Daily Life

Swedish broadcaster Alexandra Pascalidou describes online threats of sexual torture and graphic abuse

"I've been called a dirty whore, a bloody Gypsy, Jewish, Muslim slut, a Greek parasite, a disgusting migrant, stupid psycho, an ugly liar, a biased hater. They keep telling me to go home, to kill myself or they will shoot me, cut my tongue off, break my fingers one by one. They keep threatening me with gang rapes and sexual torture."

Alexandra Pascalidou is a celebrated Swedish broadcaster and author. Of Greek heritage, she's also been the target of racism and graphic misogyny throughout her 20-year career. Even in one of the world's most progressive democracies.

But the proliferation and magnification of the kind of online abuse confronting many women journalists globally has pushed her to the edge. In a testimony before the European Commission Colloquium on Media Pluralism and Democracy in Brussels last week, she said she'd been subjected to "... micro aggressions, humiliations. Letters and e-mails not only addressed to me but also to my bosses hoping they would fire me".

The intimate nature of these attacks, often received on the personal devices we reach for first thing in the morning and last thing at night, further sharpen the impact. "There are days when I wake up to verbal violence and fall asleep with sexist and racist rage echoing in my ears. It's like a low-intense, constant warfare", Pascalidou said.

"Eventually, you start censoring yourself. You blame and shame yourself. At some point you even start hating yourself – and there is something about the nameless nature of it – when you don't know where a threat is coming from that really poisons your mind."


I was sitting opposite her at the European Commission Colloquium when she gave her testimony. And like many of the diplomats, academics, journalists and lawyers in the room, I felt it like I was kicked in the chest. The powerlessness she described resonated most strongly.

"When I went to the police they said: we can't help, it's anonymous, but keep quiet, mask yourself, change your route to work, move to another apartment, leave the country for a while. I understand it's not easy for them, either. But the problem is you become the problem. The troublemaker. Not the perpetrators," she said.

According to the United Nations Broadband Commission, two thirds of women have been subjected to cyberviolence. And the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja​ Mijatovic​ has sponsored research that demonstrates the international impact of the online abuse of female journalists who are disproportionately targeted for hate-trolling.

That research followed a study by British think tank Demos that examined hundreds of thousands of tweets and found journalism was the only category where women received more abuse than men, "with female journalists and TV news presenters receiving roughly three times as much abuse as their male counterparts". The keywords for the abusers were "slut", "rape" and "whore".

Fairfax columnist Jenna Price has experienced similar online harassment in Australia. "…once a week, some thug will suggest that what will fix my feminist mindset is a good raping. There is nothing more terrifying than opening your email to pictures of beheaded women, or women being beaten and sexually assaulted. I had sleepless nights," she has told Daily Life.

As Pascalidou testified before the European Commission, the online abusers have one clear goal: "Their goal is our silence. It's censorship hidden behind the veil of freedom of speech. Their freedom becomes our prison. And even if you block and mute and report and delete this toxic tyranny, after a while, you internalise it."

While threatening violence against any woman on or offline is intolerable, the emphasis on defending women journalists and bloggers reflects the value placed on the internationally recognised human right to freedom of expression, which is historically linked to press freedom.

"The rise of 'digital darkness' is a major force that we simply can't dismiss any more," Pascalidou said.

She told me she would like to see the establishment of a global network of women journalists to provide support in the struggle against online harassment, a challenge that's even more difficult for freelance journalists who often endure these attacks in silent isolation.

"Some say switch it off, it's just online. It doesn't count. But it does count, and it's having a real impact on our lives. Hate hurts. And it often fuels action IRL [in real life]," Pascalidou said, pointing to the manner in which online harassment can cross over into the physical realm, especially in the context of weak digital safety protocols, compounding psychological injury.

"I have been surrounded by Nazis in restaurants. I've had armed Nazis outside my home. They've turned up at libraries when I talked about my books. They photographed me and published articles full of lies that they later put in my letterbox [on] a Saturday night while I was at home with my daughter. A clear message that they know where I live and that they can get me at any time."

I shared Pascalidou's testimony at the International Newsroom Summit in London this week and a dozen women journalists and editors approached me afterwards to share their stories of online harassment and discuss what could be done to counter the problem. The problem, they said, had escalated in the aftermath of Donald Trump's presidential election win, which is viewed as having licensed misogynistic behaviour online. That was also a point made in Brussels during the European Commission Colloquium.

The good news in Pascalidou's case: sometimes talkfests do lead to direct action. The European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality Vera Jourova heard her testimony about the failure of police to investigate her serial harassment. The next day she spoke to the Swedish Justice Minister to call for action in the journalist's case.

Here are some of the suggestions I explored for countering online hate speech against women journalists at the International Newsroom Summit, where I spoke about "Dealing with trolls and taking online harassment seriously in newsrooms":

1. Acknowledge the problem and take the impacts seriously

2. Provide specific training for women journalists to help them deal with cybermisogyny

3. Provide adequate digital safety training for journalists

4. Stimulate senior management awareness of the issues and disseminate to all staff

5. Escalate early, report breaches to the police

6. Request access to technical, legal and psychological support

7. Invest in community engagement management (including clear policies and guidelines for intervention, along with adoption and communication of effective abuse reporting tools/processes)

8. Consider adding misogynistic terms to comment moderation guidelines

9. Devote editorial resources to coverage of these issues

10. Make a plan to deal with potential harassment at the commissioning stage of "lightning rod" stories

11. Develop holistic strategies: involve cybersecurity staff, senior editors, editorial trainers, workplace health and safety teams, social media editors in developing and disseminating policies and guidelines.

These are approaches we're exploring at Fairfax Media and I'd welcome collaboration with other newsrooms, female journalists and bloggers internationally to tackle a problem that is a genuine challenge to journalism safety and freedom of expression.

Julie Posetti is Fairfax Media's digital editorial capability lead. Twitter @julieposetti, Julie.Posetti@FairfaxMedia.com.au
