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14 year old knocks out TV news liars (13:25)

Agricultural giants vs. small farmers (16:19)

America's first monopoly (24:57)

Aspartame (10:57)

Big Brother on the Farm (5:30)

Bloomberg: "Let them eat kale" (1:48)

Cereal Crimes (03:41)

Criminal gardening (2:03)

"Diet" soda? (3:29)

Dietary insanity (2:58)

Dirty meat, big profits (04:08)

Doomsday Preppers (14:37)

Drive-ins are more dangerous than drive-by shootings (10:47)

Engineering history (19:27)

Five foods banned worldwide (03:15)

Food stamp cuts coming? (10:07)

Food, Inc. (03:31)

Genetic modification (30:00)

Grandpa Fined (02:00)

Growing food on a small planet (41:10)

How Fox sold Bovine Growth Formula (10:00)

How to read food labels (08:05)

How we treat the people who feed us (03:03)

John Stewart on The Monsanto Protection Act (6:23)

Kansas City's Urban Farming Guys (05:43)

Lying Scientists (2:17)

Manufacturing Poverty (26:58)

Monsanto practically a government agency (9:29)

Real Food/Fake Food (53:22)

Reality check (17:40)

School lunches (02:11)

Seeds of Death (1:19:35)

Solution to the world's problems at our feet? (18:18)

Tens of thousands of gallons of milk dumped (02:48)

The Best Diet (9:01)

The Corporate America Diet (10:33)

The economics of brainwashing (30:00)

The Future of Food (9:49)

The healing power of simple fasting (16:44)

The much-neglected source of human life (36:47)

The poison in your bloodstream (2:51)

The Weight of the Nation: School Lunches (01:17)

The World According (01:48:58)

Things don't go better with Coke (02:21)

Who created the E. coli strain in Europe? (7:37)

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