CyberGym's Ofir Hason tells Australian firms to brace for cybersecurity beaches

CyberGym chief executive Ofir Hason says even MRI machines can be attacked.
CyberGym chief executive Ofir Hason says even MRI machines can be attacked. Supplied

One of Israel's cyber gurus has warned transport, aviation and healthcare companies to brace for a wave of cyber attacks in the next 12 months.

Ofir Hason, the former head of the Israel Shin Bet security agency's cyber unit and founder and chief executive of CyberGym, told The Australian Financial Review thes industries had previously escaped the attention of cyber criminals, but that was changing.

"There's a lot of additional sectors that we haven't seen cyber attacks happening in. For example, healthcare equipment like MRI machines. We haven't seen these attacks this year, but I think in the near future we will," he said.

"There's also going to be more attacks on transportation, aviation and airports and mining. Another thing that is changing is that the results of the attacks will be bigger and more significant. We will lose human life and the public order will be damaged significantly."

Mr Hason, whose business CyberGym is 50 per cent owned by Israel's only electricity supplier, the Israel Electric Corporation (IEC), said cyber attacks were increasingly aimed at disrupting public order, causing things like train disruptions and blackouts.

"I don't know if the motivation is cyber terror or not, but it's happening," he said. "Just a few days ago there was an attack on the San Francisco train network."

The ransomware attack on San Francisco's metro resulted in all its ticket machines going offline on Saturday, which in the US was one of the busiest shopping days of the year thanks to the four-day long sale period for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

CyberGym is a cyber training organisation, targeting government and corporates. It was formed in conjunction with the IEC because the electricity organisation is one of the most attacked organisations in the world, experiencing about six million cyber threats a month.  

The firm runs courses for IT professionals through to board members and mid-tier managers, placing them in a real-life cyber attack situation and coaching them in how to respond.

The simulated attacks are based on real events, and the company has access to underground forums on the dark web, which gives it insight into how attacks are perpetrated that regular citizens can't access.

Despite the San Francisco train attack only happening on Saturday, CyberGym already has a real simulation of this prepared that it's using with transport infrastructure companies in countries across the world.

The company is chaired by Australian economist and diplomat Geoff Raby, who was a former Australian ambassador to China, and sees the Asia Pacific region, in particular Australia, as a major growth market for the company.

Mr Hason said Australia was still playing catch-up with countries such as Israel and the US when it comes to its cyber-preparedness, but there was an increasing awareness at the c-suite level that this it is a critical business issue.

"We have seen growth in the number of attacks in Australia in the last few months and we believe it will keep increasing," he said.

"The Asia Pacific from our perspective will be our focus for 2017 and 2018. We believe it is walking around with a big target on its back."

In the past 12 months a number of major cyber attacks have come to light, including data breaches at companies such as LinkedIn, Yahoo and Google.

In all of these cases the breaches had actually occurred a few years earlier, but Mr Hason said he did not believe that the companies had only just discovered the breaches.

"My opinion is that organisations like LinkedIn, Yahoo and Google knew about the attacks immediately, but they did not make it public because of the business consequences," he said.

"You can't have millions of users records stolen without knowing about it."