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The ABC: Many ways to nobble the national broadcaster


Many ways to nobble the national broadcaster

Poor old Aunty ("Jobs to go as ABC shakes up radio programs", 17/11). Radio National is being purged of independent thinkers. The delightful Jonathan Green (pictured), my highlighted listening of the week, is being replaced by the right-wing ideologue, Tom Switzer. The first time I heard him on Radio National, he proudly announced he was a good friend and great admirer of Tony Abbott. Anything else I have heard since then shows that Mr Abbott is not the only reactionary politician or commentator who is favoured by Switzer. (Just check out his interviewee lists on recent programs.) There goes my pleasant Sunday morning listening. Cutting funding is only one way of nobbling independent broadcasting.

Kath McKay, Upwey

Why Australia needs more "elite" journalism

Prime Minister Tony Abbott repeatedly swiped at the "elite media" (7.30 Report, 14/11). However, Four Corners' investigation into abuses in residential care for young people at risk, which was broadcast on the same evening, showed why "elite journalism" and our ABC matters so much.

Deborah Rogers, Seaton

The importance of showcasing science

I am so sorry to learn that the ABC plans to revamp the television program, Catalyst, and sack some specialist staff. Is there no longer a place for science as a valuable and important facet of what our national broadcaster offers to Australians? There are vague promises to keep doing the occasional science show, but the revamp will be a tragedy for those of us who are interested in what is happening in the world of science.

I would rather watch science programs than shows about sport, cooking or the weather. So many of the problems facing us will need to be solved by our scientists – and Australian scientists are among the world's best in spite of receiving so very little encouragement. We need to celebrate both the young and established scientists and continue to give them a forum to showcase their work.


Jenny Zimmerman, Woodend

ABC will continue to screen science shows

The replacement of a magazine-format Catalyst with an hour-long special format need not ferment, as Jo Vandermark (Letters, 14/11) suggests, "an ignorant public (which) is easier to govern". The 17 intensive science specials, to be released under the Catalyst heading, a la the BBC's Horizon and PBS's Nova, will likely complement smaller science stories on 7.30 Report and Lateline. This will increase public engagement in the sciences by giving the subject more prominence in other places.

Dylan Bailey, Ormond

Stifled by politically inspired decisions

Sadly, the much loved The First Dog on the Moon – which provides "advice to help you navigate the modern world" – is leaving Radio National's Sunday Extra. Yet, despite this, the show is going to the dogs. The informed, sophisticated, open, interview style of Jonathan Green is to be replaced by a dour conservative voice. This is symptomatic of recent politically inspired ABC management appointments. We are the losers.

Jenny Lobato, Coburg

Yet more bad news for Aunty's fans

Just when you thought 2016 could not get any worse, ABC Radio National gets "Trumped" with right-wing conservatives. Head of ABC radio, Michael Mason: How could you?

Linda Syme, Mont Albert

Were listeners asked?

As someone who regards Radio National as a wonderfully reliable source of news, ideas and music, I am profoundly saddened to hear of the changes. What type of consultations and surveys were undertaken before it was decided to axe excellent programs such as The Daily Planet, The Inside Sleeve and The Live Set? More distressing was news that Life Matters will be overhauled and no longer focus on social issues. Is this an attempt to avoid contentious ideas or diverse opinions ? Another wonderful, informative program to be watered down. What a mean-spirited swipe. Aunty, did you ask the legion of RN listeners, for their input? I guess not.

Lauris Pandolfini, South Yarra

My account is private

Not only phone companies but many other utilities want their customers to agree to direct debit settlement of their bills. Indeed, they usually charge a fee for each invoice paid in a less convenient (to them) way. My reluctance to give these companies access to my bank account and/or credit card details is now compounded by your report ("Private details up for sale", 17/11) about the theft of Australian customers' private data from Optus, Telstra and Vodafone.

George McGregor, Malvern

Clamp down – hard

I am an ex-law enforcement officer and can tell you how to end the exploitation of foreign and other workers ("Something rotten", 16/11). Firstly, offer substantial rewards to whistleblowers and informants. Secondly, then pursue the exploiting farmers, labour hire agents/companies, wholesalers and retailers to confiscate and strip them of assets through proceeds of crime legislation. They will soon come to heel. Why has this not been done already?

About 15 years ago, Chinese student friends told me they liked working in Adelaide where they got $10 an hour, whereas the going rate in Sydney was $7. How have the authorities and politicians allowed this to happen? By doing so you force the good employer to go broke and white ant your own country. Take a bow.

Gordon Arandelovic, Blackwood, SA

What's in a name? Lots

What a hoodoo having the name Marsh.  Shaun injured, Mitch not selected, and now Rod resigned. Not a trifecta one would like.

Geoffrey Lane, Mornington

Surprise – another man

Malcolm Turnbull has confirmed that Human Rights Commission president Gillian Triggs will be replaced when her term expires next year (The Age, 17/11). It is another opportunity for him to elect a male to hold this position. Someone who thinks as he does.

Louis Ferrari, Richmond

A woman of integrity

Greens immigration spokesman Nick McKim said the decision to replace Gillian Triggs was the "final indignity" in a long vendetta against her for holding the government to account, and that she should regard the way she was treated as a badge of honour. Well said. We need people like her to "keep the bastards honest". Congratulations, Professor Triggs. Your work on human rights will have a more lasting impression for many people than the work of the "bumbling" Coalition government.

Glenn Brotchie, Echuca

An ineffective weapon

I am horrified Daniel Andrews "makes no apology" for sending 40 juvenile offenders to adult prison because he and the community are "sick" of their behaviour (The Age, 16/11). I worked as a prison chaplain in Victoria's adult and youth justice prisons for many years. I am sick of the approach by governments of either persuasion in dealing with offenders. Politicians say they will be tough on crime and they build more prisons, so that the adult prison population grew by 68.4per cent between 2005 and 2015. Victorians spend about $675 million a year on adult prisons; this could be better spent targeting the causes of crime, poverty and disadvantage.

Prison is an ineffective weapon which further criminalises offenders. More than 44per cent return within two years. Sending young people to adult prison vilifies them in the eyes of the community. Recent experiences in Britain and the United States showed what happens when we exclude as a means of apparently keeping us safe and prosperous.

Jonathan Chambers, Canterbury

The widening gap

Has Brexit and Donald Trump's victory taught us nothing? The report "Tax moves widen inequality" (The Age, 17/11) should have bureaucrats squirming and their political masters fuming. Nor can the non-governing parties escape scrutiny. How did people with so little analytical capacity, and so inept at reading trends, get themselves to Canberra in the first place?

Chris Wallis, Albert Park

Listen to the people

British Prime Minister Teresa May's recent speech should be compulsory reading for Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten. She said liberalism and globalisation had "left too many people behind" and that people on modest incomes in rich countries had seen their jobs outsourced and wages undercut.  When our politicians are asked about election results, they say "we get the message that voters are unhappy" and "we must work harder to explain our policies". This misses the point. Obscene CEO packages, underpayment of workers, free trade agreements devised in secret, 457 visas used for cost reduction rather than skill shortages, lack of action on the environment, the transfer of jobs offshore and casualisation of jobs need to be addressed by business and political parties.

Peter Thomson, Brunswick

Learning from Donald

One week after the American election, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten says: "It is time to build Australian first, buy Australian first in our contracts and employ Australians first" (The Age, 16/11). With its sloganistic, xenophobic overtones, this rhetoric is alarmingly familiar.

Alison Davies, Surrey Hills

Cut staff and earn more

Both National Bank chief executive Andrew Thorburn and Westpac chief Brian Hartzer had pay packets of $6.7million last financial year (BusinessDay, 15/11). Commonwealth Bank boss Ian Narev received $12.3million and ANZ's chief Shayne Elliott received $5.07million.

Most bank staff now have to encourage customers to use ATMs so that banks can employ fewer tellers. The government wants to target people on welfare while these executives earn their salaries by abolishing staff. Some people struggle to survive financially, yet executives take home obscene amounts of money. The Prime Minister earns $507,338 and backbenchers earn $195,130 for running the country.

Patricia Bryant, Vermont

Our much loved elms

Melbourne City Council's vendetta to rid us of our elegant city has raised its head once more. Now that the election is safely decided, a new angle is put forward – instead of the stately presence of the elms, let us have a garish fiesta of  red Canadian maples (The Age, 17/11). These proud elms have endured many hot summers. Please leave the graciousness and beauty of St Kilda Road, alone.

Susie Holt, South Yarra

Towards sustainability

It is so good to walk along Flinders Street beneath a row of healthy young eucalypt saplings. It was even better to read that Melbourne City Council recognises the reality of climate change and is reassessing its planting policy in order to leave a sustainable legacy for future generations.

Jenifer Nicholls, Armadale

Hand off our square

Well, money certainly talks. How could anyone conceive of letting Apple open a megastore in Federation Square (The Age, 16/11)? It would be totally inappropriate in a cultural precinct. I have seen people queuing outside these stores overseas for the latest product. If this goes ahead, Federation Square will be blocked by shoppers and the public amenity will be spoiled. Stop it now.

Megan Peniston-Bird, Hawthorn

Such boundless greed

Apple's attempt to move into Fed Square is another example of the public being subsumed by the private. It is a public space and needs to be kept that way, let alone having its architectural unity  subverted. It seems Apple does not want to pay its fair share of tax – and feels entitled to take even more from us.

Roger Dunscombe, Richmond

Rein in The Donald

In spite of all its faults and some of the crazy people who live there, do you seriously think the world would be better without the United States? (Imagine if Vladimir Putin had a free rein). There is a lot going for the US. Like the position of our prime minister, the American president is not a dictatorship and the laws and final decisions still have to go through Congress. We can only hope that commons sense prevails.

David Lloyd, Melbourne

Whew, what a relief

Malcolm Turnbull spoke to Donald Trump before other world leaders because Greg Norman passed on his private mobile number. I'm pleased I didn't give Greg my number.

Ross Hosking, Blackwood, SA



The US

Please, President Obama, put some superglue in the nuclear button's lock before you leave.

Robert Anderson, Glen Waverley

I feel sorry for Obama having to try to educate a buffoon for the next two months.

Ian Baker, Castlemaine

I'm glad the ugliness and uncertainties of the US election are over. Now we can sit back and enjoy the cricket.

Lindsay Holland, Abbotsford


Could the Australian team call South Africa on 2-1-6-0-0-6-4.

David Blom, Nunawading

Next time Australia plays, I hope the A team, not the C team, turn up.

Alan Leitch, Austins Ferry, Tas

Watson was the victim of a Hird mentality.

Garry Adams, Corio

I know Jobe sells papers, but it's time you left him alone.

John Davies, Kambah, ACT


Triggs, a class act. Unlike Turnbull who will do anything to appease his party's right-wing ideologues.

Les Anderson, Woodend

The selection criteria for Triggs' replacement should include "strong human rights advocate with a suit of amour".

Jenny Wilkins, Ascot Vale

Triggs has the courage and determination to defend herself against the bumbling Abetz.

Peter McNamara, Canterbury

Women aspiring to achieve or retain high office don't have to break a glass ceiling. It's made of concrete.

Carmel Alakus, West Brunswick

It would be more humane if Turnbull's and Dutton's contracts weren't renewed.

Bob Greaves, Mt Eliza

18C + 18D = 18E-nough

Jim Connelly, Warrragul

Reforms to the aged care and disability services has seen wages (17/11) reduced by 25per cent.

Tom Vanderzee, Coburg