
Iraqi News
Inside Iraq
Iraq Slogger
Iraq Body Count
Iraq Coalition Casualty Count
Iraq Oil Report
Iraq Business News
Stop the Iraq Oil Law
Waterkeepers Iraq
Alsumaria TV
Aswat al-Iraq
PUK Media
PKK Online
Kurdish Media
Kurdish Globe
Kurd Press
EKurd Daily
Kurdish Daily News
Rudaw (Kurdish news)
Firat News Agency (Kurdish, pro-PKK)
Dicle News Media (Kurdish)
Kurdish Feminists Tribune
Alliance for Kurdish Rights
Peace in Kurdistan
Kurdish Question
Solidaridad Kurdistan
Ezidi Press
Iraqi Turkmen Front
Assyrian International News Agency
International Federation of Iraqi Refugees (IFIR)
LAONF: Iraqi Nonviolence Group
Iraq Sustainable Democracy Project
Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq (OWFI)
Federation of Workers Councils and Unions in Iraq (FWCUI)
General Federation of Iraqi Workers (GFIW)
Worker-Communist Party of Iraq (WCPI)
Left Worker-Communist Party of Iraq (LWCPI)
Worker-Communist Party of Kurdistan
Iraq Solidaridad
Solidarité Irak
NO-IFS: National Organization for the Iraqi Freedom Struggles

Syrian Freedom
Syria Freedom Forever
Revolutionary Left Current
Local Coordination Committees
Alliance of Syrian and Iranian Socialists
Syrian Nonviolence Movement
Syrian Democratic Revolution
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights
Syrian Network for Human Rights
Women Now for Developmen
Justice for Life Observatory
Genocide in Syria (warning: graphic content)
Adopt a Revolution
Citizens for Syria
I Am Syria
Syria in Colors
The Syrian Observer
Syrian Voices
Syrian Mirror
Syria Deeply
Syria Direct
Syria Diary
Syria Untold
Syria Institute
Enab Baladi
Zaman Al Wasl
EA WorldView
Orient Net
Syria Sources in English
News of the Revolution in Syria
Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently
Syriac International News Agency
The Rojava Report (Kurdish)
Democratic Union Party (PYD)
People's Defense Units (YPG)
Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF)
Democratic Society Movement (Tevdem)
Lions of Rojava
Rojava Plan
Rojava Solidarity NYC
Kurdistan Anarchist Forum
Hawar News Agency (ANHA)
Kurdish Matters
Kurdish Info
ARA News
ANF News
Kurdistan National Congress
The Kurdish Project
Kurdistan Tribune
Damascus Center for Human Rights Studies
Syrian Center for Political and Strategic Studies
Building the Syrian State
Free Syria Foundation
Syrian Support Group
The Syria Campaign
Syria Solidarity UK
Syria Solidarity Campaign
Syrian National Council (opposition umbrella)
Syrian National Council (second website?)
National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces
(self-proclaimed interim government)
Syrian Expatriates Organization (pro-opposition)
National Alliance for Syria (pro-opposition)
Syrian American Council (pro-opposition)
Syrian American Forum (pro-Assad?)
Syria Solidarity Movement (pro-Assad)
Syrian Youth for Peace (neutral?)
Democratic Revolution, Syrian Style
Leila Shami (pro-opposition blogger)
The Revolting Syrian (pro-opposition blogger)
Darth Nader (Syrian anarchist blogger)
Linux Beach (pro-opposition blogger)
Syrian Revolution Commentary and Analysis
Tahrir International Collective Network (anarchist perspectives on Arab Revolution)

International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran
International Organisation to Preserve Human Rights in Iran
Center for the Defenders of Human Rights
Human Rights Activists News Agency
Organization for Women's Liberation in Iran (OWLI)
Iranian and Kurdish Women's Rights Organization (IKWRO)
Meydaan: Stop Stoning Forever
Havaar: Iranian Initiative Against War, Sanctions and State Repression
CASMII: Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
OIAC: Organization of Iranian-American Communities
NIAC: National Iranian American Council
IASWI: International Alliance in Support of Workers in Iran
CODIR: Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People's Rights
IWSN: Iranian Workers Solidarity Network
Justice for Iranian Workers
Iran Labor Report
Iran Rises
Iran-Arab Spring
Iran Freedom (linked to Mujahedeen Khalq?)
Iran Liberty (ditto?)
Iranian Progressives in Translation
Worker-Communist Party of Iran (WPI)
Communist Party of Iran (CPI)
Komalah: Communist Party of Iran (Kurdish)
Green Party of Iran
Balochistan People's Party
Iran Tribunal
Radio Zamaneh
Iran News Update
Iran Focus
Ahwaz Monitor
Rooz Online

Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
RAWA News: The Reality of Life in Afghanistan
RAWA News Archive
Afghan Women's Mission (US)
SAWA: Support Association for the Women of Afghanistan (Australia)
Women for Afghan Women (pro-occupation)
Afghanistan Rights Monitor
Afghans for Peace
Afghanistan Peace Organization
Integrity Watch Afghanistan
Afghanistan 1400
Afghanistan Online
Khaama Press
Afghan Network
Rethink Afghanistan
The Long War Journal (Pashto resources)
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan—Voice of Jihad (Taliban website)

Kibush: Occupation Magazine
Alternative Information Center
Palestinian Center for Human Rights
B'Tselem: Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories
Al-Haq: Defending Human Rights in Palestine
Arabic Network for Human Rights Information
Addameer: Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association
Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidaruty Network
ACRI: Association for Civil Rights in Israel
ICAHD: Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions
Monitoring Israeli Colonization Activities
New Profile: Movement for the Civil-ization of Israeli Society
Yesh Din: Volunteers for Human Rights
Adalah: Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel
Mossawa Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens in Israel
HaMoked: Center for the Defense of the Individual
Bimkom: Planners for Planning Rights
New Israel Fund
The Jerusalem Fund
IMEMC: International Middle East Media Center
Middle East Online
Middle East Eye
IMEU: Institute for Middle East Understanding
MERIP: Middle East Research & Information Project
MENA Solidarity Network
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
Middle East Policy Council (paleocon)
The Media Line: MidEast News Source
Mid East Faces
Ma'an News Agency
Palestine News Network
WAFA: Palestinian News & Info Agency (official)
+972 Mag
War in Context
Peace Now
Gush Shalom: Israeli Peace Bloc
Ta'ayush: Arab Jewish Peace Fellowship
Combatants for Peace
Rabbis for Human Rights
Stop the Wall
Anarchists Against the Wall
Who Profits? Exposing the Israeli Occupation Industry
Popular Struggle Coordination Committee
Free Gaza Movement
Gaza Gateway
GISHA: Legal Center for Freedom of Movement
Palestine Note
Palestine Telegraph
Electronic Intifada
Beyond Compromise
Intifada: Voice of Palestine
Palestine Remembered: al-Nakba, 1948
Palestine Justice Network
BADIL: Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights
ISM: International Solidarity Movement
BDS Movement: Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions
Breaking the Silence: Israeli Veterans Speak
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
Jewish Voice for Peace
Center for Jewish Nonviolence
American Jews for a Just Peace
IJAN: International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
One Democratic State Group
New Jewish Resistance (anti-Zionist)

DRUM: Desis Rising Up and Moving
Samar: South Asian Magazine for Action and Reflection
Campaign to Stop Funding Hate
Coalition Against Genocide
Citizens for Justice & Peace
The Wire
The Diplomat
Asia Pacific Forum: Progressive Pan-Asian Radio Show
APSN: Asia Pacific Solidarity Network
South Asia Solidarity Initiative
South Asia Citizens Web
Indus Asia Online Journal (Pakistan)
Kashmir News
The Baluch
Eelam Nation
GroundViews (Sri Lanka)
Sri Lanka Campaign for Peace & Justice
Asian Centre for Human Rights
Asian Human Rights Commission
South Asia Terrorism Portal
Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (funded by Indian Ministry of Defence)
Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies
Rising Nepal
APFA News (Bhutan)
Democratic Voice of Burma
Burma Digest
Burma Campaign UK
Mizzima: Burma News and Multimedia
Irrawaddy Magazine
Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma)
Kachin Center (Burma)
Tai Freedom (Burma)
Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace (Indonesia)
Tapol: Indonesia Human Rights Campaign
ETAN: East Timor and Indonesia Action Network
Free West Papua
West Papua Information Kit
West Papua Media Alerts
International Parliamentarians for West Papua
Aceh Links
Stop the Killing in the Philippines
Bayan USA
Karapatan (Philippines)
Bulatlat (Philippines)
Anakpawis (Philippines)
InterAksyon (Philippines)
Salupongan (Philippines)
ICHRP: International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines
Kalikasan People's Network for the Environment (Philippines)
Peasant Movement of the Philippines (KMP)
Philippines Indigenous Peoples Links
Tagdumahan (Mindanao, Philippines)
Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center/Friends of the Earth Philippines
NUPL: National Union of People's Lawyers (Philippines)

China Labor Watch
China Labour Bulletin
China Labour Net
China Worker
Gongchao Collective
China Study Group
Chuǎng (left-dissident)
China Change
China Development Brief
Chinese Human Rights Defenders
Human Rights in China
China Law & Policy
China Leadership Monitor
Tianwang (independent rights group, Sichuan)
Seeing Red in China (pro-democracy blog)
Initiatives for China (pro-democracy)
Dui Hua Foundation (pro-democracy)
China Dialogue (ecologist)
ChinaAid (Christian-oriented)
Tiananmen University of Democracy
Federation for a Democratic China
Democratic Party of China
Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China
Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions (HKCTU)
SACOM: Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour (Hong Kong)
Information Center for Human Rights & Democracy (Hong Kong)
Umbrella Revolution News
Hong Kong Free Press
Woofter Ten
Resistance Live
China Media Project
South China Morning Post
Caixin: China Economics & Finance
China Digital Times
China File
Taiwan eNews
New Bloom (Taiwan)
Taiwan Matters
World United Formosans for Independence
Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA)
Mata Taiwan (indigenist)
Thinking Taiwan
Focus Taiwan
Want China Times (Taiwan-based)
Ketagalan Media
Japan Focus
Japan Today
Japan Subculture Research Center
Japan — Fissures in the Planetary Apparatus
Fukushima Diary
Zenko: National Assembly for Peace and Democracy (Japan)
MDS: Movement for Democratic Socialism (Japan)
Article 9 Campaign to Abolish War (Japan)
Ryukyu Shimpo (Okinawa)
Solidarity for Peace and Reunification of Korea (SPARK)
Nodutdol for Korean Community Development
Save Jeju Now
Korea Policy Institute
38 North
New Focus International
North Korea Today
North Korea News
North Korea Leadership Watch
HRNK: Committee for Human Rights in North Korea
HKnet: Network for North Korean Democracy and Human Rights
Facts  and Details (resources on China, Japan and Asia)

Eurasia Review
Euro Asia News
Transitions Online
Central Asia Online
Steppe Magazine
The Interpreter (Russia)
IWPR: Institute for War & Peace Reporting
OSW: Centre for Eastern Studies
OCCRP: Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project
Forum 18 on religious freedom in the ex-Soviet republics
UzNews (Uzbekistan)
Gundogar: For Democracy and Human Rights in Turkmenistan
Campaign Kazakhstan
SMHRIC: Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center
Mongol American Cultural Association
Free Tibet
Students for a Free Tibet
International Campaign for Tibet News & Views on Tibet
Gangkyi: the Heart of Tibetans in Exile
Tibetan Review
Tibet Post
Tibet Daily
Tibet Society
Tibet Online
Tibetan Center for Human Rights & Democracy
Tibet Truth
Tibet Youth Congress
Tibetan Government in Exile
Invisible Tibet (Tsering Woeser's website) (Chinese language)
Uyghur American Association
Uyghur Human Rights Project
World Uyghur Congress
Kafkas Vakfi/Caucasus Foundation
Kavkaz Center (voice of the Chechen resistance)
Civil Georgia News from Nagorno-Karabakh
BiaNet (Turkey)
World Bulletin (Turkey)
Turkish Minute
Southeast European Times
European Roma Rights Centre
Dzeno Association (Roma news)
East West Blog
On Gogol Boulevard: Neither East Nor West Alternative News Service (archive)
Free Belarus Now
UA Wire
Razom for Ukraine
Human Rights in Ukraine
Ukraine Today
Ukraine Solidarity Campaign
Autonomous Workers' Union (Ukraine)
Centrum Informacji Anarchistycznej (CIA) (Poland)
The Balkans Pages: Anti-War and Human Rights Resources
BIRN: Balkan Investigative Reporting Network
Independent Balkan News Agency
Global Balkans Network
Left East
H-Alter (Croatia)
Balkan Witness
Congress of North American Bosniaks
Bosnia News
Srebrenica Genocide Blog
We Remember the Bosnian Genocide

Africa News
Afrik News
Afrol News
Afrique en Ligne
Africa Renewal (UN)
Africa Action
Africa Speaks
Africa Arguments
Newstime Africa
New African
Think Africa Press
Compare Afrique
African Anarchism
GRILA: Group for Research and Initiative for the Liberation of Africa
Pambazuka News: Weekly Forum for Social Justice in Africa
Association of Concerned African Scholars
Enough Project to end genocide in Africa
Sahara Reporters (Nigeria)
Sudan Tribune
New Sudan Vision
Radio Dabanga (Darfur)
Save Darfur
Darfur Women Action Group
Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) (Darfur)
Darfur Information Center
Rescue Nubia
Nuba Survival
Nuba Reports
Geeska Afrika Online
Zegabi East Africa News
Great Lakes Voice
Friends of the Congo
Congo Planet
Congo News Agency
Congo Siasa
HRLHA: Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa
Sabahi: Covering the Horn of Africa (sponsored by US Africa Command)
Somali Review
Somali War Monitor
Radio Mareeg
Goobjoog News
Shabelle Media Network
Radio Garowe Online
Somaliland Times
Somaliland Press
SIRAG: Somaliland International Recognition Action Group
Rift Valley Institute
ECADF: Ethiopian News
Ethiopian Review
Ogaden Online
Ogaden News
Oromo Liberation Front (OLF)
Oromia Support Group
Oromia Online
QEERROO: National Youth Movement for Freedom & Democracy (Oromia) Online Resource on Oromia
Anyuak Media
Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia
Meskerem: Eritrean Opposition Website
Awate: News & Analysis on Eritrea
United Eritrean Democratic Front
Asmarino Independent

The Maghreb Daily
North Africa Post
Algeria Watch
Algeria ISP
Algerian League for Human Rights
SOS Disparus (Algeria)
Ennahar Online
Feb 17th: Libyan Youth Movement
Shabab Libya
Libya Herald
Libya Observer
Tripoli Post
Amazigh Cultural Association
Amazigh World News
Voix Berbères
Gouvernement Provisoire Kabyle (Algeria)
Mouvement pour l'Autodétermination de la Kabylie (MAK)
Siwel: Kabylia Information Agency
America Kabylia Friendship & Union
Kabylia Blog
Tuareg Culture and News
Toumast Press
Mali Actualités
Mouvement National de Libération de L'Azawad (MNLA) (Mali)
Mouvement des Nigériens pour la Justice (MNJ) (Niger)
Front des Forces de Redressement (FFR) (Niger)
Sahara Media
ARSO: Association for a free and fair Referendum in Western Sahara
Organization for Statehood & Freedom (Western Sahara)
Western Sahara Resource Center
Western Sahara Resource Watch
Sahara Press Service (official agency of the Saharawi Republic)
Jadaliyya (Arab Studies Institute) (US Africa Command)

Weekly News Update on the Americas
Upside Down World
Center for International Policy—Americas Program
Latin America Bureau
NACLA: North American Congress on Latin America
LAWG: Latin America Working Group
WOLA: Washington Office on Latin America
COHA: Council on Hemispheric Affairs
LASC: Latin America Solidarity Coalition
LACSN: Latin American and Caribbean Solidarity Network
ALAI: Latin American Information Agency
CIDH: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (OAS)
CEDEMA: Centro de Documentación de los Movimientos Armados
InSight: Organized Crime in the Americas
Just the Facts: Civilian's guide to US defense and security assistance to Latin America
School of the Americas Watch
Latin American & Caribbean Community Center
Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas
Latin America Press
Latin America News Dispatch
Narco News Bulletin
El Revolucionario
La Línea de Fuego
Proyecto Ambulante
Lo de Allá
Minga Informativa
No a la Mina
Observatorio de Industrias Extractivas y Derechos Colectivos
Observatorio de Conflictos Mineros de America Latina
Observatorio Latinoamericano de Conflictos Ambientales
Observatorio Petrolero Sur
COPDI: Coordinación por los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas
Transiciones (Latin American Center for Social Ecology)
Agencia Matriz del Sur
Prensa Indígena
Rebanadas de Realidad
Prensa Latina (Cuban)
Clarín (Buenos Aires)

Mexico Independent Media Center
La Jornada
Mexico Voices
Frontera NorteSur
Borderland Beat
NarcoGuerra Times
Revolución 3.0
La Otra División Del Norte (Matamoros)
Mexico Solidarity Network
Mexico Labor News & Analysis
Red Mexicana de Acción Frente al Libre Comercio (RMALC)
Red Mexicana de Afectados por al Minería (REMA)
Justice in Mexico Project
Comité Cerezo: Freedom for Mexican Political Prisoners
LIMEDDH: Mexican League for the Defense of Human Rights
PRODH: Miguel Augustín Pro Juarez Human Rights Center
CCIODH: International Civil Human Rights Observation Commission
Tlachinollan: Human Rights Center of the Montaña (Guerrero)
El Enemigo Común (Oaxaca)
Wixarika: Huichol Art, History and Culture
Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN)
My Word Is My Weapon (EZLN communiques)
Radio Zapatista
CGT Chiapas
Enlace Civil (Chiapas)
SIPAZ: Servicio Internacional para la Paz
CIEPAC: Chiapas Investigative Center for Communitarian Action
FRAYBA: Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center
Pozol: Red de Medios Libres Chiapas
Chiapas Independent Media Center
Chiapas Paralelo

Rights Action
Oil Watch Mesoamerica
NISGUA: Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala
CICIG: International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (UN)
Coordinadora Nacional de Organizaciones Campesinas (CNOC) (Guatemala)
Guatemala Human Rights Updates
Guatemala Times
Guatemala Spring
Prensa Comunitaria (Guatemala)
CISPES: Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador
US-El Salvador Sister Cities
Consejo Cívico de Organizaciones Populares e Indígenas de Honduras (COPINH)
Organizacion Fraternal Negra Hondureña (OFRANEH)
Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular (FNRP)
Comité de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos en Honduras (COFADEH)
Honduras Laboral
Solidarity with the People(s) of Honduras
Honduras Resiste
Honduras Oye!
Honduras Coup 2009
Vos el Soberano: Contra el Golpe de Estado en Honduras
Revistazo (independent news from Honduras)
Honduras Culture and Politics
Honduras Weekly
Nicaragua Network
Nuevo Diario (Nicaragua)
Nicaragua Dispatch
La Voz del Sandinismo
CENIDH: Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights
Tico Times (Costa Rica)
Inside Costa Rica
Panamá On
Panamá Profundo
Newsroom Panama
Kaieteur News (Guyana)
Haiti Support Group
Haiti Action
Haïti Liberté
Radio Métropole
Batay Ouvriye
Other Worlds Are Possible (Haiti)
Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti
Red Betances (Puerto Rico)
Claridad (Puerto Rico)
ACN: Cuban News Agency
Havana Times
Cuba Debate
Cuba Encuentro
Translating Cuba
Observatorio Critico (Cuban left-wing dissidents)
Cartas Desde Cuba
Cuba Posible
Caribbean 360

Colombia Support Network
Colombia Solidarity Campaign (UK)
Justice for Colombia
US Office on Colombia
Colombia Reports
Colombia Politics
Colombia Peace
Colombia Informa
Agencia Prensa Rural
IPC Press Agency (Medellín)
ANNCOL: New Colombia News Agency (pro-FARC)
Resistencia Colombia (FARC)
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
National Liberation Army (ELN)
Causa Justa/Colombian@s por la Paz
Permanent Assembly of Civil Society for Peace
Resistencia Civil Democratica
Polo Democrático Alternativo
Congreso de los Pueblos
Movimiento Obrero Independiente Revolucionario (MOIR)
DHColombia: Red de Defensores No Instituciónalizados
Corporacíon Jurídica Libertad
Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restrepo
CINEP: Center for Research and Popular Education
CODHES: Consultoría para los Derechos Humanos y el Desplazamiento
Movimiento Nacional de Víctimas de Crímenes de Estado en Colombia
Razon Publica
Desde Abajo
Desde los Márgenes
Palabras al Márgen
Movimiento Colombiano
Verdad Abierta: paramilitares y conflicto armado en Colombia
San José de Apartadó Peace Community
Red Juvenil (Medellín)
Fellowship of Reconciliation Colombia Program
Peace Brigades International—Colombia
Amigos de la Tierra Colombia
Actualidad Étnica
Asociación MINGA
MAMA Radio
National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC)
Indigenous Authorities of Colombia (AICO)
Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca (CRIC)
Association of Indigenous Cabildos of North Cauca (ACIN)
Indigenous Organization of Antioquia (OIA)
Association of Indigenous Cabildos of Chocó (OREWA)
Organization of Indigenous Peoples of the Colombian Amazon (OPIAC)
National Association of Displaced Afro-Colombians (AFRODES)

Hands Off Venezuela!
AVN: Agencia Venezolana de Noticias
La Guarura
ANMCLA: Associación Nacional de Medios Comunitarios, Libres y Alternativos
PROVEA: Programa Venezolano de Educación-Acción en Derechos Humanos
Venezuelan Observatory of Social Conflict
Foro Penal
Voz Insurgente
Unidad Internacional de los Trabajadoes (Venezuelan Trotskyist opposition)
Lucha Internacionalista (ditto)
El Libertario (Venezuelan anarchist journal)

Enlace Indígena
Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indígenas (CAOI)
Servindi: Servicios en Comunicación Intercultural
Defensa Territorios
Clave Verde
Andina: Peruvian News Agency
Andean Air Mail & Peruvian Times
Peru This Week El Buscador del Peru
Coordinadora Nacional de Radio (Peru)
Pachamama Radio (Peru)
IDL Reporteros (Peru)
Caretas (Peru)
APRODEH: Associacíon Pro Derechos Humanos (Peru)
Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos (Peru)
Instituto Internacional de Derecho y Sociedad (Peru)
CEPES: Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales
ICB: Institute de Bien Común (Peru)
Programa de Democracia y Transformación Global (Peru)
La Mula (Peru)
Mariátegui: La revista de las ideas (Peru)
PoliticaSociedad (Peru)
Colectivo Dignidad (Peru)
Caballero Verde (Cajamarca, Peru)
Celendín Libre (Cajamarca, Peru)
Wauqi (Peru)
Muqui (Peru)
InfoRegión (Peru)
CooperAcción (Peru)
Forum Solidaridad Perú
Nosotr@s Peru
Con Nuestro Perú
Stop Peru FTA
Consulta Previa
Rumbo Minero
Agro Noticias Perú
Instituto de Estudios Peruanos
CONDESAN: Knowledge for the Sustainable Development of the Andean Ecoregion
Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Perú (CONAIP)
Convención Nacional del Agro Peruano (CONVEAGRO)
Confederación Nacional Agraria (CNA)
Confederación Nacional de Comunidades del Perú Afectadas por la Minería (CONACAMI)
National Unitary Center of Rondas Campesinas of Peru (CUNARC)
National Organization of Indigenous, Andean and Amazonian Women (ONAMIAP)
National Federation of Campesina, Indigenous, Native and Working Women (FEMUCARINAP)
Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE)
Confederation of Indigenous Peoples and Nationalities of the Ecuadoran Coast (CONAICE)
Kichwa Confederation of Ecuador (ECUARUNARI)
National Confederation of Campesino, Indigenous and Black Organizations of Ecuador (FENOCIN)
Intag Environmental Defense and Conservation (DECOIN)
Hatarinchej: Ecuador Rising
Acción Ecológica (Ecuador)
CDES: Center for Economic and Social Rights (Ecuador)
INREDH: Fundación Regional de Asesoría en Derechos Humanos (Ecuador)
Ecuador Solidarity Network
Kichwa Hatari
Bolivia Rising
Bolivia Transition Project
Bolivia Information Forum
Abiding in Bolivia
Bolivia Weekly
Bolivia Diary
Bolivia Prensa
FOBOMADE: Foro Boliviano sobre Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo
OIEDC: Observatory of Extractive Industries and Collective Rights
Ecologia, Medio Ambiente Bolivia
ANF: Agencia de Noticias Fides (Bolivia)
AINI: Agencia Intercultural de Noticias Indigenas de Bolivia
ABI: Agencia Boliviana de Información
Derechos Humanos Bolivia
Andean Information Network
The Democracy Center (Bolivia)
National Council of Ayllus and Markas of Qullasuyu (CONAMAQ)
Cosmovisión Andina
Pachamama Alliance
Mapuche International Link
Mapuche Territorial Alliance
Werken (Chile)
Maricheweu International (Chile)
Indigenous News (Chile)
Solidaridad (Chille)

Amazon Watch
Rainforest Foundation
Rainforest Action Network
Rainforest Rescue
World Rainforest Movement
Forest Peoples Programme
Mariri Magazine: Voice of the Forest
Xingo Vivo
Indigene Climate Alliance
Coordinadora de las Organizaciones Indígenas de la Cuenca Amazónica (COICA)
Coordenação das Organizações Indígenas da Amazônia Brasileira (COIAB)
Inter-ethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Rainforest (AIDESEP)
Confederation of Amazonian Nationalities of Peru (CONAP)
Regional Organization of the Indigenous Peoples of Oriente (ORPIO)
Native Federation of the Rio Madre de Dios (FENAMAD)
Central Asháninka del Rio Ene (CARE)
Machiguenga Council of the Río Urubamba (COMARU)
Federation of the Achuar Nationality of Peru (FENAP)
Federation of Native Communities of Corrientes (FECONACO)
Matsés Tribal Organization (Peru)
IIAP: Peruvian Amazon Research Institute
DAR: Derecho, ambiente y recursos naturales (Peru)
RAL: Red Ambiental Loretana
Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadoran Amazon (CONFENIAE)
Sarayaku (Ecuador)
Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of the Oriente of Bolivia (CIDOB)
Territorios en Resistencia (Bolivia)
CEDIA: Center for the Development of the Indigenous Amazon
CIMI: Conselho Indigenista Missionário
CPT: Comissão Pastoral da Terra
Amazon Conservation Team
Dams in Amazonia
Shinai: Defending indigenous people in the Peruvian Amazon
Upper Amazon Conservancy
Western Amazon
Amazon Indians
Lucha Indígena

Indian Country Today Media Network
Native News Online
Indigenous Environmental Network
International Indian Treaty Council
Censored News: Indigenous Peoples, Resistance and Human Rights
This Tide Has No Heartbeat
Akwesasne Counterspin
Two Row Wampum Renewal Campaign
Black Mesa Indigenous Support
Unsettling America
High Country News
Earth First! Journal
Turtle Talk
Mining Watch Canada
Assembly of First Nations (AFN) (Canada)
APTN: Aboriginal Peoples Television Network
First Perspective
Vive Le Canada
Council of Canadians

Toward Freedom
Peace News
War Times
Waging Nonviolence
Open Democracy
Democracy Chronicles
Global Voices
All Voices
Global Post
Global Dispatches
New Internationalist
Green Left Weekly
InterPress Service
World Countries News
Daily Kos
Raw Story
Color Lines
Left Voice
Non-Aligned Movement News Network
Voltaire Network (conspiracist)
Global Research Report
Small Wars Journal
Phantom Report: Political Geography, Strategy, Military Operations
Strategy Page
Conflict Map
Political Geography Now
Defense One
ISW: Institute for the Study of War
DESIP: Demographic, Environmental, and Security Issues Project
ENS: Environment News Service
ENN: Environment News Network
The Ecologist
ISN: International Relations and Security Network
IRIN: Integrated Regional Information Networks (UN)
UN News Centre
Global Risk Insights
Global Security
Global Policy Forum
Global Witness
Global Justice Ecology Project
Alliance for Global Justice
Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
Focus on the Global South
Global South Development Magazine
Third World Network
International Forum on Globalization
Center for International Policy
Center for Policy Analysis
Institute for Policy Studies
Project on Defense Alternatives
Foreign Policy in Focus
Transnational Institute

Survival International
Cultural Survival
EarthRights International
Land is Life
Minority Rights Group International
IWGIA: International Working Group for Indigenous Affairs
UNPO: Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization
UUN: Unrepresented United Nations
GALDU: Resource Center for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Society for Threatened Peoples
Peoples of the World Foundation
Center for World Indigenous Studies
Indigenous Peoples Issues & Resources
Indian Law Resource Center
Indigenous Portal
First Peoples Worldwide
World Movements for Regional Autonomy
Nationalia: Stateless Nations in Europe and Beyond
Aboriginal News Group
Intercontinental Cry
Root Force
Native Web
Earth Peoples Blog
The Speed of Dreams (Maoist tendencies)
Frontlines of Revolutionary Struggle (Maoist tendencies)
Genocide Watch
Combat Genocide
Prevent Genocide International
TRIAL: Tracking Impunity Always
International Crimes Database
International Center for Transitional Justice
Center for Civilians in Conflict
Costs of War
Crimes of War

Oil Change International
Oil Watch
The Oil Drum
A Barrel Full
Cars Suck!
World Car-free Network
Carbon Tax Center
Carbon Trade Watch
Carbon Market Watch
Public Citizen
Energy Justice Network
Sane Energy Project (NYC)
Go 100% Renewable Energy
NIRS: Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Citizens Awareness Network:
Beyond Nuclear
Mines and Communities
Trade Justice (NYC)
Global Justice for Animals & the Environment
Network for Justice in Global Investment
ICTSD: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development
Citizens Trade Campaign
Farm Land Grab
International Land Coalition
Land Rights Now
Land Portal
Via Campesina
Food First
Oakland Institute
New Economics Foundation

International Labour Organization
International Trade Union Confederation
International Labor Rights Forum
Fair Labor Association
Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights
Global Slavery Index
Industri-ALL Global Union
Solidarity Center
Labor Union Report
Labor Notes
Labor Press

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Union of Concerned Scientists
Arms Control Association
Nuclear Threat Initiative
ICAN: International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
Center for Systemic Peace
Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation
Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control
The Nuclear Resister
Nuclear Darkness
Nuclear Files
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
International Institute for Strategic Studies
World Resources Institute
Planet Earth Online
GreenWorld Environment Portal & Search Engine
OnEarth: A Survival Guide for the Planet
Climate Justice Now
Climate Justice Action
Mobilization for Climate Justice
Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice
Climate Central
Climate SOS
Climate Crisis Coalition
Climate Ground Zero
Climate & Capitalism
System Change not Climate Change
Rising Tide: Confronting the Root Causes of Climate Change
RealClimate: Climate science from climate scientists
Responding to Climate Change
Climate Progress
Cimate Central
Climate Connections
The Daily Climate
Planet Extinction
Extinction Protocol
The Watchers: Watching the World Evolve and Transform
Ice Age Now (denialist)
Far North Science
Barents Observer
Alaska Native News
Ozone Depletion
Earth Policy Institute
Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space
Test Your Geography Knowledge
University of Texas, Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection
Nations Online Project
Nation Master
World History at KMLA
Flags of the World
World Flag Database
World Atlas
International Boundaries Research Unit
Disputed Territories
Ogle Earth (monitoring Google Earth)
Statoids: Administrative Divisions of Countries
State Abbreviations
State County Maps
Ethnologue: Languages of the World
Endangered Languages
Endangered Language Alliance
Sorosoro (language preservation wesbite)
Native American Language Net — Science News
Palaeos: Life Through Deep Time
Nine Planets Solar System Tour

Amnesty International
Human Rights Watch
Human Rights First
FIDH: International Federation of Human Rights
World Organization Against Torture
Witness Against Torture
Front Line Defenders
Equipo Nizkor
Proyecto Desaparecidos
Defending Dissent Foundation
The Constitution Project
Center for Constitutional Rights
National Lawyers Guild
ACLU: American Civil Liberties Union
NYCLU: New York Civil Liberties Union
Committee to Protect Journalists
Reporters Without Borders
IFEX: International Freedom of Expression Exchange
Index on Censorship
EFF: Electronic Frontier Foundation
The Politics of Immigration
Immigration News Briefs
Border Network for Human Rights
Jurist: Legal News & Research
United Nations: Human Rights page
ICRC International Humanitarian Law page

Stop the Drug War
Drug Policy Alliance
International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy
Transnational Institute on Drugs and Democracy
NORML: National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws
Global Ganja Report

War Resisters League
United for Peace and Justice
US Labor Against the War
Revive the Peace Movement Network
September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
Military Families Speak Out
Iraq Veterans Against the War
Courage to Resist
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors
Center on Conscience & War
International Center on Nonviolent Conflict
World Beyond War
War Resisters International

RightWeb: Exposing the architecture of power that's changing our world Center for Responsive Politics Political Research Associates
Research for Progress
People for the American Way
POCLAD: Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy
CELDF: Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund
Reclaim Democracy
Popular Resistance (problematic on foriegn policy issues)
Common Cause
Demos: Ideas & Action

Searchlight Magazine (UK)
Anti-Racist Action
Anti-Fascist News
NYC Antifa
Southern Poverty Law Center
One People's Project
Antifascist Calling...
Three-Way Fight
Contested Terrain
Meldungen aus dem Exil

A-infos: Anarchist News Service
Anarchist News dot org
Anarchy in Action
Anarchist International Information Service
Anarchist Writers
Black Rose Anarchist Federation
Rabble (UK)
Insurrection News
It's Going Down
Fifth Estate
Bloque Libertario Internacional (Mexico)
Nodo50: Contrainformación el la Red (Spain)
La Haine: Proyecto de desobedencia informativo (Spain)
A Las Barricadas (Spain)
Viento Sur (Spain)
Red Libertaria (Spain) (Italy)
Infokiosques (France)
GlobalInfo (Netherlands)
Freedom (UK)
Alternative Libertaire (pan-European)
Gipfelsoli (pan-European)
Interactivist Info Exchange Anarchist News and Information
A New World in Our Hearts (NYC)
The Shadow (NYC)
Slingshot (Berkeley)
ROAR Magazine (Oakland)
Cuntrastamu! (UC Davis)
The Defenestrator (Philadelphia)
Upping the Anti (Canada)
Zambalaza (South Africa)
The North Star
The New Significance
New Compass (Social Ecology)
The RAWR Report
Critical Resistance (prison abolitionist)
Revolution News
Committee Against Political Repression (anarchist archive)
Spunk Library (another archive)
The Anarchist Library
Anarchist Archives
Anarchist Yellow Pages (global contacts)
AK Press
Christie Books
Workers Solidarity Alliance (NYC)
International Workers Association (IWA/AIT)
Anarcho-Syndicalism: Class Struggle Online
Solidarity Federation (UK)
Workers Solidarity Movement (Ireland)
Ideas & Action
People's Tribune Libertarian Communism
News & Letters: Marxist-Humanism
Marxist-Humanist Initiative
The International Marxist-Humanist
The Hobgoblin (UK Marxist-Humanists)
Workers' Liberty
Midnight Notes
Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières
The Project, A Socialist Journal
The Socialist Webzine (Socialist Party USA)
Marxists Internet Archive (orthodox but non-sectarian)
In Defense of Marxism (sectarian but comprehensive, Trotskyist) (ditto, Maoist)

Free Press: Reform Media, Transform Democracy
FAIR: Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
PR Watch: Center for Media and Democracy
Media Matters for America
Editor & Publisher
Columbia Journalism Review
Reclaim the Media
Independent Media Center
New York Independent Media Center
Voices of NY (NYC community and ethnic publications)
New America Media
The Conversation

9-11 Guide
9-11 Myths
Debunking 9-11 Conspiracy Theories
Debunking 9-11 Myths (Popular Mechanics)
NIST Fact Sheet on the World Trade Center
NOVA: Engineering Ground Zero
Skyscraper Safety Campaign
World Trade Center — Some Engineering Aspects (University of Sydney)
Screw Loose Change (right-wing, unfortunately)
Overthrowing the Illuminati (deceptively named, anti-conspiranoid)

The Noble Qur'an (full text)
DILP: Digital Islamic Library Project
IRFI: Islamic Research Foundation International
ISNA: Islamic Society of North America
CAIR: Council on American-Islamic Relations
MAS: Muslim American Society
World Muslim Congress
Muslim Advocates
Critical Muslim
Muslim Girl
Islamophobia Watch
Islam Denounces Antisemitism
Institution for the Secularization of Islamic Society
Muslims for Progressive Values
Muslim Reform Movement
Muslim Peace Fellowship
Muslims for Secular Democracy (India)
One Law for All (No Sharia Law Campaign, secular)
Women Living Under Muslim Laws
Secularism is a Women's Issue
Centre for Secular Space
Violence is Not Our Culture
Council of Ex-Muslims (pro-secular, obviously)
Qantara: Dialogue with the Islamic World
Jafariya Shia News Website
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (Shi'ite)
Al Risala Forum International (Islamic nonviolence)
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
Ahmadiyya Times
Sufi News & World Report
Baha'i World News Service
The Muslim Guy
Encyclopaedia of the Orient
LookLex (resources on Islam and Middle East)
Jewish Virtual Library
European Jewish Press
Heeb Magazine: The New Jew Review
Jewcy (Judeo-hipsters)
Tablet (Jewish)
Jewish Currents
Zeek: A Jewish Journal of Thought and Culture
Failed Messiah: covering Orthodox Judaism since 2004
New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia
National Catholic Reporter
The Tablet (Catholic)
Spero News
MISNA: Missionary International Service News Agency
Ecumenical News International
Catholic Worker Movement
World Panthiesm
Religion Dispatches
Bartholomew's notes on religion

Ansar al-Mujahideen (jihadist clearing house, primary source; click at own risk)
Jihadology (clearing house on source material, critical perspective)
SITE Intelligence Gorup (ditto)
The Jamestown Foundation (terrorism wonks)
TAPSTRI: Terror Assymetrics Project (ditto)
Mapping Militant Organizations 

*Armed political Islam; as distinct from more conventional concepts of jihad in Islamic tradition.

DISCLAIMER: A link on this page by no means should be construed as an endorsement. Many of these websites we support; some we definitely do not. All are interesting and/or useful.

NOTE ON ACRONYMS: If the acronym appears before the name with a colon, the group in question is judged to be a news, advocacy or watchdog organization. If the acronym appears in parenthesis following the name, the organization is judged to be more of an "actor." Obviously, this distinction is not always a clear-cut one.