Georgia Dixon


3 ways to sneak some yoga into your day

3 ways to sneak some yoga into your day

Tracy Adshead is a yoga teacher specialising in yoga for seniors. She is passionate about bringing healing and healthy ageing to the community.

It will take just a few minutes a day to calm your mind, strengthen your bones, and look after your coordination. Try adding these practices into your everyday routine and feel the shift in awareness.

1. Stand on one leg to strengthen your bones (or calm down the grandchildren in a few seconds)

Improve your bone health and density with this simple practice.From standing, hold on to the back of a chair, shift the weight into one leg, lift the opposite foot off the floor and hold for three to five breaths. Repeat on the other leg. If you are comfortable with this add a little more effort by gently bending the knee of the leg you are weight bearing on.

Top tip: This posture is a great way to calm down boisterous children. Get the kids together and offer a challenge “Who can stand on one leg the longest?”. A little incentive may help them to take it seriously but the longer they balance the calmer they will become. I’ve used this trick in a yoga class of 50 over-excited university students – instant calm!

2. Look after your coordination watching TV.

Anytime you are seated take a moment to challenge your brain and look after your coordination with a simple march. Place both feet on the floor, it might be easier without shoes. Keep your right heel on the floor as you lift the toes of your right foot off the floor.  Simultaneously lift the heel of your left foot. Change feet – toe down, heel up. Keep alternating. Speed up the movement for more of a challenge.

Top tip: Try it to some fast-paced music for a bit of fun.

3. Relax your face, calm your mind

Once a day take a moment to completely relax your face. Start with the forehead, relax both eyes, both cheeks and especially the jaw. Keep your face relaxed for two to three deep breaths. Behind your face there sits a huge bundle of nerves that connect into your brain, when you relax your face you’re sending a signal to calm the brain creating a few moments of inner peace.

Top tip: Next time you are experiencing frustration with other people or a situation, take a second to totally relax your face and watch the tension melt away.

Remember, don’t do anything that causes pain or discomfort.

Related links:

Yoga moves for strengthening pelvic floor muscles

Yoga exercises to strengthen and soothe eye muscles

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