AAWE, Economics Dept, New York University, 19 W 4th St, 6Fl., New York NY 10012aawe@wine-economics.org

Photography: © Provincia di Padova⎢Palazzo Bo, Teatro Anatomico & Prato © F. e M. Danesin⎢Colli Euganei © F. Colombara

11th Annual AAWE Conference 2017 in Padua, Italy (June 28 – July 2).

Hosted by the University of Padova

Call for Papers

Abstract Submission to 11th Annual AAWE Conference 2017
in Padua, Italy (June 28 – July 2, 2017).
We consider all wine topics related to economics, statistics, and business including submissions that overlap with adjacent fields such as (but not limited to) psychology, neuroscience, history, linguistics, viticulture, law or enology.
Abstracts must be 800-2,000 words long.
AAWE membership required.
Submission Deadline: December 15, 2016

Abstract Submission to 11th Annual AAWE Conference in Padua: 

3 Scholarships for Research Papers
in Wine Economics

The American Association of Wine Economists AAWE offers 3 Scholarships for Research Papers in Wine Economics (to be presented at the AAWE Padua Conference). Deadline was Nov 15, 2016.

The Awards:


Christophe Baron Prize
AAWE Scholarships
AAWE Awards of Merits

WEAI-115x115Conference of the Western Economic Association International WEAI in Santiago de Chile
from January 3 – 6, 2017

The American Association of Wine Economists (AAWE) will contribute to the Conference of the Western Economic Association International WEAI in Santiago de Chile from Jan 3-6, 2017. If you want to present a paper please send a 1,000-word abstract to aawe@wine-economics.org.
Submission Deadline was August 25, 2016

 Join the AAWE

The American Association of Wine Economists fully owns the Journal of Wine Economics, which is published three times a year by Cambridge University Press.

10th Annual Conference 2016 in Bordeaux, France
(June 21 – 25, 2016)

Click here for presentations of the conference in Bordeaux.
Click here for photographs of the conference in Bordeaux.

Click the the picture below for a
higher resolution image of the group photo.

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