous day Western 'Hellfire' missiles had killed IS poster boy executioner Jihad John. All this shit will not end well, unless something radical is done like talking rather than killing for example.

Western leaders haven't minded talking to despots like Ghadafi and Saddam in the past, when it has come to business deals. Lets sit down and talk business with IS and see what it is that they want! Because more bombs = more bodies = more bombs = more bodies.
Why isn't the supply of weapons to IS stopped, the West and Russia know where they've come from, cos they built 'em and sold 'em to IS.
The more the terror the more of our civil liberties will be eroded in the name of freedom by the means of fear. Just in whose interest is it to continue the cycle of violence....Not in my name!

No surprise that media reports one of Paris attackers had entered Europe as a migrant from Syria, a reason for more fences across Fortress Europe for the Far Right to hide behind while spreading islamaphobia and creating more tension and violence. The writing is on the wall!

The world we are moving towards unless something is done is one that our so called leaders have built and engineered for us to live in. A world of Total War! and Total Control! with One Total New World Order.


Wednesday, 28 October 2015


Vintage badges but the message is still the same thirty years later. Why are our government buying new nuclear missiles that we can't afford with money that could be spent better elsewhere when we haven't even used the old ones? Or are UKPlc just upgrading their household appliances with our money ready for making us live in fear of massive retaliation or mutually assured destruction from a multitude of possible targets with the possibility of it becoming the new cold war, but just a little bit hotter. We've already got a new Berlin Wall, this time it's made of razor wire and it's meant to keep out the war refugees. Those that have ignored the past are condemning us to repeat it, got the badges!

Credit where credit is due....Yeah the House of Lords is an unelected body of political cronies put there by whatever political power wants them there depending on what they have to offer financially and ideologically. Now their paymasters scream it's a constitutional crisis because they have stood up against the Robin Hood in reverse Working Tax Credit cuts that robs the poor to give to the rich. Don't suppose it would have been an issue if nothing had been said, it would all have been perfectly democratic to make a section of society less well off in order to save money on the Welfare State, sounds well unfair to these ears. Yeah the minimum working/living/existing wage is due to rise....in three years time, but what where the people affected by these proposed changes supposed to do in that gap when they would be worse off? Live on fresh air, numb themselves with prescription drugs or turn to crime?
Anyway lets not get too excited about the altruism of the ermine clad, because they represent themselves and their interests which include businesses, both big and small, who are gonna be effected by the future increase in workers wages, it is in their interest to maintain their profits, which at present is controlled by low pay, zero hours contracts and Welfare Payments....Get The picture?
Unelected bodies making decisions on behalf of the people, well that's democracy for ya.

A Chinese Takeaway....Human Rights sacrificed at the church of consumption as Britain continues to deal with regimes that are backwards thinking with how they treat their people, should this concern us, well yes; it's about morals versus money and once again another government takes the shilling and turns it's head away
Cheap Chinese Steel flooding the European markets over the last few years has forced the closure of several British Steel companies resulting in collateral damage i.e. job losses, still at least those made redundant can get Welfare Benefits....or work with the Chinese building a new British nuclear power station.
Chinese Nuclear Power and Russian Gas, nice to see UKPlc's energy supplies are in safe hands!
At least we've got our friends the Americans to help us out should things get a bit sticky.

Our leaders shake hands with Saudi Sheiks because they want their cash, and all the while the same money funds the terrorism we are waging war against, the same terrorists we created by at first doing business with countries like Iraq and Libya and then turning against them when they demand more from the oil and arms business deals. 
We then sit back and watch the Russians bomb targets in Syria that a pose President Assad, the very forces that the West supports, and then do nothing about the collateral damage; Refugees, that are crossing the European borders. This is the only exit strategy.

A full English Breakfast cancer on a plate if you believe what they are telling us, another scare story believe it all and yer gonna spend too much time dying and not enough of it living! Talking of Bacon....and believing do we really care that Prime Minister David Cameron might have stuck his cock in a dead pigs mouth? It just makes him a perverted cunt rather than just a cunt! “There will be no cuts to Working Tax Credits.” make that a lying perverted cunt!!

Sunday, 13 September 2015


A Labour Party led by Jeremy Corbyn is a “threat to national security.” So says Prime Sinister David Cameron. Sounds like the words of a scared man trying to scare the rest of the people into a state of insecurity and a fear of Britain being run by a Left Wing Government.
The more dirt that is dug and mud that is thrown, the more I am convinced that 'they' are scared and fear the possibility of a real and revolutionary Socialist Government in the future. It looks like the war of attrition is getting closer to victory. It might not be a party that is led by Jeremy Corbyn, and it might not be in five years time, but it will happen!

Corbyn has been rebutted for wanting to print more money to help build a healthy infrastructure for the country by those that thought it was fine for Cameron to create more cash to bail out the bankers. He also wants to nationalise the railways and energy companies this is seen as a bad thing by those that bailed out their banker friends by nationalising The Royal Bank of Scotland. Yes Jeremy Corbyn has shared stages/platforms with militant extremists both Catholics and Muslims, this talking is seen as a bad thing, yet killing them with drones is good. Corbyns election as Labour leader will highlight a lot more political contradictions and differences, it might not fuck the system but it will give it a good kick up the arse!

Saturday, 12 September 2015


At last something that makes sense....
The election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party; because for many years in British politics they have not been the party of opposition!

Tuesday, 8 September 2015


Images of a dead child washed up on the beach of our safe European home stirs the slumbering mass into compassion that wasn't there before the picture was published by the papers. Weren't the images of children being squeezed through railway carriage windows enough? This child is just one of many that have died, the rest have remained unseen....out of sight and out of mind. It would appear that words are not enough for people; they have to see it to believe it.

Immigration, Migration are different issues, as are refugees. Lets not forget that our wonderful Western democracies are ultimately responsible for these crisis's. The media mixes and mashes the terminology in headlines until it has become one whole thing....A FUCKIN' MESS! that no one wants to clear up even though their wars and interventions have made it. They can't even work together and make a start, they just start adding more to the mess by talking about Christians versus Muslims, IS infiltrating those trying to find asylum in the madhouse that they think is a 'better life' If we are not careful this mess will leave a stain Free movement will become even more restricted as borders are shut and the barbed wire goes up around Fortress Europe. Let history be the judge, at this point in time....guilty. I mean British police are now arresting people trying to go to Syria.

Media led politics has seen British Prime Sinister David Cameron take a complete U Turn on the 'refugee crisis' before the picture was published in the papers he was adamant Britain would not be accepting refugees, after the picture he 'opened the doors' to 'the swarm'

Some people have spoken out about how we should welcome the refugees, others are speaking out as to why we should not take any....There aren't enough houses or jobs etc put “Britain First” they say....Fuck 'em that's what I say....refugees, immigrants and migrants are Britain’s future. The knuckle dragging Right Wing are gonna cause fear and panic amongst the ordinary people. Britain has seen a rise of islamaphobic attacks.
Empathy....understanding, or lack of it. People really should stop and think....What if something happened in Britain and they had to flee in fear of their life....It couldn't happen here could it? Well if people believe what the likes of the EDL, Britain First and UKIP....Yes it could, because all the Muslims seeking asylum want us to live under Sharia Law and chop the heads of Christians. Britain was built by immigrants, migrants and refugees, they were our past and should be part of our future. Whose to say that the young Syrian boy kicking around a football might not score the winning goal for England in a future World Cup final.

It's good that Bob Geldof is going to open his home(s) to Syrian refugees, otherwise he'd probably release a charity fund raising single! Spare rooms for Syrians, one way to sort out the 'Bedroom Tax'....People with extra rooms can stay in their property as long as they house a refugee.

Every nation across the world that committed and supported the war on terror should take a proportion of refugees from places like Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, there is enough room in countries like the USA and Australia for example and it will be a damning enditment at the sort of society Britain has become if we stand by and do as little as possible. World War Two guilt has seen refugees welcomed with open arms in Germany, while some countries like Hungary can't wait to get rid of them, and all the while America says and does nothing, while continuing to bomb Syria. A global coalition is needed, including Arab countries like Saudi Arabia, but they need to tread carefully though what with Syria being friendly with Russia.  The world is a big place, there's room for everyone.

It has also come to light that David Cameron has illegally used RAF Drones to take out a couple of British Jhiadists in Syria, under the premise that they were planning an attack on British streets. Cameron mentioned the recent VJ celebration/remembrance day, as having been a possible target although it wasn't until days after the parade that Cameron OK'd their assassination????!!!! This is a disturbing use and abuse of political power, as the House of Commons were not consulted and as yet no evidence has been seen, plus surely if you wanted to stop an attack you'd have taken them out before the possible target event took place.

Refugees from Syria are fleeing their country because of war, as some sort of solution David Cameron is talking about Britain dropping more bombs (not that they aren't already supporting the continued US Bombing of the area.) I can't see this ending well for anyone, least of all the innocent people of Syria.

Talk not bombs! Britain’s past terrorist problem....the IRA is/has been resolved through talks and mediation not through guns and bombs. Labour leadership Jeremy Corbyn knows that talking is the way forward having shared a platform/stage with militants. This fact has been used to try and smear his campaign, when really it is the only way forward....you can't bomb an ideology, but you can talk to one and try and reach some common ground.

Unless there are some short term solutions and long term measures put in place that show compassion and humanity have progressed as much as science and technology has we will enter a new dark age.

Monday, 31 August 2015

CHELSEA - Live @ Bowes Lyon House, Stevenage 29/3/81) *MPFREE DOWNLOAD*

For no reason other than I've been listening to their new album Saturday Night Sunday Morning a lot recently, I'm gonna post a copy of a gig that Chelsea did way back in March of the year 1981, (Sunday 29th to be exact, as the ticket to yer right testifies) at Bowes Lyon House, Stevenage. In 1981 Chelsea were one of the few survivors from the class of 76 still knocking about, they were on the road promoting their soon to be released single Rockin' Horse. It was a new line up from the days of their self titled debut and Alternative Hits era after both James Stevenson and Chris Bashford upped and left Gene without a Guitarist and Drummer. New members were recruited, including Guitarist and songwriter Nic Austin and Chelsea were back in action with some top toe tapping Rock'n'Roll tunes that would become the Evacuate album.
In the 1980's Chelsea had been accepted by a new generation of UK Punk Rockers, and the band toured with Anti-Pasti, Anti-Nowhere League and Chron Gen. Gene was always proud of his punk rock roots, and lets face it without his input despite what history doesn't tell you, in the early days several doors into the music industry might not have been kicked in. By the end of 1982 Chelsea fell apart and Gene pursued a solo career, until 1983 when he got Chelsea back together with a line up that featured several “Stevenage Hooligans” who attended the gig in March 1981 (Guitarist Jon Thurlow, Drummer Geoff Sewell and Bassist Pete Dimmock, were playing in a local band called Optional Xtras, before Jon and Pete left and joined Chron Gen.) Geoff had played drums for Chelsea on the single Stand Out prior to Jon and Pete joining after the split of Chron Gen in 1982. This line up were captured on the Live and Well album. (recorded at The Lyceum in Oct 1983 when Chelsea supported Johnny Thunders.) Jon left soon after, but Geoff and Pete from the Stevenage connection remained and featured on the next couple of studio albums: Original Sinners and Rocks Off, in places both were rather strange Rock'n'Roll affairs; a blissed out and druggy Punk'n'Blues rhythm, not yer standard Chelsea fodder but still good stuff. Neither of them were well received by the music press, Original Sinners has never been released on CD, although there is a planned re-release of Rocks Off. 1989 saw the release of Underwraps, probably Chelseas weakest album, despite the help of Willy from Glam Poppers The Grip and the appearance of ex Clash Drummer Topper Headon on one track, but something was missing.
By the early 1990's Nic Austin was back in the line up along with Mat Sargent on Bass and Chelsea returned to form releasing a couple of cracking albums in quick succession; The Alternative and Traitors Gate. (Both are due to be re-released soon on CD and vinyl)  The classic Chelsea line-up (James Stevenson, Dave Martin, Geoff Myles, Chris Bashford and Gene) re-united in 1999 for the Social Chaos Punk Rock package tour across America, captured on another live Chelsea album; the in yer face and hostile Metallic F.O.
In 2005 minus Myles and Martin Chelsea released a new studio album, Faster, Cheaper, Louder and Better Looking, a great fist in the air pumping and powerful collection of new numbers that saw Chelsea move up a gear, one in which they have continued to the present day; their latest album is a classic,  due to the strength of the latest line up that unites Nic Austin and James Stevenson into an awesome twin guitar attack, alongside a solid rhythm section and Gene's passionate vocal delivery of songs that say something. Saturday Night Sunday Morning, check it out now! Until then rewind back to Stevenage 1981 and check out this piece of aural punk rawk history. The Sound quality is OK....it is what it is.... 
Thanx to whoever it was that originally passed the files my way, sorry my mind has gone blank and I can't remember yer name, but it might have been Harry The Bastard, or it might not have been.