The Texas Tribune shows why non-profit online journalism matters

Evan Smith screen shot
The Texas Tribune showed late Tuesday night and very early Wednesday morning how an online non-profit news organization can drive coverage of a story and leave legacy media to talk, literally, about muffins.

During one of the most climatic moments in Texas political history, The Texas Tribune owned the story, buoyed by its live YouTube stream of the Texas Senate in a tense countdown to the midnight end of a special session that included a 10-hour filibuster by new social media darling Sen. Wendy Davis and the debate about a controversial abortion bill.

More than 180,000 people were watching the live stream, taken from the Senate feed, when raucous pro-choice supporters verbally overcame senators as the session came to a close and Tuesday turned to Wednesday.

It wasn’t immediately clear if the measure passed. What was clear, and made apparent in many congratulatory tweets, was that The Texas Tribune won by producing compelling public-interest journalism.

The coverage was riveting and a lot of people were watching. [Continue reading…]

How Mi Voz mobilized 30,000 correspondents across Chile and created a sustainable business model

(Screenshot from Mi Voz homepage)

The network of 20 citizen media outlets collectively sees 2.5 million unique visitors per month and brings in $2 million yearly without relying upon foundation or government support.

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Practicing journalism in the Galapagos, where “hyper-local” meets “hyper-sensitive”

Left to right: Cecilia Alvear; Judy Muller; reporter Marylu Abril and editor Enrique Ramos of El Colono.

The islands are famous for their exotic species, but the dilemma that preys upon local media here is common to small-town journalists everywhere: how to pay the bills and still report on people who are also your neighbors.

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