A Sense of Self

By Liz Jackson, Martin Butler and Bentley Dean

Updated November 21, 2016 11:20:00

Liz Jackson

A Sense of Self. Award winning reporter, Liz Jackson, tells the hardest story of all. (Tom Hancock)

A Sense of Self - Monday 21 November 2016

"You're not the person you were before and you feel more vulnerable. And more open to people's judgement. And pity. I don't want pity and I don't want judgement."

On Monday night, Four Corners brings you the powerful story of one of its own, veteran reporter Liz Jackson, as she comes to terms with a devastating illness.

"This is a very hard story for me to tell because it involves exposing my current condition to a public audience."

For nearly 20 years, Liz Jackson reported from the frontlines of war and politics for Four Corners, winning nine Walkley awards for excellence in journalism, including the Gold Walkley in 2006 as well as three Logie Awards.

But after she left the program in 2013, her health collapsed. She was losing her physical strength and her ability to write, and was suffering from crippling panic attacks.

"I'd looked forward to getting fit and healthy and seeing more of my friends. But it proved to be the opposite."

Liz was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.

"I got a second opinion but I wasn't happy. It was Parkinson's again, so I got a third opinion. I remember the doctor said to me 'I just want to tell you this Liz. I'm 99.9% sure you have Parkinson's.' And that seemed a very definitive answer, so that was that."

Despite a barrage of medication, Liz continued to deteriorate.

"We've been seeing all these highly qualified people for a very long time. We've been sort of doing exactly what they've suggested in terms of treatment and nothing is working." Martin Butler, Liz's partner

So with unflinching honesty, Liz Jackson has turned the camera on herself.

"What I've relied on throughout my career and throughout my life, is my capacity to think straight. And it's the fear of losing my sense of intelligence and responsiveness and losing a sense of who you are."

She brings her fierce intellect and penetrating questioning to try and understand her illness - interrogating her doctors and comparing experiences with fellow patients.

"I fear I'll lose control. I hate that."

This moving film is a collaboration between Liz, her partner Martin Butler and his colleague Bentley Dean, both highly acclaimed film makers.

"These are really devastatingly traumatic times for her, but she's got the courage, the strength to show it like it is, you've got to tell it like it is." Martin Butler

This 55-minute special program, made in partnership with the ABC, Contact Films, Screen Australia and Film Victoria will also be available on ABC iview along with a selection of Liz Jackson's most memorable films.

A SENSE OF SELF, reported by Liz Jackson for Contact Films, presented by Sarah Ferguson, goes to air on Monday 21st November at 8.30pm EDT. It is replayed on Tuesday 22nd November at 10.00am and Wednesday 23rd at 11pm. It can also be seen on ABC News 24 on Saturday at 8.00pm AEST, ABC iview and at abc.net.au/4corners.

Background Information


Parkinson's Australia | 1800 644 189 - The national peak body and charity representing Australians living with Parkinson's. Visit their website for details on state branches. http://www.parkinsons.org.au/

What is Parkinson's? | Parkinson's Australia - Information about symptoms, treatment and support. http://www.parkinsons.org.au/what-is-parkinsons

beyondblue Support Service | 1300 22 4636 - Information and support for those suffering from anxiety and depression. https://www.beyondblue.org.au/

Mind Australia - A non-government provider of mental health and psychosocial disability support services. Information and referral: 1300 286 463 | Carer Helpline 1300 554 660. https://www.mindaustralia.org.au/

What is Lewy body disease? | Alzheimer's Australia - Causes, diagnosis and progression. https://www.fightdementia.org.au/about-dementia/types-of-dementia/lewy-body-disease

Shake It Up Foundation Australia - A not-for-profit organisation promoting Australian research into Parkinson's. http://shakeitup.org.au/


Calls to scrap diagnosis of 'Parkinson's disease', with one in four misdiagnosed | ABC News | 21 Nov 2016 - http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-11-21/calls-to-scrap-diagnosis-of-parkinson's-disease/8038220

FEATURE A Sense Of Self | ABC News | 17 Nov 2016 - "This is the hardest film I've made". Award-winning journalist Liz Jackson turns the camera on herself to reveal her diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-11-17/liz-jackson-living-with-parkinson's-disease/8029626

BIOGRAPHY Liz Jackson: One of Australia's finest journalists | ABC News | 17 Nov 2016 - http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-11-17/liz-jackson-biography/8031224

VIDEO Liz Jackson's career highlights | ABC News | 17 Nov 2016 - http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-11-17/liz-jackson's-career-highlights/8032500

Stem cells successfully injected into Parkinson's disease patient, in trial treatment | The World Today | 14 Sep 2016 - http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-09-14/parkinson's-disease-trial-injects-stem-cells-into-brain/7844674

BLOG Liz Jackson reveals what she's learnt about journalism over 27 years | ABC Back Story Blog | 2014 - http://abcnewsgathering.tumblr.com/post/71515579465/liz-jackson-reveals-what-shes-learnt-about


An Average Australian Bloke | 19 Feb 1996 - Liz Jackson presents a personal profile of Liberal leader John Howard. During his interview, Mr Howard uttered his famous "comfortable and relaxed" line. >>WATCH ONLINE

Soeharto: The End | 25 May 1998 - Liz Jackson visits Indonesia during the last days and hours of the reign of President Soeharto and finds a region in turmoil. >>WATCH ONLINE

Fixing Cricket | 24 July 2000 - An investigation into the sub-continental culture of gambling and cricket and how it has infected the cricket world. By Liz Jackson. >>WATCH ONLINE

The Shame | 3 Sep 2001 - Liz Jackson travels to outback Australia to assess the impact of violence and child sexual abuse on Aboriginal communities and how those communities, governments and key agencies are dealing with it. >>WATCH ONLINE

A Mission to Die For | 12 Nov 2001 - In the aftermath of September 11, Liz Jackson follows the life of Mohamed Atta, from the beginning in Egypt to the end in New York. >>WATCH ONLINE

Spinning the Tubes | 27 Oct 2003 - How Australian intelligence was seized upon on by the CIA, spun and gilded, then presented to the world as the best evidence that Saddam Hussein was building weapons of mass destruction. >>WATCH ONLINE

Stoking the Fires | 19 Jun 2006 - When the East Timorese grabbed their independence and, with the help of Australian-led forces, withstood the murderous onslaught of Indonesia-backed militiamen, the world saluted their courage. Seven years on, the Australian soldiers are back, trying to stop more bloodshed. Liz Jackson reports. >>WATCH ONLINE

Who Killed Mr Ward? | 15 Jun 2009 - The shocking story of a respected Aboriginal leader in outback Western Australia who was locked in a metal cell in the back of a prison van and driven through the desert in the searing heat. Four hours later he was dead. >>WATCH ONLINE

Tags: depression, parkinsons-disease, doctors-and-medical-professionals, mental-health, pain, human-interest, journalism, brain-and-nervous-system, carers, australia

First posted November 21, 2016 10:35:00