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Dynamic Drive CSS Library

CSS Library CSS3 demos

Welcome to Dynamic Drive's new CSS library! Here you'll find original, practical CSS codes and examples such as CSS menus to give your site a visual boast.

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Responsive Shimmering Buttons Menu

Responsive Shimmering Buttons Menu
These horizontal menu buttons appear to shimmer and shine when the mouse rolls over them, using a semi opaque pseudo element that dances across the button.

Slide Out Social Icon Buttons

Slide Out Social Icon Buttons
These space saving social buttons slide out into view one at a time when the user clicks on the main button. The social icons appear tucked away and invisible initially, by placing them inside the "back face" of a DIV and setting the DIV to "backface-visibility: hidden".

FlexBox Rectangles Menu

FlexBox Rectangles Menu
This is a logo plus UL menu combination where the menu links consist of big colorful rectangles. It uses CSS Flexbox to render the menu links equal in dimension while fluid at the same time.

CSS3 Blur Filter Images

CSS3 Blur Filter Images
We apply CSS3's blur filter to FIGURE elements to overlay text in dramatic fashion when the mouse rolls over the figure, by blurring out the containing image first.

CSS Right hand side Menu

CSS Right hand side Menu
This is a mobile friendly side bar menu that appears from the right edge of the browser window when activated. The menu works across all browsers, including IE8 with some visual downgrades.

CSS Left hand side Menu

CSS Left hand side Menu
This is a mobile friendly side bar menu that appears from the left edge of the browser window when activated. CSS3 is brought in to reveal the menu in style, though the menu works across all browsers, including IE8 with some visual sacrifice.

Mobile full screen expand menu II

Mobile full screen expand menu II
An alternate rendition of Mobile full screen menu, this one uses CSS3 scale() to collapse the full screen menu initially, expanding to fill the screen when expanded.

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