
Get ready for summer: experts share tips on avoiding potentially fatal hazards

Thursday marks the beginning of summer - in some respects the most dangerous time of the year. From the weather to wildlife to dodgy Christmas leftovers, experts have shared their advice on how to protect against some of summer's biggest threats. 


With the second-wettest winter on record fuelling widespread vegetation growth, and heatwaves forecast for December, fire authorities will be on high alert this summer.

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How to stay safe in a bushfire

As the hot weather returns Russell Jones from DFES offers three tips to stay safe if your property is under threat.

Dr Richard Thornton, chief executive of the Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre, said fire agencies were seeing very high levels of vegetation growth, particularly of grass species, which will dry out rapidly as the mercury climbs.

"That will result very much in an increased grassfire risk coming up over this summer," he said.

A bushfire rages in Londonderry in November as firefighters battle to contain the blaze.

A bushfire rages in Londonderry in November as firefighters battle to contain the blaze. Photo: Nick Moir

The November update of the Southern Australia Seasonal Bushfire Outlook 2016-17 warns that more active than normal fire conditions can be expected across a greater area.


"A lot of the areas in NSW and Victoria, particularly in the western parts of those states, are particularly susceptible to grassfires," Dr Thornton said.

"People associate bushfires with images they see on TV, of forests burning, but the critical thing about the grassfires we're likely to see this year is that they can be very intense," he said. "Grassfires move very quickly, they can start very easily from something as relatively innocuous as a farmer doing some work in the fields or a person parking a car with a hot exhaust in some grassy areas. On the really bad fire danger days, those with very high winds and very hot, we expect fires to move very rapidly."

Dr Thornton said research showed people still underestimated their personal levels of risk in the event of a bushfire. "We're still finding people don't have adequate bushfire plans, that they haven't practised those plans, they haven't written them down and importantly, they don't have a fallback position ... if their first plan doesn't work."

He said the costs of responding to and recovering from bushfires were rising as more houses and infrastructure were built in fire-prone areas.

"On top of that we've got the changing climate to deal with, which will bring more days which are likely to be like the days we saw on Black Saturday or Ash Wednesday," he said.

Dr Andrew Watkins, Acting Head of Climate Monitoring and Prediction at the Bureau of Meteorology, said the months of May to September this year were the wettest in 117 years of records. "Spring has continued that trend and indeed we're looking at our wettest spring since 2011 [in NSW]," he said. 

The bureau's summer outlook shows "reasonably good odds of having drier than normal conditions" on the east coast, including much of NSW and Victoria, and "high odds of having warmer than normal temperatures through large parts of eastern Australia", he said. 

A more northerly weather pattern had created an enhanced risk of heatwaves in December, Dr Watkins said, with temperatures of 40 degrees and above expected later this week in southern Queensland and northern NSW. Warm water off the coast would also help generate more tropical cyclones, he said.

More information on preparing and planning for bushfires can be found here

Shark attacks

There has been a spate of shark attacks off the north coast of NSW this year.

There has been a spate of shark attacks off the north coast of NSW this year. Photo: iStock

spate of shark attacks around Byron Bay and Ballina this year has prompted some people to re-think their summer holiday plans. 

"I've heard people say they're cancelling their holidays to the north coast of NSW because there's too many sharks," Dr Daniel Bucher, senior lecturer in Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries Biology at Southern Cross University, said.

But despite the publicity surrounding such attacks, Dr Bucher said the risk of being killed by a shark is low. "There's never been a fatal attack on a patrolled beach during patrol hours," he said. 

Dr Bucher said the NSW north coast and south-west coast of Western Australia had been described as "hot spots" for shark activity, but with aerial surveys, drone monitoring and a volunteer shark watch program at Byron Bay - as well as a government shark net trial - "the beaches on the north coast in NSW are probably amongst the safest in the country these days", he said.

Dr Bucher said sharks were unlikely to venture into shallow water, but swimmers should stay in groups at popular beaches, avoid the water at dawn and dusk and stay out of dirty water and river plumes after summer storms.

Surfers in deeper water could protect themselves with a shark shield, a device which uses electrical waves to deter sharks, as well as by painting the underside of their boards with high-contrast stripes to signal danger to sharks, he said.

Skin cancer

Just a few minutes in the sun without protection is enough to cause damage, experts warn.

Just a few minutes in the sun without protection is enough to cause damage, experts warn. Photo: Cameron Spencer

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in Australia, costing the health system an estimated $1 billion annually. It kills about 2000 people each year, with two in three Australians diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70.

Sunburn causes 95 per cent of melanomas, the most deadly form of skin cancer. And while awareness campaigns have helped decrease the rates of melanoma in those aged under 40, millions are still going out in the summer sun without adequate protection. 

"It can only take a few minutes to burn, which is the strongest indication of sun damage," Professor Sanchia Aranda, chief executive of Cancer Council Australia, said. "We still have a significant proportion of Australians who think that a tan is healthy. Just because you don't burn doesn't mean you're not at risk."

Professor Aranda said people needed to think about UV levels rather than heat. "People get caught out because they think clouds or cooler weather will protect them from sunburn, but it's not actually the case," she said. "[There's] a lot of UV in Australia, in summer time it's always high during the day."

She said it was important to use all five types of sun protection - protective clothing, hats, seeking shade, wearing sunglasses and sunscreen. Sunscreen should be applied 20 minutes before going outdoors, be reapplied every two hours and "should never be used to extend the time you spend in the sun".

Most skin cancers were easily treated if they were detected early, Professor Aranda said. She urged people to check regularly for signs of skin cancer, including moles or spots that were growing or changing.

Food poisoning 

Scanning electron micrograph showing Salmonella typhimurium red invading cultured human cells.

Scanning electron micrograph showing Salmonella typhimurium red invading cultured human cells. Photo: Rocky Mountain Laboratories,NIAID,NIH

Hot weather, festive dining and power outages can be a recipe for disaster over summer, the Food Safety Information Council warns.

Chair Rachelle Williams said food poisoning was one of  Australia's biggest health issues, costing an estimated $1.25 billion annually. Government statistics show there are an estimated 4.1 million cases each year, resulting in an average of 86 deaths,  31,920 hospitalisations and one million visits to doctors each year.

Potentially hazardous foods needed to be kept in the fridge, Ms Williams said. "We don't want those to be kept out at room temperature for any length of time because the longer they're at room temperature, and the hotter the room temperature is, the  more likely [it is] that bacteria are going to be growing and potentially making people very sick."

She said people did more outdoor entertaining over summer "and so the chances of food being at a higher temperature is much greater". Summer storms also increased the likelihood of power outages. While food stored in the freezer could last 24 hours in a blackout, food from the fridge should be thrown out or cooked straight away if the outage lasted eight hours, she said.

Ms Williams said that to reduce the risk of food poisoning at barbecues, cooked meat should always be put on a clean plate and beverages stored in an Esky rather than replacing food in the fridge.

She warned against serving homemade aioli and mayonnaise and recommended people serve small amounts of food at a time, replacing it with fresh food if it had been out for two to three hours. "Don't top it up, change the food," she said. "People don't like chucking out food, but it's not safe."
