Updated December 2, 2016 16:03:00

Four Corners has now ended for 2016.

But we'll be back on air Monday 6th February 2017, with more of the very best investigative reporting.

Meanwhile we invite you to revisit some of our stories again on ABC News 24, starting Saturday 3rd December. See the program schedule below:

We will also replay some of the year's best programs on ABC iview, starting in January.

If that's not enough, visit our extensive program archive and catch up on the stories you may have missed over the years.

Thanks for your continuing support and feedback and we will see you next year.


Summer season of Four Corners on ABC News 24 commences on Saturday 3rd of December every Saturday at 8:00pm:

03 Dec 2016: The Panama Papers: Secrets of the Super Rich Marian Wilkinson investigates the shadowy world of secret international finance and tax avoidance.

10 Dec 2016: The Baby Business Are women being sold false hope by the IVF industry?

17 Dec 2016: Ripped Off How taxpayers money is being squandered, leaving remote communities feeling exploited and betrayed.

24 Dec 2016: Future Proof Are we preparing our children for the workplace of the future?

31 Dec 2016: Insult To Injury How the system damages cops with PTSD.

07 Jan 2017: Cyber War How hackers are threatening everything from your bank account to the nation's secrets.

14 Jan 2017: Rehab Inc The high price parents pay to get their kids off ice.

21 Jan 2017: Backing Bourke An outback town's bold experiment to save its young people from a life of crime.

28 Jan 2017: China Rising The challenges for Australia as China and the US struggle for supremacy in Asia.

04 Feb 2017: Broken Homes Four Corners investigates the child protection system. Read the special digital feature published by ABC Online.

Tags: arts-and-entertainment, business-economics-and-finance, community-and-society, government-and-politics, human-interest, information-and-communication, law-crime-and-justice, science-and-technology, unrest-conflict-and-war, australia

First posted December 2, 2016 15:53:00