Wage growth hits record low of 1.9pc: ABS

Updated November 16, 2016 14:17:00

Wage growth has hit a fresh record low below 2 per cent, with workers across all industries seeing pay increases that barely match the rising cost of living.

Key points:

  • Wages grow 1.9pc in private sector, 2.3pc in public sector over year to September 30
  • Mining the weakest (1pc), health care/social assistance strongest (2.4pc)
  • Economists hopeful wage growth will increase

The Bureau of Statistics Wage Price Index rose 0.4 per cent in the September quarter, seasonally adjusted, and was up just 1.9 per cent over the past year - a record low.

In fact, annual wages growth is exactly half of what it was around four years ago.

Public sector employees did a little better than their private sector counterparts, with a 2.3 per cent pay increase compared to 1.9 per cent.

However, the ABS said wage growth was weak across all sectors.

"Through the year wage growth is now below 2.5 per cent for all industries," it observed.

"In the September quarter 2016 wage growth ranged from 1 per cent for mining to 2.4 per cent for health care and social assistance."

The latest ABS Consumer Price Index put inflation at 1.3 per cent over the year to September.

The wage result was below the economist consensus forecast of 2 per cent, with UBS pointing out that growth was even weaker when bonuses were included.

"Notably, 'WPI including bonuses' also slumped more sharply than 'excluding bonuses', to a record low of just 1.7 per cent year-on-year (down from 2 per cent in the second quarter and 2.5 per cent in the first quarter)," the investment bank's economists pointed out.

TD Securities strategist Annette Beacher said a recent shift towards part-time jobs and underemployment appears to be contributing to weak wage outcomes.

"The RBA has been examining the role of lower average hours worked for some time and, while this flexibility has provided a cushion for employment during global downturns, it now appears to be contributing to lower wage growth than expected," she observed.

Something this graph compiled by JP Morgan confirms.

The main reason underemployment and unemployment affect wages so directly is that they create what economists term a "reserve army of labour" - people desperate for work, or more work, who may accept a lower wage to take someone else's job.

When there are lots of skilled people without work, or enough work, existing employees also tend to moderate their pay demands for fear of being replaced and being unable to find another job if they do get the sack.

Wages 'one of the most important economic developments'

So concerned with slow wages growth are Australia's economic policymakers that the Reserve Bank and Bureau of Statistics have produced a special report explaining why wage increases have been so low.

There are two ways that employers can keep a lid on pay rates - delaying pay rises or giving smaller ones.

The ABS found they have used both methods.

"The average length of time between wage changes has risen from once every four quarters in 2012 to once every four-and-three-quarter quarters in 2016," the ABS noted.

"This fall in the average frequency could reflect more wage freezes or longer delays in renegotiating wage contracts.

"The average size of wage changes (conditional on a wage change) has fallen from 3.6 per cent in 2012 to 2.3 per cent in 2016 and is now well below its 2000s average."

The ABS said the declining size of pay rises has contributed more than two-thirds to the overall slowdown in wage growth.

The bureau also noted a steep decline in the proportion of large wage increases.

While annual pay rises above 4 per cent accounted for the biggest share of pay moves before the global financial crisis, wage increases of 2-3 per cent per annum are now most common place, with 0-2 per cent in second place.

Not only that, but the ABS observed that many of the large wage increases used to be well above 4 per cent per annum.

"In addition to the declining share of wage changes that are larger than 4 per cent, the average size of those increases has fallen from 7.5 per cent in 2012 to 5.75 per cent in 2016, which has weighed on aggregate wage growth," the report noted.

"The declining share of 'large' rises has been apparent across all industries, though the shift has been largest in mining and the industries exposed to mining, such as construction and professional, scientific and technical services."

One positive result of this has been a much lower disparity between the wages growth of people employed across different professions.

However, rather than all boats being lifted by a rising tide, this is a case of most boats being left stuck on the mudflats as the resources boom tide recedes from Australia.

Topics: economic-trends, industrial-relations, work, australia

First posted November 16, 2016 11:50:33