Video 1min 57secs

Today's high profile political resignations sent the Euro and the New Zealand dollar tumbling. As a result the Australian dollar ended the day higher.

Stressed and angry Christmas shoppers are told to 'check their language and their temper' as an online survey finds 44 per cent of retail workers had been subjected to verbal or physical abuse.

One of the most influential women in the AFL, Susan Alberti, steps down as vice-president of reigning premiers the Western Bulldogs, but promises she will continue help break ground for the women's competition.

A Federal Government plan to install a new mobile phone tower for Lake Meran grants a 10-year-old's Christmas wish for better internet service.

Vino Vidjearadjou is back on the cricket field after suffering a heart attack two years ago that resulted in a heart transplant.

A court hears the Melbourne man accused of stabbing a French tourist to death in the Northern Territory has "severe" schizophrenia and has been self-harming in custody.

Evie Nicolaou has a permanent colostomy bag after being diagnosed with bowel cancer at the age of 49. Despite the proven survival rate when the disease is detected early, it is still the second biggest cancer killer in Victoria.

The director of new film The Legend Of Ben Hall says the NSW bushranger has been unfairly eclipsed by Victoria's Ned Kelly.

Mark Forbes, who resigned as editor-in-chief of The Age while reportedly being investigated over sexual harassment claims, tells colleagues any "lapse in judgement" should have serious consequences.

Palliative care doctors are warning the Victorian Government not to legalise euthanasia in its current state, arguing that it prioritises patients who choose assisted suicide at the expense of those receiving end-of-life care.

More than a dozen people, including five children, are taken to hospital after horse accidents in Victoria over the weekend.

Alcoa's Portland smelter will operate at just a third of its capacity for up to six months, after a power failure that affected around 200,000 properties in South Australia last week.

Farming groups condemn illegal labour hire practices after raid uncovers foreign nationals working for Australia's largest asparagus producer.

The Victorian Government will seek to introduce legislation that targets adults procuring children to do their criminal "dirty work", dubbed Fagin's Law after the antagonist in the Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist.

Honking, catcalls, following and sexual propositions — these are just some of the intrusions women risk having to put up with when they lace up their shoes and go for a run.

The term Apex gang is being used like a "dog whistle" to stigmatise the South Sudanese community in Victoria, a legal expert says, while one university-educated youth worker says he has been pulled over by police and asked for his registration papers.

Police statistics show the majority of violent youth crimes in Victoria are committed by people born in Australia, not overseas, despite commentary to the contrary.

Amid a rise in carjackings and aggravated burglaries across Melbourne, $2 billion will be spent recruiting frontline and specialist Victorian police in what the Government labels the biggest investment in the force's history.

Victorians who experience breathing difficulties or asthma are advised to take extra care this evening, with a cool change and thunderstorms predicted for the state.

For Australia's wine producers, climate change is not a thing of the future but an issue to be dealt with right now.

Victorian workplaces will be encouraged to employ people with disabilities, fund leadership scholarships and create more accessible community hubs under a new State Government new plan.

Hundreds of thousands of homes across Australia are at risk of potentially dangerous gas leaks and fires due to the incorrect installation of multilayer gas pipes outside houses, industry members say.
