Daily Life

Why an Australian woman felt compelled to go door to door campaigning for Hillary Clinton

I've never volunteered for a political party before. Aside from espousing my politics on Twitter and making sure my vote is an informed one, about as involved as I get in my civic duty in Australia is patronising the polling booth sausage sizzle on election day. So why did I volunteer to go door to door for Hillary Clinton one chilly morning in rural New Hampshire?

There's a certain pomp and circumstance that comes with American politics, especially in contrast to Australia's flat and literally interchangeable politicians, that draws you in.

It is going to be a narrow fight to the finish for Hillary Clinton.
It is going to be a narrow fight to the finish for Hillary Clinton.  Photo: AP

With larger-than-life characters like the sentient puddle of vomit representing the Republican Party and an almost two-year election campaign, the stakes seem so much higher, and they are.

This is not to say that I think the federal republic model America employs is better (in fact, my rudimentary knowledge of the ins and outs of politics leads me to believe that a parliamentary system is superior), but there is more riding on it, and certainly this time around, what with the frightening possibility of an easily angered reality TV star at the helm of the free world.

Hillary Clinton has galvanised campaign supporters to declare they are #WithHer
Hillary Clinton has galvanised campaign supporters to declare they are #WithHer Photo: Andrew Harnik

The stars just so happened to align to put me in the US during the harried final weeks of election season when fellow Aussie, expat Rachel Hills, asked me if I'd be interested in joining her in volunteering for Clinton. I figured, why not? I don't have everyday responsibilities like work and family that prevent me from giving my time to political causes locally and when else will I get the chance to be a part of history by helping to elect the first woman president? I can't vote for Hillary, but volunteering is a way to show that I'm #WithHer.

Rachel agreed, telling me that "the idea of the first woman president excites me, but the idea of Hillary Clinton as the first woman president really excites me, more than any other woman who could possibly run."


So on the Saturday before the election I car-pooled to Hampton, New Hampshire with Bill and Nancy James, both 67, and David Nicholson, 23, all from Boston and surrounding areas, to knock on doors as part of the Get Out the Vote initiative.

At the campaign office we were given a five-minute briefing, manilla folders with the names and addresses of residents identified to be democratic voters, and door hangers printed with voting information if the constituents weren't home.

We knocked on about 50 doors on an almost-freezing morning and spoke to people at about half of those homes. Most were happy to inform us that they were intending to or had already voted not only for Clinton but blue all the way down the ballot, while some expressed exasperation that they had already been visited by between five and 15 volunteers recently.

A few people mentioned that they hadn't seen any Trump volunteers soliciting votes in the area. Only one person turned us away because they didn't want to speak to Democrats, while one driver yelled obscenities from his truck. Though the neighbourhood seemed to be relatively progressive, we did spot a few homes that were emblazoned with Trump/Pence placards. Despite these few, our canvassing didn't seem to indicate that anyone was planning on abstaining from the polls on election day.

Talking to Nancy, a HR professional, and David, a data analyst, I discovered they were originally Bernie Sanders supporters who weren't just exercising their democratic right to vote for Clinton but volunteering their time to help her prevail.

Nancy knew she would win the nomination, but by voting for Sanders she was hoping to send a message to Clinton about the issues Bernie supporters were passionate about, such as education and big banks, so that "she [would] carry that forward".

Nancy, who grew up in a Republican household, was encouraged by her husband Bill, a project manager, also from a Republican family, to trek to New Hampshire this past Saturday morning. David, meanwhile, trusts Sanders' judgment in endorsing Clinton. "Plus anyone's better than Trump," he said.

Alanna Lauren Greco, writing for Glamour about her volunteer experience, feared similarly that if she didn't help register voters – ones that could potentially help make the difference for Hillary – she'd be complicit in "turning America into a misogynist, white supremacist dystopia". Like Greco, that's not something I can live with, however tangentially it affects me.

The 70,000 volunteer shifts completed the weekend of October 29-30 – "more than on the same weekend in 2008 or 2012 for President Obama" – would indicate that many others can't live with that either.

With a lot of first-time volunteers among the 80 people expected to head up to NH for that morning shift alone, the numbers from last weekend will likely be much higher. They'll all go towards electing Hillary Clinton as the next President of the United States of America, a historic event that I had a small hand in making happen.
