
Yellow Peril again? Foley attacks Doyle over new Melbourne sculpture Habitat-Filter

You could be forgiven for thinking it was 1978 all over again.

Melbourne's lord mayor Robert Doyle and Victoria's Creative Industries Minister Martin Foley are at loggerheads over a new public artwork, bringing back memories of the "Yellow Peril" controversy that doomed a modernist sculpture to be dismantled from its central city location.

Mr Doyle told media ahead of its launch on Wednesday that the new sculpture Habitat-Filter was "too intrusive" and just "a road with some stuff that you look at".

The $20,000 work, in Melbourne's arts precinct at the exit of the Burnley and Domain tunnels, features eight "pods" protruding at angles out of a large traffic island.

"It's a pity it's in the middle of the arts precinct," Mr Doyle told The Herald Sun. "It could even be the new Yellow Peril," he said, referring to the Ron Robertson-Swann abstract sculpture, actually called Vault, that was commissioned by the Melbourne City Council in 1978.

Vault was derided by tabloid media and controversially dismantled two years later, after the council's sacking, before being re-erected in Batman Park.


Ironically, Vault now resides just a couple of hundred metres from Habitat-Filter, in front of the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art.

Mr Foley accused Mr Doyle of being stuck in the past, calling his comments "antediluvian" and "unhelpful".

"I fear he is making the mistake of repeating the worst aspects of our history when it comes to public sculpture," Mr Foley said.

"I'm worried about the cultural direction of the lord mayor, who wants to be determinant of taste in these things and risk taking us back to those bad old days ... and risks breaking the heart of our design community, who look to Melbourne City Council as an ally, not as a barrier."

Mr Foley applauded designers Matt Drysdale, Matt Myers and Tim Dow for the sculpture's sustainable design elements. He said it fit with Melbourne's identity as a creative and cultural capital.

"My own personal view is I think they look like a series of giant post-it notes that are actually giving us messages about what kind of future this city could be," he said.

Yet to properly grow, Habitat-Filter includes a landscape of indigenous plants to attract wildlife, along with nesting boxes, and solar-powered lights.

"It's not meant to create a separation between what the urban city is built for, it's meant to blend the two together," Mr Drysdale said.

Mr Drysdale said he welcomed debate over the public work but was disappointed it had become politicised.

Mr Doyle has been contacted for further comment.

