Daily Life

Michelle Williams: Matilda not having her dad Heath Ledger 'won't ever be right'

Almost nine years after Heath Ledger's death, his former partner and fellow actor, Michelle Williams, said she will never accept his absence in their daughter's upbringing.

Speaking to the latest issue of Net-a-Porter's monthly magazine, Porter, the Manchester by the Sea star, 36, said it will never be right to raise 11-year-old Matilda without the Perth-born star by her side.

"In all honesty, for pretty much everything else, I feel like I'm a believer in not fighting circumstances, accepting where you are and where you've been," she said. "In pretty much all senses but one, I would be able to go totally down that line of thinking were it not for Matilda not having her dad. You know, that's just something that doesn't…I mean, it just won't ever be right."

She has found solace and support in women going through the same circumstance.

"I know a handful of women in similar positions [to me], it's kind of like a club," she said. "It's a shitty club and we don't want any new members … and all the current members are exhausted. But man, oh man, it's lifesaving to have [them]."

The Dark Knight actor was found dead of an accidental overdose in his New York apartment in 2008 at the age of 28 when Matilda was two-years-old.


Ledger and Williams met on the set of the 2005 film, Brokeback Mountain. After three years together, they split the year before his death.

Williams dated How I Met Your Mother actor Jason Segel and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close author Jonathan Safran Foer, but is now single and not really ready to mingle.

"Talk about a learning process. I think, God, what would I say about [dating]? I feel really sensitive about it and certainly did not expect to still be dating at 36 with an 11-year-old. This is not what I imagined," she said.

"I'm like a cat, I'm a very domestic creature. I just want to stay home and take care of people. But I'm also happy with myself and just because I might have a desire to be with someone…that won't lead me to marry the wrong person."
