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Health and Medical:


2.1 Kids: Stable Population (2:12)

A true miracle cure (05:34)

America's first monopoly (24:57)

An alternative look at cancer (1:20:13)

An MD tells the truth about vaccines (11:27)

Another Big Pharma drugged up killer? (5:26)

Another reason not to get the "flu shot" (4:59)

Antidepressants and School Shootings, Suicide, Addiction. (7:58)

Aspartame (10:57)

Back Pain: Causes and cures (1:36:16)

Best use of an army yet! (1:11)

Better health care - in Mexico? (3:05)

Big Pharma is in control (2:13)

Big Pharma Uber Alles (11:36)

Billionaire Bill shills for global warming (3:01)

Cancer as a Fungus (20:00)

Cancer is a Fungus (9:41)

Chemotherapy - It's good for whom? (39:50)

Childhood Under Siege (27:03)

China: Food giant? (08:51)

Coal ash: The source of chemtrails? (12:32)

Coming soon: The Obamacare train wreck (2:01)

Corporate chemical warfare (4:18)

DeNiro speaks out about vaccines (06:31)

Diabolical medical experiments funded by US (16:26)

Dirty meat, big profits (04:08)

Disgusting vaccine push (2:08)

Do you want a chip with that? (1:00)

Drugging America into a stupor (1:34:43)

E-Cigs: The latest scam (04:24)

Ebola outbreak declared unavoidable - 2 months ago (5:57)

Ebola USA (1:25)

Ebola: A Black Swan event (22:19)

Food, Inc. (03:31)

Forbidden medicine (57:01)

Fraud and heart surgery (32:37)

Heal Yourself? (10:00)

Healing our sick culture (30:00)

How the medical monster came to be (6:11)

How to get GMOs out of your diet (15:02)

How to read food labels (08:05)

How toxic is sugar? (13:40)

I have seen the future of medicine - and it's scary (3:30)

Impoverishing our future (5:37)

Intelligent Disobedience (03:44)

Is Hillary fit? (02:41)

Juicing Raw Cannabis (15:00)

Juicing Raw Cannabis: The Science Behind It (21:01)

Latest vaccination propaganda push (1:51)

Lying Scientists (2:17)

Mammogram scam (09:10)

Medicines that kill (04:54)

"Mercury is good for you!" (0:39)

Monsanto practically a government agency (9:29)

Nazi-like experiments on children in US (26:37)

Not all sermons are given on Sunday (27:32)

Nuclear leak 38 miles north of NYC (09:16)

ObamaCare contractor accused of criminal behavior (2:50)

Pentagon hopes for a pill to erase memories (9:00)

Pfizer makes customers guinea pigs - again (3:10)

Prescription for Tragedy (5:34)

Prescription marketers: America's new drug pushers (17:13)

Prince and chemtrails (08:18)

Reminder - Cell phones are dangerous (03:41)

Reversing serious diseases - with food (38:59)

Robber barron medicine (44:08)

School lunches (02:11)

Silent Epidemic (14:11)

Slow Death by Root Canal (7:09)

Stop eating soy bean oil now (01:05:42)

The Best Diet (9:01)

The Business of Baby (6:01)

The Corporate America Diet (10:33)

The Cure to Obesity is Prevention, not Surgery (08:00)

The Dangers of Fluoride in Water (11:00)

The dark side of the all American meal (01:06:51)

The death of Robin Williams (8:49)

The deep science of medical cannabis (1:15:25)

The Depression Industry (12:19)

The fraud of Obamacare (08:49)

The healing power of simple fasting (16:44)

The invisible poison in your pocket (52:59)

The Military-Medical Complex (10:00)

The much-neglected source of human life (36:47)

The new US health care program (1:42)

The Obamacare disaster is here (02:58)

The original monopoly (01:07:21)

The real reason people hate Obamacare (07:48)

The stupid cruelty of cannabis laws (09:26)

The super toxic secret in cigarettes (07:02)

The system that is poisoning America (30:00)

The truth about Lasik surgery (18:13)

The truth about Teflon (09:50)

The truth about the "Eskimo Diet" (13:44)

The World According (01:48:58)

Things don't go better with Coke (02:21)

UK stops all smart meter installations (8:43)

VA hospitals out of control (4:09)

"We'll find out what's in it after we pass it" (2:12)

Weird video, important message (9:17)

What killed Steve Jobs? (3:10)

What Obama Care is really all about (13:55)

What's up with Zika? (07:09)

Who owns the Zika virus? (05:01)

Why did this 12-year-old girl commit suicide? (5:54)

Why weed, why now? (15:06)

Would you like chips with that? (3:26)

You are being deprived (11:53)

You will be jailed . . . (1:30)

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