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War is a racket:


"We'll be in Afghanistan for decades" (7:59)

America's Murder Inc. (02:49)

'Israeli tourist attack could be pretext for war with Iran' (4:33)

40 year old Bob Dylan song "Isis" predicted the Iraq story in amazing detail (8:37)

89-year-old veteran fights Lockheed Martin (2:24)

A "surgical strike" (1:31:03)

A friendly message from the Department of Veterans Affairs (2:00)

A second look at the 'Good War' (9:53)

A Very Heavy Agenda (50:03)

A very profitable war (4:36)

A weapon deadly to its users (17:04)

A window into the world of espionage and murder (6:15)

"American Sniper": Propaganda machine (14:18)

Americans love war (05:48)

Banks, drugs and US-sponsored terrorism (10:00)

Bradley Manning: Forgotten Man (15:55)

Congress and the VA planned for ZERO disabilities (3:33)

Creating the Taliban (9:00)

Disposable heroes (11:54)

Fox News sounding like Brasscheck TV (5:00)

Fukushima relief sailors sick with radiation (6:26)

Fun and games in downtown Tampa (1:53)

Heroin Inc. (10:00)

How drones have changed warfare (11:17)

How occupation is waged in Afghanistan (26:09)

Iran Is NOT Our Enemy (3:32)

ISIS: Terrorist flavor of the month (17:50)

Israel's nuclear weapons extend their reach (4:06)

John McCain - Lost in Space (3:00)

Libya, The Real Story (22:17)

Loose Cannon: Will Israel attack Iran? (5:04)

Mexican drug cartels trained by US (3:06)

Modern day gunslingers in Afghanistan (45:19)

New war: Old faces (2:04)

New-Nazis converge on the Ukraine (6:46)

Nuclear weapons: A ticking time bomb (4:41)

Obama is an "anti-war" president? (5:26)

Proof that US airstrikes help ISIS (4:20)

Rand Paul takes on John Kerry (10:14)

Robots at War (15:14)

Spin doctor: "There ain't no war but ours" (3:10)

Surveillance doesn't stop terrorism, drones create it (4:54)

Terror on top of terror? (0:40)

The arithmetic of war (7:07)

The BIG lie that led us into WWI (2:49)

The Cost of War (4:00)

The lead up to World War II (15:46)

The Myth Of The Good Wars (1:07:08)

The Other Civil War (5:46)

The Other Revolutionary War (14:12)

"The Pathology of Power" (30:00)

The Pentagon-Hollywood Connection (52:28)

The REAL story behind the dangerous Russia/Ukraine conflict (4:06)

The Schwartzkopf Crime Family (4:22)

"The sledgehammer of reality" (7:19)

The Taliban? Who The Heck Are They? (8:02)

The US armed Saddam Hussein with chemical and biological weapons (9:56)

The US is no democracy (5:00)

The US war against Cuba (04:25)

The War Crimes of Agent Orange (3:04)

"They Love War" (9:54)

"This Is What Winning Looks Like" (1:29:11)

US giving war operations to private business (7:14)

US nearly bombs itself - repeatedly (16:25)

Vicious hypocrisy (3:33)

Vietnam War: 50th anniversary whitewash (12:31)

War destroys wealth (2:13)

War From Inside The Belly Of The Beast (8:27)

War Inc. (3:02)

War is a racket (updated for the 21st century) (9:23)

"War Is A Racket" (8:50)

War is theft (9:40)

War on terror is the new gold rush (6:37)

War on terror: 12 years down, 20 to go (11:11)

What they say when they think we're not listening (00:01:55)

When does it end?: A conversation on war forever (24:05)

When Will We Attack Syria? (5:29)

Where Blackwater Comes From (10:56)

Where is Bill Hicks when we need him? (10:06)

Who Built The Shredding-The-Constitution Business? (9:18)

Who do you serve when you go to war (3:30)

Who is Obama arming in Syria? (7:13)

Who stopped the war? (02:15)

Who will be blamed for WW III? (17:01)

"Why Albania?" (3:11)

Why did we use the atomic bomb on Japan? (29:41)

Why going to war with ISIS will fail (9:19)

World War I - Why? (27:45)

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