Intel moves to deal itself into the Artificial Intelligence game

Brian Krzanich, chief executive officer of Intel, is positioning his company to be central in enabling artificial ...
Brian Krzanich, chief executive officer of Intel, is positioning his company to be central in enabling artificial intelligence. Patrick T. Fallon
by Paul Wallbank

Optimised processors and a re-invigorated ecosystem lie at the heart of Intel's plan to lead in a computer industry increasingly driven by artificial intelligence applications.

Desperate to regain leadership in an sector where it is perceived to have been left behind by recent development, Intel's management used its recent Artificial Intelligence Day in San Francisco to lay out a vision to be a key part of the AI sector, which has been dominated by software and cloud-based vendors including Microsoft, Amazon and Google.

Core to the company's plans are neural computing and networks, said Intel's CEO Brian Krzanich.

"We're evolving into a company that powers all the billions of smart and connected devices," he told the audience. "Without some form of AI that data just becomes noise."

The company plans to use a group of recent acquisitions to drive its hardware and software based AI initiatives to counter competitors such as Qualcomm and Nvidia, which have been more successful in capturing recently developing computing sectors such as gaming and mobile devices.

Neural CPU designer Nervana Systems, which Intel acquired for more than $US400 million last August, is the cornerstone of Intel's AI strategy along with business analytics service Saffron Technology and visual processing company Movidius.

The entire AI initiative will be branded under the Nervana name. "This is designed to bring us to the top of deep learning and machine learning," Mr Krzanich said.

CEO of Nervana Systems Naveen Rao sees a stripped down chip working in a neural network as being the future for the hardware underpinning artificial intelligence platforms.

"There are tried and true methods of chip architecture that we basically questioned," he told The Australian Financial Review.

"We don't need high levels of generality and we don't need this to work on energy or weather simulations, so we removed some of that baggage."

The Nervana technologies will also be integrated into Intel's product roadmap with the next generation "Lake Crest" chips slated to be available for testing in the first half of 2017 and the more advanced "Knights Crest" expected to arrive later in year.

Coupled with the hardware initiatives, Intel also announced an alliance with Google to help enterprise IT deliver an open cloud infrastructure focused on machine learning, security and IoT along with the Intel Nervana AI Academy to provide developer training and tools.

The company was also keen to demonstrate what artificial intelligence can deliver for organisations. It highlighted work including a $25 million, five-year contribution to the Broad Institute's genomics analytics program, the Hack Harassment scheme to reduce the prevalence and severity of online harassment, and partnering with the National Centre for Missing & Exploited Children to help find missing children and respond to reports of child sexual exploitation.

Further bolstering the company's AI commitments are planned partnerships with online course provider Coursera to provide a series of AI online courses to the academic community, as well as a Kaggle Competition to be launched in January aiming at applying the technology to real-world problems such as early detection for cervical cancer in developing countries through the use of AI for soft tissue imaging.

Despite Intel's grand plans, Gartner analyst Anthony Mullen warned its strategy may not be foolproof. 

"Just as Amazon Web Services plans to launch their own artificial intelligence cloud service, Intel highlights that they will prioritise on-premise over cloud-based AI. There are questions on how large this market may ultimately be," he said.

"Intel's recent roadmap for AI finally brings a more cohesive narrative to their AI strategy. On the hardware front their new chip promises new architectural advantages in scaling and fast neural network calculations but as yet the chips have yet to be rigorously tested in the field."

Mr Mullen said Intel could begin to make back some ground lost to NVIDIA and AMD, which is helping support the massive computational AI demands of companies such as Google and Facebook."

"If Intel can quicken its software development expertise and cover the range of machine learning executional domains from cloud to premise and importantly on edge devices, then their reimagining will be complete," he said.

The author travelled to San Francisco as a guest of Intel.