Cascade Newsletter – Issue No.6



Jean Radvanyi, Professor at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilisations, Paris, designer of the CASCADE Atlas

The CASCADE Atlas of the Caucasus, a regional and methodological challenge.

The Caucasus is difficult to describe with single and simple approaches. First of all, because of its diversity: it is not for nothing that it was called the “mountain of peoples”. The complexity of the administrative map, now divided into four states, themselves subdivided into eleven lower entities inherited from the Soviet regime, three of which are unrecognised secessionist regions, is matched only by its ethnic or religious complexity. Any study, irrespective of its methodology and discipline, historical, geographical, geopolitical, economic or social, encounters this complexity at the risk of abusive simplifications, however these are frequent in the literature and in the reports published by national or international organisations.

We are all looking for accessible tools, corpus of texts, chronologies, statistics and maps likely to help us to put some order or readability to this complexity. But can we rely on these instruments in a region plagued by tensions and conflicts, some of which are “frozen” and trigger contradictory historical narratives, a region where a significant part of the economy is considered as “gray” or “parallel”, and where refugees or displaced persons constitute a significant part of the population? By proposing to publish at the end of the CASCADE project a new Atlas of the Caucasus, we knew that the challenge was great. The simple gathering of official statistics in this fragmented area, whose methods of calculation are undoubtedly near to international standards but keep a lot of specificities, was the first challenge. Much of the data does present at the scale of the entire region. Others present biases such that their extrapolation raises more questions than answers for our analyses. But it is also by reflecting on the defects this statistical and spatial shadow game that one reveals the underlying stakes.

The set of maps that will be presented as one of the products of the CASCADE project is, as we are aware, uneven and perfectible. It will certainly be the subject of polemics, inevitable when one tries to unite in a single framework these four states that separate “frozen” conflicts, disputed territories, distinct economic and strategic trajectories. We hope, however, that they will make it possible to advance the understanding of the mutations which, at different rates, affect the whole region, beyond its new frontiers, some of which remain contested. They will all be available on a single site, CartOrient*, where they will fit into a larger body, including post-Soviet Central Asia and Iran. Thus conceived, we hope that this Cascade Atlas of the Caucasus will fulfill its original objective: to illustrate the complexity of this region and to offer, through cartographic representation, an additional tool for understanding and reflection. Read CASCADE Newsletter n.6

* The CartOrient project was initiated jointly by the UMR 7528 Mondes iranien et indien (CNRS, Sorbonne nouvelle – Paris 3, INALCO, EPHE) in collaboration with the EA 4513 Centre Europe Eurasie (INALCO). It is supported by the COMUE University Sorbonne Paris Cité (USPC).


Research trip Moscow-Kazan 28 October - 6 November by Silvia Serrano

The fieldwork for Cascade was conducted in the wake of a round table on “Christians and Muslims, a comparison France/Russia”, organised and funded by INALCO and CEFR in Moscow and Kazan, where Silvia Serrano presented a paper on how framing “radicalisation” influences anti-radicalisation policies, in France and Russia.

The fieldwork was conducted in Moscow and Kazan. It aimed at collecting information about social or benevolence activities of the Muslim communities in the various regions of the Russian Federation, with a comparison between the North Caucasus, Moscow and Tatarstan. It aimed also at understanding the links between social activists from the North Caucasus and Tatarstan.

It has consisted of :

– in-depth interviews with experts and with imams involved in benevolence activities (including from Dagestan),

– visiting a rehabilitation center established in the mosque Yardem, with patients from the North Caucasus (Chechnya),

– visiting mosques in Kazan,

– participant observation of a seminar about financing and organising aspects of benevolence, for imams coming from all over the Russian Federation.

Fieldwork in Abkhazia with CASCADE Support

Fieldwork in Abkhazia

“Abkhazia, a place where cross and crescent work together” © Florian Mühlfried

In September and October 2017, CASCADE researcher Florian Mühlfried has conducted three weeks of fieldwork in Abkhazia. The fieldwork was embedded in his participation in WP6 dedicated to “Religion and Politics”. The main focus of this exploratory trip was and the relation between the state and the three instutionalised religions in Abkhazia.

In Abkhazia, religious pluralism is a state-sponsored project. In Addition to Orthodox Christianity and Islam, so-called traditional religion has gained official recognition. Multi-culturalism and secularism are the ideological underpinnings of state-practiced religions pluralism. This differentiates Abkhazia from other de facto or de jure countries in the Caucasus where the project of post-soviet state making is tightly interwoven with the revival of one religious institution such as Orthodox Christianity (e.g. in Georgia) or Islam (e.g. in Chechnya).


The Kodor(i) Valley © Florian Mühlfried

Fieldwork was mainly taking place in the Abkhaz capital Sukhum(i) and consisted of interviews and participant observation. Trips to sacred sites such as churches and “folk shrines” completed the picture. Overall, the main task of this fieldwork project was to allow for comparisons with other parts of the Caucasus the fieldworker Florian Mühlfried is more familiar with.

"L'Arménie à l'épreuve du feu. Forger l'Etat à travers la guerre"

New book on the Armenian state building through Nagorno-Karabakh conflict by CASCADE Researcher Taline Papazian, in Karthala, 2016

For more than 25 years Armenia and Azerbaijan have been conflicting over a small mountainous enclave called Nagorno-Karabakh. When early Soviet leaders decided to place this mostly Armenian populated region within the territory of neighbouring Azerbaijan they unwillingly triggered a time-bomb that started ticking in the last years of the USSR: as soon as national movements stirred the Soviet Union, Armenian claims for reunification with Nagorno-Karabakh stood at the forefront of the empire-wide tides. But whereas the USSR was slowly breaking down, the Karabakh question exploded.

Puzzling as may seem, this book demonstrates how war has provided military, political and ideological resources to the building of the Armenian state. A cease-fire, reached in 1994, has by and large contained the conflict, yet still very much alive as the resurgence of war in April 2016 amply evidenced. Paradoxically, the stabilisation of the cease-fire in the mid-2000’s has coincided with growing threats against the permanence of the Armenian state, this time of another, more insidious, kind. In open warfare, as much as in the absence of peace, Armenia has been subjected to the trial of fire. After winning the first round, the task of consolidating the state as an instrument of governance rather than of war will be the real token of success.

The Karabakh conflict and its inherent relations with the hazards of the Armenian state in the contemporary period find their place in the long-term history of nationalisms in Southern Europe since the early 20th century, at the crossroads of European, American, Russian and Turkish diverging interests. A regional political crisis with international consequences the settlement of which is constantly deferred, the Karabakh conflict encapsulates all contemporary geopolitical challenges of the former Soviet area: thanks to it, Moscow successfully clings on the role of arbitrator in the dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan and of game master in the whole South Caucasus. Nagorno-Karabakh shares features with other ethno-territorial conflicts inherited from the USSR. Nevertheless, its geostrategic scope reaches much further, being the key to an eventual new deal in geopolitical relations between the three South Caucasian states (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia) and their international partners: the European Union, the United States, Russia, Turkey and Iran.

Find more information on the book.

Out Now: Local Modernisation Initiatives in the North Caucasus

New working paper by By Prof. Vladimir Kolosov, Dr. Olga Vendina, Dr. Anton Gritsenko, Dr. Alexander Panin, Dr. Alexander Sebentsov Dr. Maria Zotova, Dr. V. Streletskii
Centre of Geopolitical Studies Russian Academy of Sciences, IGRAS

РИС. 1.6.Расселение народов на Юге Ро

The dispersal of ethnic groups in the North Caucasus (c) IGRAS CASCADE

Private enterprise is a major driver of socioeconomic development in the regions of the North Caucasus. The inventiveness and hard work of the local population, its responsiveness to the changing market situation have fostered prosperity in some of the region’s households. This especially stands out during visits to the republics of the North Caucasian Federal District (NCFD), where the local initiative favoured the appearance of various types of commodity production, both in the sphere of agribusiness and in small manufactories. However, it is not possible to talk of sustainable development in the region: success stories involved primarily private backyards, smallscale production, or the service sphere and they have not transformed into regional development. The region counts among laggards in the Russian Federation and stands out, at the same time, as a large-scale shadow economy. The problem of providing it with a socioeconomic and political future remains open. This paper maps successful private-enterprise economic projects in the NCFD. It focuses on the causes that hinder the expansion and viability of modernisation processes in North Caucasian society and emphasizes their noneconomic nature. It shows that the universal mechanisms of socioeconomic development are insufficient to solve local problems. Tailor-made strategies are required, involving not only investments and institutions but also measures of indirect influence resting on shared values. In conclusion, the paper provides recommendations that (in the authors’ opinion) could help overcome the gap between the economic and sociocultural modernisation of society, thereby facilitating the development of the North Caucasus.

Read the full version of the working paper.

Oversight of the Security Sector by Parliaments and Civil Society in the Caucasus: Cases of Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan

New Working paper by GFSIS

Authors: Ashot Khurshudyan, Marijn Zeger Van der Wal, Elkhan Mehdiyev, Tamar Pataraia, Shorena Lortkipanidze and David Sikharulidze
Edited by: Kakha Gogolashvili

Oversight of the security sector is one of the most important issues which directly GFSIS_working_paperaffects the prospect of democratic development of countries. The past and recent history of all three South Caucasus states involves the Soviet legacy and continuous internal conflicts and wars, political instabilities and violence. These circumstances has caused the securitization of the political environment and practically all areas of public life and favour the concentration of excessive powers in hands of the military and law enforcement bodies. In some cases the political order relies on institutions or key personalities in army or law enforcement structures. Obviously, the weakness of democracy calls into question the ability of institutions and the general public to oversee the actions of the security bodies.
Parliamentary and civil society oversight of the security sector are two important dimensions of good practice of civil military relations, along with a clear division of authority between the Head of State, Head of Government and the security sector ministers, as well as peacetime governmental (executive) direction through security ministries, in democratic societies.1 Civilmilitary relations are being accepted as an element of democratic accountability under a parliamentary system, recognizing the primacy of politics over the military. Patterns of civilian control vary with changes in domestic ideology, domestic legal institutions, and external threat…Continue reading GFSIS Working paper

International Conference "The Democracy-Security Nexus in and around the Caucasus"

CASCADE’s final academic conference took place on 20-21 October 2016 at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in Brussels and centered around the overall theme of the project itself – The Security-Democracy Nexus in and around the Caucasus Region.

The conference was organised by the CASCADE partners at the FMSH, the University of Birmingham, and the ULB and featured 11 panels with 36 paper presentations and up to 60 participants (including presenters, chairs and discussants). The conference was attended by up to 200 people.

Welcoming remarks

Welcoming remarks

The conference was opened by Andrea Rea (Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences at the ULB), Laure Delcour (Scientific coordinator of CASCADE project) and Derek Averre (University of Birmingham) and closing remarks were given by Laure Delcour and Nino Kemoklidze (University of Birmingham).

The conference aimed to re-examine the link between security and democratisation in the context of growing authoritarianism and new protest movements, as well as conflict transformation resulting from broader political upheavals in the wider neighbourhood. This re-examination was informed by a combination of macro- and micro approaches and the various panels represented at the conference mirrored well the true (academic) diversity of the CASCADE project itself.

The previous post on the final CASCADE events in Brussels

The full description of the conference

Photos of the conference


CASCADE Fourth Steering Committee

CASCADE Fourth Steering Committee, Brussels, 19 October 2016

CASCADE researchers and members of the External Expert Council gathered in Brussels on 19 October.

CASCADE Fourth Steering Committee, Brussels, 19 October 2016

CASCADE Fourth Steering Committee, Brussels, 19 October 2016

The meeting was hosted by the Greater Birmingham and West Midlands Brussels Office, CASCADE’s partner in the United Kingdom.

The steering committee meeting was organised back-to-back with CASCADE’s final conference “THE DEMOCRACY-SECURITY NEXUS IN AND AROUND THE CAUCASUS”, which took place at Université libre de Bruxelles (20-21 October 2016) and CASCADE-SIPRI/ISSICEU conference “THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE CAUCASUS: NEW PERSPECTIVES ON AN EVOLVING   RELATIONSHIP”, which took place at Permanent Representation of Sweden to the European Union on 18 October.

CASCADE Fourth Steering Committee, Brussels, 19 October 2016

CASCADE Fourth Steering Committee, Brussels, 19 October 2016

Researchers presented the research findings, working papers and their planned publications.

They also discussed perspectives for future research.

Find more photos of the Fourth Steering Committee in our Photo Gallery.

Upcoming Conferences at Jena University

“Mistrust, Mobilities, Insecurities Conference”, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany, November 16-17, 2016

This international conference will be organised as part of the EU-FP7 CASCADE project
( by the working group dedicated to issues of migration,
mobilities and poverty in the Caucasus.plakatmistrust
The central notion to be explored during the conference is mistrust. In contrast to the
notion of trust, which has become popular as a social phenomenon in the social sciences
of late, the notion of mistrust is mostly overlooked. If at all, mistrust is investigated as the
flip side of trust, as an annoying absence and a societal failure. In this vein, post-Soviet
citizens such as those from the Caucasus are depicted as notoriously deficient: alienated
from the state due to the Soviet past they are still haunted by, incapable of creating a
genuine civil society, unwilling to follow the rule of law, relying on personal networks and
relations rather than the state apparatus, predisposed to corruption. The most pressing
question thus seems to be how to restore trust in the state, and how to foster trust in civil
agents and free markets.
With this conference, we intend to take a step back and explore what people actually do
when they mistrust. Particular attention will be paid to how mistrust relates to poverty,
insecurity and (voluntary as well as involuntary) forms of mobility as widespread
experiences in the post-Soviet Caucasus and beyond. We also ask for the constructive
potential of practices of mistrust. Can we identify communities of mistrust? May mistrust
be culturally coded? If so, what is particular about these codes? Does the sharing of
mistrust create new forms of legitimacy?

Call for papers

Conference’s programme

“Migration, Mobile Goods and Trade Networks in the Caucasus”, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany, November 18-19, 2016

Migration is one of the most popular strategies of coping with poverty among citizens from the Caucasus. In addition to economic factors, migration forms a set of practices aimed at securing social security and personal development. Political changes and economic crises within host countries affect migration patterns and the circulation of goods. plakatmigration At the same time, migration dynamics have an impact on changes in border policy, attitude towards migrants and labour market regulations. For those involved, human mobility creates translocal and transnational ties (or networks) that pave the way for the circulation of goods and enable or facilitate movement of immobile people. For people in the Caucasus, especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union, social networks in their multiple localities play a crucial role in establishing livelihood strategies and ways of operating in domestic economies. Social networks affect not only migration flows from the Caucasus but also influence the kind of survival tactics migrants employ while abroad. In this light, we are interested in how migration chains and communities are built and how they function.

The circulation of goods is embedded in social activities as a way of bridging and not bridging networks. Within this framework, we would like to address the following questions during the conference: What kind of impact does migration and the circulation of mobile goods have on mobile and immobile people from the Caucasus? How does this impact effect the relations between South Caucasian states and societies and external entities such as the Russian Federation and the EU?

Call for papers

Conference’s programme

These international conferences are organised as part of the EU-FP7 CASCADE project (www. by the working group dedicated to issues of migration, mobilities and poverty in the Caucasus.