Samsung Gear S3 review: get it, but don't bet your life on it

Samsung Gear S3 smart watch
Samsung Gear S3 smart watch

Me: Gear S3, remind me to talk about your excellent positive attributes in five minutes.

Gear S3: Are you ready to save the reminder "Talk about your excellent positive attributes" due on November 28th? Or say "Change the reminder".

Me: Yes I am ready.

Gear S3: Your task called "Talk about your excellent positive attributes" has been saved.

Samsung Gear S3 is so close to convincing you its a 'real' watch.
Samsung Gear S3 is so close to convincing you its a 'real' watch. John Davidson

One day, probably not many years from now, humanity is going to look back at the fitness tracker craze and ask itself, what on god's green earth were we thinking?

Did we really believe the nonsense data that fitness trackers and smart watches were spurting out, or did we know it was nonsense but we didn't care anyway?

Case in point: on my latest bicycle commute to and from the office, the health monitor on the Samsung's new Gear S3 smart watch reported that my average heart rate was 144 beats per minute (bpm) going to work, and 124 bpm coming home again. Which could conceivably make sense, except that my ride to work is downhill, and my ride home is, it follows, uphill.

The Gear S3, which has an altimeter, had my altitude for those two rides ranging from 13 metres to 67 metres on the ride to work, and from minus 7 metres to 43 metres on the ride home. Both of those might be true (though minus 7 metres in Sydney is stretching credulity), but they can't both be true at the same time. The routes to and from work only vary by one, unhilly block.

Meanwhile, an Apple Watch strapped to the other wrist had my average heart rates for that commute at 87 bpm and 105 bpm, respectively, which at least fits the terrain even if it's probably not completely accurate either. Fitbit, another maker of such devices, is currently being sued for having bogus heart rate measurements in its smart watches and fitness trackers, and the only thing I think is wrong with that lawsuit is it's only complaining about one manufacturer. Based on the tests we've done here in the Digital Life Labs over the years, it could easily be all of them being sued.

The Gear S3 Classic (top) and Gear S3 Frontier
The Gear S3 Classic (top) and Gear S3 Frontier

Getting back to the question of whether we don't know or we don't care it's all rubbish, I'm guessing it's the latter, the lawsuits notwithstanding. There's been a lot of not caring about facts of late (case in point, the recent US presidential election), and fitness trackers are probably just more of the same.

Gear S3 (buzzing on my wrist): Reminders - Talk about your excellent positive attributes.

But at least in the case of the Apple Watch, and now even more so in the case of Samsung's Gear S3, the devices are worth getting and wearing even if their fitness sensors are a little bogus. Or a lot bogus, in the case of the altimeter.

The Gear S3, Samsung's ninth Gear smart watch, is by far its best, and depending on whether you prefer round watches or square ones, arguably the best smart watch ever made. With its new "Always On" watch face, that stays on (albeit dimly) even when the watch is in low-power mode, and with its rotating bezel that you spin to control the various functions on the device, it's certainly the smart watch that looks and operates most like a regular watch, which has been half the battle with these things.

The other half of the battle is making them worth having despite their numerous and obvious shortcomings. Being able to talk to your watch and have it set timers and reminders for you is something we've found to be invaluable, and probably the best feature of smart watches, especially when you're doing things like cooking where your hands are busy doing other things.

With the Gear S3, you just set a phrase such as "Hey stupid!" (which is what we would recommend, given the accuracy of the fitness results) or "Gear S3" (which is what we did, knowing we were going to transcribe the conversations word-for-word into this review), and then when you say that phrase the watch then does whatever comes next in your sentence.

Me: Gear S3, show me my schedule.

Gear S3: Here are your calendar items . . .

The watch has to be woken up to listen for the voice activation phrase, which is a slight drawback when your hands are busy, because it means you have to raise your wrist to wake it up. But the Apple Watch is the same, and it's an understandable power-saving technique on devices that have a short enough battery life as it is.

(The Gear S3 has a three-day battery life, but with its new "Always On" display mode turned on – a terrific mode we'd highly recommend, by the way, even if it doesn't yet work with home-made watch faces – it's more like a day and a half, meaning you'll have to charge it every night, meaning you won't be able to use it to monitor your sleep. That would be a pity if it wasn't for the fact that the sleep measurement, just like the other fitness band features, is a little bogus.)

We've found the Gear S3's voice recognition to be a good deal slower than the recognition on the Apple Watch, but, like the little engine that could, it's remarkably accurate, maybe even a little more accurate than the Watch, which is saying something.

Having good voice recognition opens up a tonne of things you can do with your watch. You can say "Hey stupid, take a voice note" and it opens up the voice memo app on the Gear S3. You can say "Hey stupid, turn on white light" to use your watch as a (dim) flashlight. And you can say "Hey stupid, call Joe Bloggs on his mobile phone" and it will open up the phone app and make the call, using the Gear S3 (which now has a speaker on it, unlike the Gear S2) as a Bluetooth headset connected back to your phone. We've made and received plenty of calls on the watch, and it's a great feature when you're hands are, say, covered in chicken gizzards and you don't want to get your phone dirty.

There's actually a version of the Gear S3 that has its own mobile phone connection built right into it, but Samsung's isn't releasing that version in Australia, due to it not being supported by Australian carriers.

Let's hope the carriers change their minds, because being able to make and receive calls without having to be in Bluetooth range of your phone would be brilliant. You'd be able to take it jogging or bicycle riding, leave your mobile phone at home, and still know that at least one function on the thing works as advertised.

Me: Gear S3, remind me never to trust your fitness tracker when I'm riding to work.

Gear S3: Here's your task for November 28th. Ready to save it?