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Alternative Views


A crack in the armor (15:32)

A Very Heavy Agenda (50:03)

An alternate view of American history (01:29:31)

DeNiro speaks out about vaccines (06:31)

Education under a microscope (01:11:30)

Escaping Scientology (47:39)

How UK elites kill to get their way (50:31)

Human nature (56:22)

ISIS - a US/UK creation (08:39)

Leo Strauss and the reactionary neo-cons (11:01)

Magic mushrooms (17:00)

Noam Chomsky of ISIL (25:13)

Orlando story demolished (25:53)

Skewering Hillary (07:01)

Socialism - As American as apple pie? (08:29)

"Support the troops" (14:51)

Susan Sarandon making a lot of sense (11:43)

The reality of war (03:17)

The US covert war against Jamaica (08:18)

What happens to presidential candidates they don't want (01:30)

What I Hate (03:53)

What is socialism anyway? (11:25)

Where does freedom come from? (19:33)

Willful blindness (14:40)

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