

The 'look at me' narcissistic politics of the left

The protest in Parliament House last week was another opportunity to reflect on the narcissism so prevalent among, but not restricted to, the left.

Bathing themselves in self righteousness they justify their behaviour by kidding themselves that they have the right to rearrange their rights and obligations according to their own assessment of what is fair and appropriate.

Perhaps it doesn't occur to them that if everyone did that there would be anarchy. Maybe they think that wouldn't be a bad thing. It's the self centredness that really aggravates.

What would they say if their employer sought to rearrange their rights to salary or super because the employer decided it was fair and reasonable to pay less effective workers less ? No doubt there'd be an uproar. What if their university just decided to not award a degree on the basis of some subjective personal bias by one lecturer? Another uproar.

Fair enough because we have rules so that we can all manage to live together. The employer and the university should have to live by the rules. And so it is for this lot of attention seekers.

Peaceful protest is a good thing. It is in many ways a cornerstone of our democracy. We all have the right to express our views freely. It doesn't do any good to just express your views in the privacy of your own home. The great conversation of life that we call democracy is predicated on the sharing of ideas, listening to new ones, ones with which we disagree and even,maybe, changing our mind.


Whether it's a solitary discontent walking the streets carrying a sandwich board extolling the merits of his view, however ridiculous, or a large co-ordinated group determined to share their collective view matters little. They equally share the right to protest. That right does not however give them the right to break the law.

Nor should that right in my view be exercised in a way that inhibits the rights of others.

When I left school I went to work for the then Myer group to train to be a buyer. The "old school" mentors found it imperative to make sure every trainee knew just exactly how low they were on the pecking order. Mine chose to get me to walk a few blocks each day to pick up the uniforms that had been made to measure in a nearby factory and carry them back to the store.

After a fairly short distance the nylon string binding the bundles of uniforms together would dig uncomfortably into my hands. The sensible option of putting them on a delivery truck that passed the factory daily was rejected under the ridiculous assertion that it would make customers wait another day.

The test was clear: complaining wasn't an option. On a particularly difficult day with a big load in hand the road to return was blocked by a sizeable anti-Vietnam War demonstration. I couldn't put my load down, they weren't packed to sit on the pavement.

I saw a bunch of students, all well fed, looking as though they were having a good day out. I couldn't help but dislike every one of them. In their rightful desire to express their views they had forgotten to take into account the rights of others or more likely decided their own right took precedence.

I realised there were hundreds of people like me about whom this group didn't give a damn. There might have been people trying to get to the doctor, to pick up a kid at school or to get to the bank (in pre-ATM days) to be able to pay their rent. We just didn't matter to the students.

And so it is with the protesters at Parliament House. They think their right to protest means they can do as they choose. They choose what will give them publicity. The fact that Parliament is interrupted, that security staff are called to action with all the risks that entails, that inconvenience is caused to other people is just irrelevant to them.

Equally irrelevant to them is the much broader policy issue, namely the horrific problems caused when criminals offer to help people by pass both the UNHCR and local laws in exchange for cash.

Those without the cash just get dumped on the forgotten pile. No one was protesting for them. They're not here, they're not in the news. Those with money to pay who got within reach merely provide the backdrop against which this lot act out their drama. It's the politics of proximity. It costs so little, feels so good.

As with so many people who are motivated to put themselves centre stage in protests we discover that the real issue for them is not the subject of their protestations but in fact themselves. They want to be on TV, they want to tell everyone that they care. It's just one big "I'm a nice person" story.

The subjects of their protestations in fact are an indispensable asset without whom they would lack a vehicle or springboard to promote themselves as caring people. It's narcissism of the highest order. These people may well believe deeply what they are saying.

They just believe more deeply that we all need to know how much they care. If they really want change they will have to put in the hard yards, build support among others for their views, listen to other points of view, negotiate and find common ground. But that will not happen. The democratic process is too much hard work for them. They don't care about civilised discourse, your view or mine. It's all about them. It's "the look at me" politics of narcissists.

Amanda Vanstone is a Fairfax Media columnist
