Lists related to Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

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a list of 40 titles by Zaubermacht created 4 months ago
Unquestionably amazing movies in all genres, where no other movie can compare with these!

NOTE: Entire sequels listed. If one movie deserves being listed, its sequels are listed, too.

Comments on the way!
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a list of 250 titles by Abdulmajeed created 5 months ago
The best movies i've ever seen in no specific order.
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a list of 1,087 titles by JLucasRJ created 1 month ago
All the movies I've ever seen. I think.
And it's complete out of order. Hancock is NOT my favorite movie.
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a list of 207 titles by ssgv created 4 months ago
Not in Order
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a list of 794 titles by antoniocleofas created 1 month ago
Atualizando - Updating - การปรับปรุง - 更新
Somente o melhor... por Cleofas.
Only the best ... by Cleofas.
Seuls les meilleurs ... par Cleofas.
只有最好的 ... 由 Cleofas.
Sólo lo mejor ... por Cleofas.
เท่านั้นที่ดีที่สุด ... โดย Cleofas.
Только самое лучшее ... по Клеопа
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a list of 114 titles by mwcoolu created 2 months ago
This is just in random order:)))
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a list of 578 titles by toprakince created 3 months ago
The ones I can remember of course. I wish I started this list a long time ago it's really hard to remember so the list is as random as it could be... :)

I keep editing as I watch. If you have any recommendations, you're welcomed to comment... :)
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a list of 349 titles by King-Lestat created 6 months ago
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a list of 234 titles by 13 created 6 months ago
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a list of 257 titles by MadMuffer created 2 months ago
Alot of 100% Classics with a mix of movies i used to love as a kid and some quality foreign language films, all are from the top of my head so as i remember more i will add more.

Hope you enjoy it and if you have not watched any, then i suggest you watch !
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a list of 786 titles by garfield2710 created 10 months ago
This is my nearly complete list of films I have ever seen. These films have been released in American cinemas, were considered full length theatrical releases when they first came out, and have a plot and climax. As such, I will not include experimental films, made for TV films, and films that were released straight to DVD.
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a list of 39 titles by Josua Li created 5 months ago
i hope you enjoy this list. i have done my best but if you have any suggestions for improvements please comment. thanks in advance.
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a list of 100 titles by awe_sum_321 created 3 months ago
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a list of 743 titles by PedroDoud created 1 month ago
Movies watched, in Alphabetical order
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a list of 213 titles by makeawish_3 created 3 weeks ago
Well it all started with Pride and Prejudice ... became of fan of period drama and coulden't rest till i had seen if not all then almost all of the movies and drama i could find .Have fun watching!
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a list of 1,836 titles by Islam Qasim created 3 months ago
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a list of 158 titles by rikardo_fcporto created 4 months ago
I love atmospheric movies. With some comedies. I'll add movies as I watch them and, of course, if I like them. In random order.
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a list of 1,147 titles by patrickmray created 2 months ago
All the movies I own, for you to browse and comment on.
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a list of 1,791 titles by django-16 created 4 months ago
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a list of 110 titles by akgonen60 created 9 months ago
not in any particular order and these are some i have seen .. and most of my favorites
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a list of 100 titles by poisonsnowhite13 created 4 months ago
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a list of 222 titles by raisleygordon created 4 months ago
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a list of 41 images by angmar_6 created 6 months ago
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a list of 690 titles by Zuzas18 created 1 month ago
Some of the movies i've seen...
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a list of 367 titles by birandbegar created 3 weeks ago
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a list of 100 titles by ruberto2000 created 1 month ago
My Favourite 100 films.
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a list of 344 titles by krusty13 created 4 weeks ago
Movies I've watched and seen. :)
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a list of 638 titles by glendabowers created 1 month ago
Buy my movies when they are on special, never buy over $30. Spend $2, $8.83, $9, $12.85 as an average guide. Some of these titles were given as presents. Yes most I bought for myself.
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a list of 85 titles by joanna_12 created 6 months ago
all (or all i remember) movies that i've watched, liked and would recomend
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a list of 99 titles by spydude101 created 2 months ago
This List is not my favourite films, I have left out many classics, I wanted to gives some deserved credit to films which dont normally get it, Im 15, I admit some of these (I, Robot, Jumper, Vantage Point) are far from perfect, but were none-the-less entertaining.
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a list of 40 titles by treatwilliams1892 created 6 months ago
The Best of Jackie Chan, Jet Li and Yun-Chow Fat. No order.Agree or Disagree, make a comment, start a debate! I realize most of these are their newer films. I'm still working my way through their older films.
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a list of 43 titles by matthewaos created 2 months ago
God, I hate those!
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a list of 724 titles by razorath92 created 1 week ago
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a list of 352 titles by eeyoreangel222 created 2 months ago
no order- just as they're remembered!
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a list of 244 titles by Arabella Flame created 6 months ago
and can remember the name of
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a list of 250 titles by ank_noble created 5 months ago
So I don't forget about the movies I have seen and I truly liked. Each one of them symbolizes something, things I have been going through, a mood I had for awhile..a smile I shared with people..thoughts and memories that never fade away. To be continued..
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a list of 129 titles by jackwh96 created 2 days ago
My DVDs.
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a list of 235 titles by james-de-cloedt created 3 months ago
These are all part of my collection.
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a list of 452 titles by prosperous_ruler created 3 days ago
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a list of 99 titles by jay_iyer created 3 days ago
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a list of 40 titles by siddhant-giri created 4 days ago
Here are my picks for Best Films in over 30 categories, including genres ranging from comedy to drama,to science fiction. I don't like documentaries.These works span most of cinema's history, and represent manycountries. I cannot recommend any films more enthusiastically.
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a list of 198 titles by saboday created 2 weeks ago
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a list of 20 titles by m-odachtung created 10 months ago
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a list of 145 titles by micksmaster22 created 3 weeks ago
This is my list of films I've seen and didn't much care for. Sometimes it was that I wasn't in the mood when I saw them, other times the film felt flawed or lacking in some way. Maybe I'm missing something, who knows. Lots of these are just plain awful though. Let me know if you agree or disagree, or if there is a film in the list that deserves a second chance. Thanks!
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a list of 41 titles by brkic-tomislav created 3 weeks ago
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a list of 287 titles by Muhammad Farrukh created 8 months ago
Like this list, You definitely will.

Including short reviews now, hope you guys like it.

Leave comments and tell me what you think of it.

The reason that most of them are good movies is that I only recently got into the movie business, about a year ago or something like that, so that's natural I mean, watching high rated movies. These are all the movies I have watchd, with a few exceptions of the ones that don't even qualify for the worst catagory. I have included a few review quotes from some of my favourite critics. I am constantly updating it, as I watch new movies. On average, its 2 movies per day. Sometimes the number goes to 1 or even 0 (Zero is quite rare) and sometimes it can get as high as 4 (Four is quite rare too)a day.

And don't just look at the first page and skip the rest.
There might be some surprises for you in the end.

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a list of 228 titles by andrea-83-499398 created 2 months ago
... like ever. Those I remember anyway.
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a list of 43 titles by kara62011 created 4 months ago
This is a list of my top favourite movies of all time! that i have seen In NO Particular order some of them you may think are bad but I LOVE THESE MOVIES:
p.s I'm only 13
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a list of 37 titles by chenzof created 2 weeks ago
the legendary list of awesome movies,i will make more
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a list of 193 titles by nickenglezos created 7 months ago
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a list of 66 titles by Mahmoud Gaber created 2 months ago
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a list of 50 titles by Mandip Sembhi created 7 months ago
Top 50 Box-Office Movies!!! (Updated - 03th July, Sunday 2011)
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a list of 170 titles by eu_spun09 created 6 months ago
in no specific order
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a list of 79 titles by Tiago Teixeira created 5 months ago
A list of fantasy and/or adventure movies, ordered from best to worst.
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a list of 45 titles by sevensins7 created 2 days ago
A list of awesome movies of all time!!!
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a list of 429 titles by piraten93 created 2 months ago
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a list of 35 titles by vibor123 created 6 months ago
Movies that are hailed by the critic and snobs but discarded by the audience! These movies are made only for critic, they always floped in the box office and I keep asking, WHY DID THEY CONTINUE TO MAKE SUCH HORRIBLE MOVIES?

From 1980. - update every month!

mainstream movies only!
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a list of 150 titles by guyfire created 5 months ago
From Drama to Action..the top 150 films I've seen in my entire life - must see !
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a list of 279 titles by Jay Jani created 3 months ago
The best bollywood and hollywood movies that i have watched. Its hard to prepare such concoction.... so pls. feel free to share your views.
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a list of 250 titles by Mudassir Ali created 6 months ago
*The order is with respect to the download (or copy) "date/time" of the particular movie in the drive (The oldest is on rank 1).*
This is my collection of movies started on 20/08/2010.
All movies are either in HD, BRIP or DVDRIP with English Subtitles.
You guys can help me expand my collection by recommending good movies.
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a list of 109 images by ssgv created 3 months ago
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a list of 238 titles by suvac88 created 3 weeks ago
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a list of 34 titles by jsbe2121 created 2 months ago
Please keep in mind that the material listed ranges from absolute and complete garbage to good, but overrated (0/10-7/10 for what I have rated)
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a list of 63 titles by dabuse created 9 months ago
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a list of 812 titles by ladyjames created 3 weeks ago
It's a reminders list of movies I've seen since I use so much time on IMDB to find out which character played in which movie all the time. It also occurs to me that my brother and dad has alot with the content on this list.. Ps. Most of the ratings are how I felt when I watched them, even if I were a child
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a list of 712 titles by ozlemg created 4 months ago
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a list of 1,300 titles by abcbuhl created 1 week ago
How can you describe movies?

Just look at the first title on the list :)

These are the movies I remember having seen
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a list of 606 titles by romek-nori created 1 month ago
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a list of 83 titles by esmerimsi created 1 month ago
Beğendiğim filmler. İzlenmesini tavsiye ettiklerim.
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a list of 468 titles by Tytina created 2 months ago
i try to collect here all the movies i've ever seen
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a list of 100 titles by Bharath_wiki created 7 months ago
"Death is just another path,that we all must take one day..."
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a list of 40 titles by micool52 created 2 weeks ago
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a list of 100 titles by Can Tekbudak created 8 months ago
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a list of 50 titles by yanki_ankit created 2 months ago
Any recommendation or appreciation would be welcomed....
Also the title of the list says MY Favorite Movies so if you intend to criticize me I have two words for you- FnCK OFF...
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a list of 140 titles by bharat sharma created 6 days ago
these r the best pictures that i hav ever seen.They could be from any wood(e.g.:holly,bolly,etc).all categories included but a little less in romantic.
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a list of 648 titles by ian-1685 created 1 month ago
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a list of 502 titles by jjmendoza-27 created 3 months ago
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a list of 535 titles by abhibaviskar created 3 months ago
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a list of 82 titles by shiv-lovesrockmusic created 2 months ago
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a list of 250 titles by hotrodfreak429 created 9 months ago
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a list of 136 titles by freetorhyme94 created 9 months ago
they are not in order, they're just my favourite movies.
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a list of 30 titles by okduman created 1 day ago
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a list of 50 titles by frans_x_slab08 created 2 weeks ago
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a list of 568 titles by chrismlandon created 1 week ago
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a list of 25 titles by inverted-commas created 1 week ago
The top 25 dvd's in Australia in 2011
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a list of 140 titles by Vignesh701 created 4 weeks ago
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a list of 60 titles by specter-15 created 1 month ago
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a list of 37 titles by david-163-448041 created 1 day ago
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a list of 32 titles by ssgv created 3 months ago
I saw them all except Cirque du freak and Body of Lies
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a list of 1,401 titles by mookie_fan created 1 month ago
This is a list of films that I've watched throughout my life. There are still some movies missing but I'm still working on this...
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a list of 53 titles by Ali704 created 2 weeks ago
Watched & DONE!
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a list of 666 titles by TheOneManBoxOffice created 2 months ago
These are all of the feature length motion pictures I have seen in my lifetime, and these also include direct-to-video films.

1> No short films on this list

2> No TV series on this list

3> No TV movies or mini-series on this list.

4> Films must be over 40 minutes in runtime in order to count as a feature-length movie.
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a list of 15 titles by siavashmovie created 2 days ago
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a list of 26 titles by greenpetaldaisy created 5 days ago
Amazing fantasy and sci-fi movies I love (excluding superheroes).
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a list of 36 titles by dan-horna-690-47081 created 9 months ago
16 (44,44%)
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a list of 57 titles by rushdaan created 4 days ago
This is a collection of Movies from mixed Genres and are in no specific order because they are all worth watching :D and u wont regret watchin them :)
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a list of 14 titles by zqdawn created 4 days ago
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a list of 250 titles by msviv-1 created 1 month ago
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a list of 53 titles by eliza_gaskell created 8 months ago
This is a list of movies or/and mini series set in the 1600-1750

The Baroque era,1600-1750 describes a period in history or style, which brought monumental changes to the world of art, literature, music and architecture.

For those who are serious about Period Dramas and deem a movie/mini series worthy to be listed, add your comments.
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a list of 524 titles by movietom23 created 5 months ago
That I can remember.
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a list of 43 titles by AdamFayed created 4 days ago
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a list of 34 titles by cositavaleria8 created 3 months ago
not in a perticulary order you are free to share some of your rated movies (9), or what you've rated the movies I've rated (9)! btw, I haven't rated so many movies yet so this list is stil in progress...
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a list of 21 titles by Clemontine created 9 months ago
All the Johnny Depp movies I've seen in order of preference.
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a list of 90 titles by swanqueen9509 created 5 months ago
I do care about movie musics very much and actually I collect are the best movie theme scores I've ever heard and those which I really enjoyed through the movies.maybe you can call some of them "soundtrack"s and some of them are not originally composed for the film but they're still good choices for the film.
not in order,because to me many of them could have been the number ONE!
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a list of 50 titles by blockbuster1460 created 1 week ago
Highest Grossing Movies ever. There All Here. please enjoy
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a list of 562 titles by aviakob created 3 months ago
Ordered Randomly.
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a list of 50 titles by rexcold created 5 months ago
Considering all genres...
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a list of 60 titles by adi_kabra07 created 1 day ago
Movies n TV shows..
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a list of 51 titles by breebree123456 created 3 weeks ago
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a list of 109 titles by jimbo_rd created 6 months ago
This isn't a list of the greatest movies of all time. These are the movies I own. So basically it is a list of the movies I like to watch and re-watch over and over again.
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a list of 28 titles by nenenh_g7 created 4 days ago
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a list of 372 titles by Craig Llewellin created 2 months ago
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a list of 28 titles by glenlivet-4 created 4 days ago
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a list of 22 titles by tatydl80 created 5 days ago
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a list of 5 titles by joemm14 created 4 days ago
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a list of 78 titles by gatadelafuente created 5 months ago
These are my favorite historical setting movies. They range from early AD to the early/mid 20th century. Some of these are fantasy, but they show historical elements (hopefully, but not necessarily accurate) in a strong, appealing fashion.
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a list of 100 titles by deepakualys created 6 days ago
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a list of 156 titles by carloliver created 2 weeks ago
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a list of 167 titles by frumusicaiulya created 5 months ago
i love these movies and i could see them over and over again that's way i didn't put them in order feel free to comment
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a list of 595 titles by b_wilkin created 2 months ago
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a list of 320 titles by Marellimdb created 4 months ago
every single movie i've watched in my entire lifetime
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a list of 95 titles by joinarmani created 9 months ago
for all respected visitors, kindly rate my list/ movies i ve brought you the list of great movies
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a list of 20 titles by punk_dunkin created 5 days ago
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a list of 450 titles by imirceaalexandru created 4 weeks ago
The movies are sorted by my rating.
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a list of 150 titles by brandie-gruss created 2 weeks ago
Movie's that I have a copy of, UPDATED 9-16-11
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a list of 97 titles by lolodamascuszak created 3 months ago
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a list of 49 titles by ianicarus created 1 week ago
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a list of 63 titles by john-m-nugent-jr created 22 hours ago
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a list of 167 titles by grjoni-98 created 9 months ago
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a list of 58 titles by james_rolton created 1 day ago
Here is a list of my Blu Rays so I don't buy doubles
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a list of 250 titles by anant_garje created 2 months ago
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a list of 50 titles by gengis72 created 3 weeks ago
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a list of 27 titles by savani07 created 28 Sep 2010
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a list of 23 titles by vedsikarwar-173-988222 created 6 days ago
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a list of 50 titles by ridee_20 created 1 month ago
Great Movies I ever seen since I was in elementary school
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a list of 62 titles by Bouke Haan created 1 day ago
Mijn media bibliotheek die open is voor aanvragen.
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a list of 168 titles by geckonthewall created 7 months ago
the list is not in particular order... i just put the titles as i remember...
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a list of 44 titles by The_Listener_Canon created 3 days ago
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a list of 200 titles by Andy-Vanruymbeke created 8 months ago
My movies on dvd Thriller,Horror,Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,War,Western,Historical,Tv-series,etc...(in no specific order)
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a list of 250 titles by glakshmiratan created 8 months ago
My favorite 250 movies/mini-series/documentaries

*I'm a very disappointed that two movies, Renigunta, definitely in my top 50, and Thiruvilayadal Arambam, in my top 100, are not listed.

* Most represented
Bergman – 20 Films
Gunnar Björnstrand – 11 Films
Erland Josephson – 10 Films
Max Von Sydow – 10 Films
Liv Ullman – 8 Films
Kurosawa – 8 Films
Dicaprio – 8 Films
Shimura - 7 Films
Brad Pitt – 7 Films
A depressing fact: Orlando Bloom -7 Films
Bibi Andersson - 7 Films
Al Pacino – 7 Films
Depp - 7 Films
Anthony Hopkins – 6 Films
Fritz Lang - 6 Films
Mifune - 6 Films
Norton - 6 Films
Diane Keaton - 6 Films
Fellini – 6 Films
Ridley Scott – 5 Films
Tony Scott- 5 Films
Bresson – 5 Films
Chaplin – 5 Films
Denzel – 5 Films
Crowe – 5 Films
Andy Serkis (the dude who played smeagol) - 5 films
De Niro - 5 Films
Gary Oldman - 5 Films
Duvall - 5 Films
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a list of 1,282 titles by lukejordan02 created 2 months ago
The Ultimate Film list!
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a list of 23 titles by aveealam created 6 days ago
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a list of 65 titles by jimmythoren created 1 week ago
my sons favorite movies
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a list of 89 titles by mshahsavand69 created 4 months ago
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a list of 20 titles by nutolm created 5 days ago
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a list of 236 titles by jmz1121-1 created 9 months ago
My DVD/BluRay Collection- 236 of them
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a list of 234 titles by Meeep created 5 months ago
Every movie I've ever seen part 2
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a list of 29 titles by loopylou201084 created 1 week ago
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a list of 25 titles by lordwolfy created 1 week ago
This is the list over movies, series and such I have seen
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a list of 138 titles by ben_long1 created 1 week ago
My favourite films in no order
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a list of 6 titles by melvindwd-101-891889 created 1 week ago
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a list of 15 titles by simonsi created 2 weeks ago
Top 15 Fantasy Movies
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a list of 125 titles by IndianWarrior created 3 days ago
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a list of 6 titles by syamsula69 created 6 days ago
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a list of 455 titles by audrey21387 created 4 months ago
A way to keep tack of all the movies I've seen.
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a list of 57 titles by darshakpatel23 created 4 months ago
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a list of 100 titles by derlukas98 created 5 months ago
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a list of 236 titles by Cole01 created 3 months ago
This is a list of all the movies I have seen from 2000 to 2011. Ordered chronologically by year of release.
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a list of 137 titles by BeecakeBaggins created 3 months ago
Some of my favourite movies...
(no specific order)
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a list of 54 titles by siavashmovie created 2 days ago
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a list of 312 titles by zsuzsanna-petrovics created 1 week ago
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a list of 110 titles by RBirkel created 1 day ago
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a list of 35 titles by mrmtamale created 4 months ago
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a list of 86 titles by dracoquiano created 1 week ago
Películas Originales
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a list of 43 titles by elbenno created 1 month ago
Die komplette Blu-ray-Sammlung von elbenno !!
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a list of 25 titles by razorath92 created 2 months ago
In no order
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a list of 259 titles by ubernerdgasm created 1 month ago
every movie i ever remember seeing
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a list of 101 titles by barisulusoy created 3 months ago
En iyi filmler; güncellenecek
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a list of 133 titles by v-lundbring created 5 days ago
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a list of 97 titles by darren-cb created 4 days ago
A list of the one film each year that grossed more at the box office than any other.
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a list of 439 titles by movie collector created 2 months ago
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a list of 50 titles by dj_tt_2006 created 2 months ago
my oppinion...these are some of the best movies i've watched :)
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a list of 40 titles by ui_creation created 1 month ago
i've Watch'd many movies and those are here
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a list of 45 titles by dottedzebras created 1 week ago
Movies I like!
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a list of 204 titles by msmafra created 4 days ago
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a list of 51 titles by wsg87 created 6 months ago
Epic movies that my sister and I love. We think all of these movies are amazing, so there is not any order to the list. To us they all tied for first.
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a list of 50 titles by akrobatikever created 3 months ago
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a list of 183 titles by phurley-949-153221 created 8 months ago
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a list of 279 titles by xikaovs created 1 month ago
List of movies I've watched
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a list of 277 titles by Trey Wright created 2 months ago
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a list of 317 titles by shikhar-warrior29 created 1 month ago
The Movies that i had liked in the past year , a list of some of them :)

They Are just randomly arranged :)
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a list of 289 titles by Pi72 created 2 weeks ago
The list of my DVD collection.
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a list of 250 titles by Noarules5-2 created 3 months ago
My own personal Top 250 movies list!
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a list of 326 titles by ashokujjwal2009 created 2 months ago
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a list of 250 titles by kristilashe created 5 months ago
Just a list of our movie collection.
BR= Blu-Ray

Please see the continued list...its continued in the comments!
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a list of 483 titles by GregsMovies created 1 week ago
In date order.
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a list of 31 titles by moviemaniacmel created 2 months ago
A list of films that I love, but don't have the higher ratings that they deserve.
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a list of 605 titles by heidikh26 created 2 weeks ago
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a list of 10 titles by sam-svensson created 1 week ago
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a list of 163 titles by razorath92 created 3 months ago
A random and out of order list of films that I love.
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a list of 69 titles by moza_goldenboy created 1 week ago
Movies I've Watched
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a list of 43 titles by annekdean created 1 week ago
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a list of 81 titles by aslaunchpad created 2 months ago
movies which i believe keeps audience glued to their seat and deserved to be watched again
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a list of 133 titles by sameerasea1 created 1 week ago
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a list of 30 titles by Asian_Cinema created 1 week ago
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a list of 55 titles by raj_eev created 1 week ago
This list is not complete yet..will provide complete list in few more days..enjoy if u are movie buff..
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a list of 68 titles by unknown_khan created 3 days ago
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a list of 50 titles by mermaidgrl555 created 1 week ago
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a list of 7 titles by Gratian1992 created 1 week ago
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a list of 117 titles by caroline-leech created 5 months ago
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a list of 30 titles by dorothyens created 1 week ago
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a list of 109 titles by juanjosect created 4 days ago
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a list of 26 titles by edawg415 created 2 months ago
Like i said in my other list i am pretty young so i may not seen all the older movies, but i think i have an average taste in movies (list is in order 1st being my favorite) I also love action movies
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a list of 6 titles by swob0005 created 1 week ago
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a list of 100 titles by Sichim Sergiu created 9 months ago
This is a list of first 100 movies I've seen and I think is worth seeing.
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a list of 111 titles by phillies80086 created 4 weeks ago
All the titles i have complied in my dvd collection
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a list of 50 titles by xingyang created 8 months ago
The Worldwide box-office of the 50 highest grossing films of all time.
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a list of 20 titles by Masoud-winter created 2 weeks ago
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a list of 41 titles by allousihivin created 1 week ago
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a list of 520 titles by xeryustc created 4 months ago
An (incomplete) list of movies that I've seen in my lifetime. Most of the movies on the list are ones that I've seen in the past year and a half.
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a list of 30 titles by ashutoshs-toshiba created 7 months ago
all of these are special , different and awesome ones
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a list of 208 titles by Movupper created 3 days ago
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a list of 15 titles by BiSingular created 1 week ago
My favourite/top films.
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a list of 7 titles by tomny152 created 1 week ago
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a list of 159 titles by mark_man_1992 created 3 weeks ago
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a list of 98 titles by Habon97 created 1 day ago
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a list of 39 titles by dutchmarvel created 8 months ago
Movies from my dvd collection who i own since 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 or 2008 who intend to watch but it not happend yet.
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a list of 79 titles by atulinternet created 2 months ago
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a list of 99 titles by horaciobella created 2 months ago
Películas que recuerdo haber visto
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a list of 382 titles by StarWarsFanTHX1138 created 9 months ago
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a list of 144 titles by f221599 created 3 weeks ago
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a list of 287 titles by perzn1986 created 2 months ago
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a list of 682 titles by eccomicfan created 5 days ago
A list of all the movies in my collection (minus a few that are not listed on IMDB). Also, I take no responsibility for some of the horrible crap that is in it.
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a list of 27 titles by abelhk-61-777957 created 4 months ago
Films that I wouldn't recommend. If you haven't seen them don't bother.
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a list of 743 titles by s-givehchian23 created 2 months ago
the movies I've seen which I remembered .
I'm 15 so i haven't had much time to see a lot of movies but I've tried my best .
I'm still adding to this list trying to get it as complete as possible
list order is based on IMDb ratings.
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a list of 303 titles by FamilyGAMEGuy8 created 4 days ago
All of the films that I have watched in my entire life, so expect some.......kind of crap films. In no particular order.
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a list of 158 titles by Swift_01 created 4 months ago
Ranking the best films of all time.

Second half isn't ranked yet.
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a list of 30 titles by nugroho-wandl created 1 week ago
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a list of 332 titles by jose_g_68 created 1 month ago
I'm only 17 years old, therefore, I have not seen too many movies. Even though I love movies, I don't have the time to watch as much as I want. I made this list because I now want to start keeping track of what I see. There's no specific order: there are good, bad and HORRIBLE movies here. There a still a LOT movies left, when I remember one, I'll update it.
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a list of 158 titles by lundrigan13 created 5 months ago
This is my entire movie collection, both DVD's and Blu-Rays
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a list of 61 titles by zacharyzendric created 1 month ago
As you can see, I've been getting a little bored.
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a list of 55 titles by corey_kennie created 1 week ago
My list of favorite films that deal with the supernatural or fantasy
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a list of 211 titles by shailb created 1 day ago
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a list of 113 titles by Light_in_the_Void created 1 day ago
A list of films so horrible they make me want to pull the trigger.
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a list of 107 titles by Demon_Hunter777 created 1 day ago
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a list of 73 titles by Renaldo Domi created 2 weeks ago
The Most Greatest Entertaining Movies of All Times For Me In No Particular Order
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a list of 95 titles by Ivan Ayitey created 1 month ago
List of movies and tv shows i've ever seen, that i remember; if they're on IMDb :) not arranged in any order though. its being updated everyday, i cant put em all together in a day
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a list of 148 titles by powellbl created 4 days ago
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a list of 503 titles by davidrichardohara created 1 week ago
Current list of movie library.
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a list of 92 titles by bwfalck created 1 week ago
Most of the movies i've watched are either on tv or, in most cases i just watch things on the internet. Also i'm putting it up bit by bit, not all at once!!
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a list of 58 titles by Winter Storm created 9 months ago
Movies I really loved.
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a list of 50 titles by Siiri Saar created 3 months ago
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a list of 20 titles by n-folden created 1 week ago
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a list of 60 titles by chenzof created 1 month ago
by action scene i mean any scene with fighting,shooting,or explosions
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a list of 125 titles by ageliki-ageliki96 created 2 days ago
Ταινιες που μου αρεσαν η που σκοπεβω να δω στο μελλον! movies for i like and i see the future!
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a list of 26 titles by Cblaze12 created 2 weeks ago
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a list of 20 titles by tolisgen created 10 months ago
(in random order)
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a list of 38 titles by filip-davidovic created 4 months ago
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a list of 100 titles by yassin_99 created 1 month ago
Mine best movies on Gen. order. 1.Drama( 1-10) 2.Action(11-20)
3.Animation (21-30) 4.Comedy (31-40) 5.War (41-45)6.Fantasy (46-60) 7.Horror (61-70) 8.thriller (71-80) 9.Sci_F (81-89) 8.adventure (90-100)
Showing lists 1 to 250 of 3690 total.
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