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"A racist, terrorist state" (12:54)

ABC's Gaza Mistake? (2:38)

Blocking Palestine from its day in court (3:09)

Challenge Israel, go to jail (13:05)

For the freedom of Palestinians (24:47)

How Israel came to be (10:24)

How Israel cold shouldered 20% of its population (3:57)

How Israel is trying to cripple Palestine (5:48)

How powerful Israel really is (03:35)

How the UN Council denied Palestine's request to join. (4:11)

Is Israel and its US lobby above the law? (14:01)

Is this what the attack on Iran will look like? (44:17)

Israel savages Gaza - again (2:29)

Israel's Influence on US Foreign Policy (3:14)

Israeli Soldiers Speak Out (29:32)

Israeli War Party pumps the Iranian boogieman (4:36)

Israeli's official policy of genocide (10:04)

Life in Gaza (3:26)

Newsweek: "Israel spying on the US" (19:16)

NSA spies on US citizens for Israel (4:40)

Palestine and Israel to go head-to-head in the world court (58:22)

State Department liars do what they do best (2:59)

The biggest military aid deal in history (22:32)

"The fog of war"...manufactured (5:13)

The history of Israel's spy agencies (54:57)

The Israeli Lying Machine (6:46)

The madness of Zionism (8:18)

The Palestinian holocaust (11:01)

Weird coincidence (3:09)

What happened to this American journalist? (09:20)

When Hollywood attacks (4:46)

Where the Arab/Israeli conflict got its start (16:27)

Who's Really Behind the War in Syria? (50:09)

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