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Offensive technology:


America's Growth Industry (1:23)

Automated license plate recognition (3:59)

Black market nukes (5:00)

Bogus tech used to accuse innocent people (09:11)

Drone Nation: How we got here (2:28)

Electronic Pickpocketing: Drawbacks to a cashless society (3:40)

Facial Recognition Systems to be Rolled Out Nationwide (2:00)

Fleecing consumers for profit (7:12)

Happy Holidays (5:00)

New police toys (27:47)

Obama's legacy - The Drone King (02:04) NEW!

Resistance is futile (2:58)

"Skynet could be real!" (2:56)

"Stop the Drone War" (10:30)

The self-driving car scam (09:00)

The Shale Oil Hoax (7:00)

US Ready to Deploy Ray Gun (1:15)

US-Nazi Aeronautics (43:33)

Wireless sabotage of cars (05:07)

Your career as a "spook" (1:19)

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