- published: 21 Oct 2016
- views: 360
A postscript (P.S.) is an afterthought, thought of occurring after the letter has been written and signed. The term comes from the Latin post scriptum, an expression meaning "written after" (which may be interpreted in the sense of "that which comes after the writing").
A postscript may be a sentence, a paragraph, or occasionally many paragraphs added to, often hastily and incidentally, after the signature of a letter or (sometimes) the main body of an essay or book. In a book or essay, a more carefully composed addition (e.g., for a second edition) is called an afterword. The word "postscript" has, poetically, been used to refer to any sort of addendum to some main work, even if it is not attached to a main work, as in Søren Kierkegaard's book titled Concluding Unscientific Postscript. Sometimes, when additional points are made after the first postscript, abbreviations such as PSS (post-super-scriptum), PPS (postquam-post-scriptum) and PPPS (post-post-post-scriptum, and so on, ad infinitum) are used, though only PPS has somewhat common usage.
PS, P.S., ps, and other variants may refer to:
PS Vitaプレイムービー『ベルセルク無双』10/27発売
2004 P.S.
RED LIPS - P.S. (official video) NOWOŚĆ 2016
PlayStation VR Set Up Tutorial - Part 3 Video | PS VR
Hikakin TV (中文字幕) SONY PlayStation VR深海鯊魚虛擬實境
P.S. (2004) Trailer
대도서관] PS VR 게임 실황 1화 - 배틀존, 하모닉스 뮤직, 더 플레이룸 (Battle Zone, HARMONIX MUSIC, The Playroom)
Unboxing the PlayStation VR | PS VR
PS VR Launch Games Angry Review
Playstation TV in Action! (Formerly PS Vita TV)
Actors: Larry Wade Carrell (actor), Larry Wade Carrell (editor), Larry Wade Carrell (director), Larry Wade Carrell (composer), Larry Wade Carrell (writer), Richard Kelly (producer), Sam Rivas (producer), Joshua Mercurio Drapehs (actor), Joshua Mercurio Drapehs (director), Amy Staggs (actress), Raven Carrell (actress), Larry Czach (editor), Rp Boo Gay (actor), Allen Spann (actor), Mike Gonzalez (actor),
Plot: From the outrageous minds of Ungowa Films comes their hilarious feature film debut. Game Over: The Secret Life of Game Store Clerks. Bruce, a 30 something year old video game store clerk is caught up in the struggle of his midlife crisis when he learns that the game store he works at will be closed down and turned into a porn section by the new owners. Realizing his life is passing him by, Bruce's final day at work is filled with adventure and fun, surrounded by an unforgettable cast of characters. Amazingly shot on a budget of $2,500 in nine days.
Keywords: clerk, craziness, game, hero, independent-film, low-budget-film, pulp-adventure, secret, store, superActors: Pierre Bokma (actor), Johanna ter Steege (actress), Roef Ragas (actor), J.P. Luijsterburg (editor), Marc Bechtold (editor), Hadewych Minis (actress), Hilt de Vos (actress), Kim van Kooten (actress), Krijn ter Braak (actor), Franky Ribbens (actor), Matthias Maat (actor), Alma Popeyus (writer), Dana Nechushtan (director), Dana Nechushtan (actress), Khaldoun Elmecky (actor),
Genres: Thriller,オメガフォース新作『ベルセルク無双』 ダークファンタジーの金字塔「ベルセルク」と「無双」がコラボ! 敵を両断し、斬り潰す「斬潰(ざんかい)アクション」を実現した史上最凶の「無双」がここに! PS4/PS3/PS Vita 2016年10月27日発売予定(予約受付中) 公式サイト:https://www.gamecity.ne.jp/berserk-musou/ 公式Twitter:https://twitter.com/berserk_musou ご予約はこちら:https://shop.gamecity.ne.jp/goods-list.html?c=194 Please Subscribe 「コーエーテクモChannel」登録はこちら→https://www.youtube.com/user/KOEITECMOofficial?sub_confirmation=1
P.S. to najnowszy singiel RED LIPS, promujący płytę pt: "Zmiana Planu". Premiera albumu 23.11.2016r. słowa: Joanna Lazer muzyka: Łukasz Lazer produkcja muzyczna: Łukasz Lazer, Ruda miks i realizacja nagrań: Arek Kopera, Łukasz Lazer mastering: Arek Kopera Management i Koncerty: Łukasz Lazer tel. +48 507 370 902 koncerty@red-lips.pl P&C; RED BERRY MUSIC 2016 ____ Ustaw utwór RED LIPS - P.S. zamiast sygnału oczekiwania na połączenie. Wyślij RED9 na numer 80833 (0 zł) Abonament miesięczny: Play – 2zł Plus – 2,02zł T-Mobile – 4,99zł Orange – 4zł reg. halodzwonek.pl ____ Utwór dostępny w serwisach cyfrowych: http://www.soundline.biz/RedLipsPS iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/p.s.-single/id1160726669?l=pl Apple Music https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/p.s.-single/id1160726669?&a;...
https://www.playstation.com/en-us/explore/playstation-vr/ Watch Part 3 of this 3 part video series that will show you how to finalize your PS VR setup and play! For more information, visit https://www.playstation.com/en-us/explore/playstation-vr/tips/ “PlayStation” and the “PS” Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Greatness Awaits is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC. Images reformatted for non-virtual reality display.Images reformatted for non-virtual reality display. PlayStation®VR is not for use by children under age 12. PlayStation®4 system, PlayStation®VR and PlayStation®Camera are required to experience VR functionality
影片來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB5sRBgAZdo 請至原影片上點閱或按個讚喔! ♡(*´∀`*)人(*´∀`*)♡ Hikakin這次要使用SONY的PS VR來與鯊魚深入其境,Hikakin被下得好狼狽喔!!! 有些精神錯亂...還說錯話...!!! 超有趣的喔!!! 趕快來嘗鮮吧!!! 看看就知道了喔!!!...www...!!! 歡迎訂閱 Jerryfish Yang 1 頻道: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQsSb9olGaDXji48WtAUV3Q Jerryfish 2 頻道: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfB_rJhhKM5JU8UOeqFIKTQ 影片音樂等之翻譯或轉載僅做交流學習使用。其版權皆屬發行者及製作者所有。 請主動告知,如果有任何侵犯著作人版權,本人將立即修正改進,感謝您! The films or music that I translate is only for study communication using. All the copyright is belonging to the issuers and makers. If there is any Inadequate to your copyright, please inform me to correct the issues immediately! Thank you! もしどこかにご著作権をこちらからご不適用する事がございましたら、 どうぞ是非ご連絡になさって下さいますように申し上げます。 ◆YouTube主題曲MV https://youtu.be/WJzSBLCaKc8 ◆希望要求H...
An unfulfilled divorced woman gets the chance to relive her past when she meets a young man who appears to be her high school sweetheart who died many years before.
*161019 대도서관] PS VR 게임 실황 1화 - 배틀존, 하모닉스 뮤직 VR, 더 플레이룸 VR (Battle Zone, HARMONIX MUSIC VR, The Playroom VR : Robots Rescue)
http://www.playstation.com/playstationvr PlayStation VR arrives on October 13th! Find out what comes packed in the PlayStation VR Core Bundle in PlayStation.Blog's official unboxing video.
AngryJoe & OtherJoe Review 7 of the biggest, high profile potential system sellers of the touted 30 launch titles for the Playstation VR headset! See which ones you cant miss! Shirts/Stuff ► http://kottonzoo.com/angryjoe/ Twitch ► http://twitch.tv/angryjoeshow Twitter ► http://twitter.com/angryjoeshow AJSA Community ► http://ajsagaming.com
PS Vita TV release day special!! In this video we'll take a look at how to set up your PS Vita TV and see how it feels to use with the dual shock 3. ***Update*** PS Vita TV DOES wake up when you press the PS button on a Dualshock 3, you just need to put the device in 'Standby' mode rather than 'Power Off'. My mistake oops! ***Up-Update*** PS Vita TV is now called "Playstation TV" and will be released in the west 2014. ***Up-Up-Update*** PS TV (the Japanese model) is now capable of running US/UK accounts. Check this video for details - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8eXZqyIkcs Get credit for use on the Japanese PSN Store - http://www.play-asia.com/playstation-network-card-ticket-1000-yen-for-japanese-network--paOS-13-49-en-70-3xk6.html?affiliate_id=1835647
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Site: http://pietsmiet.de | Shirts: http://pietsmiet.de/shop | PCs: http://pietsmiet.de/pc Spiele günstig & schnell per Email bei MMOGA http://mmo.ga/F7Ms Podcast: http://pietsmiet.de/pietcast | Twitch: http://twitch.tv/pietsmiet «»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«» » Playlist « Mehr VR findet ihr in der Playlist: https://goo.gl/JxAETo » Here they lie « First person horror game vom Entwickler Tangentlemen, Publisher ist Sony Interactive Entertainment Offizielle Seite: https://www.playstation.com/de-de/games/here-they-lie-ps4/ «»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«» » TEAM PIETSMIET « Unser Team besteht aus fünf spieleverrückten Teilzeit-Bekloppten, die sich größtenteils seit der Kindheit kennen. Irgendwann kamen wir auf die Idee unsere allabendlichen Zockersessions aufzuzeichnen ...
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It's time for my first game impression with the PSVR. We will be jumping into Playstation VR Worlds and to be more precise The London Heist. Stay tuned for a full review of the PS headset and it's games. ► Did you like this video? Subscribe Nathie! http://goo.gl/3LPBS1 ► You can also follow me on Twitter! http://www.twitter.com/nathie944 ► Or follow Nathie on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/nathie944 ► My VR Rig -CPU: Intel Core I7-6700K 4,20GHz -GPU: GeForce GTX 1080 Asus STRIX -PSU: Corsair CX 750M -RAM: 16 GB DDR4 -Mob: Z170-PRO GAMING ► About me You are an admirer of Virtual Reality? Same here! I want to show everyone the magic of VR and spread the message by making YouTube videos about it.
PlayStation VR is on Greg and Colin's heads, so let's listen to their impressions and answer your questions! (Released 10.05.16) FULL DISCLOSURE PLAYSTATION PROVIDED US WITH PLAYSTATION VR FOR REVIEW PURPOSES. Thanks to Blue Apron and MVMT for sponsoring this episode! Go to http://www.blueapron.com/iloveyou and http://www.mvmt.com/ with the promo code XOXO. Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/user/kindafun... Get you PS I Love You XOXO shirts and posters: http://www.kindafunny.com/store Listen to today's artist here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxYpVNdO6PDQQ_c1NOB4PtA Submit questions for the show here: http://www.kindafunny.com/psq Greg and Colin are back with a weekly PlayStation podcast. Catch it on YouTube and podcast services each and every Tuesday at 9 a.m. PT! Follow us ...
We're less than a month from PlayStation VR's release, so why does it seem like no one's talking about it? (Released 09.20.16) Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/user/kindafun... Get you PS I Love You XOXO shirts and posters: http://www.kindafunny.com/store Listen to today's artist here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0N3tRzI8Mw Submit questions for the show here: http://www.kindafunny.com/psq Greg and Colin are back with a weekly PlayStation podcast. Catch it on YouTube and podcast services each and every Tuesday at 9 a.m. PT! Follow us on Twitter! Greg - http://www.twitter.com/GameOverGreggy Colin - http://www.twitter.com/NoTaxation Kinda Funny - http://www.twitter.com/KindaFunnyVids
Site: http://pietsmiet.de | Shirts: http://pietsmiet.de/shop | PCs: http://pietsmiet.de/pc Spiele günstig & schnell per Email bei MMOGA http://mmo.ga/F7Ms Podcast: http://pietsmiet.de/pietcast | Twitch: http://twitch.tv/pietsmiet «»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«» » Playlist « Mehr VR findet ihr in der Playlist: https://goo.gl/JxAETo » EVE: Valkyrie « Multiplayer Dogfighting Shooter im Eve Online Universum. Entwickler und Publisher ist CCP Games Offizielle Seite: https://www.evevalkyrie.com/ «»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«» » TEAM PIETSMIET « Unser Team besteht aus fünf spieleverrückten Teilzeit-Bekloppten, die sich größtenteils seit der Kindheit kennen. Irgendwann kamen wir auf die Idee unsere allabendlichen Zockersessions aufzuzeichnen und auf Youtube zu veröffentlichen. So entstand der ...
My big sister is best of all sisters in the world.
She says enjoying of the life is the main thing.
I agree with her.
She's standing by me when I've got hard times,
I like about her precense.
Even if I fight with her sometimes it's pretty easy to make friends.
I'm sorry about all, I make apology.
I contess that I was wrong.
You have your reasons to get angry to me,
but if you won't be I'm asking you to be my friend.
My big sister is the foolest, dummest girl I've ever seen.
She is so selfish, irritating, don't you see what I mean.
She is a target of my hate 'n' hate is growing every day.
I will get rid of her 'n' price won't matter, I will find the way.