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Upcoming Grant Deadline

Our next deadline for writing grants is January 15th, 2017 Get your applications in! Fill out the application here. 

Help Us Fund Radical Activist Writers


Dear friends, anarchists, people of conscience, people of earth,

We write this in the midst of a shock wave of horrific evidence of not just the re-emergence but the emboldened offensive surge of proto-fascist populism, white supremacy, misogyny and xenophobia in the United States and around the world.

We can’t keep quiet, we can’t sit down, we can’t step back, we can’t give up. There’s no more important time than now to promote alternative ways of thinking, acting, resisting oppression, prefiguring radical egalitarianism and collective liberation.

Which for us at IAS, means there’s no more urgent time than now to further the development of anarchist theory and praxis, toward activating it in reality. Historical awareness of precedents, continuities, genealogies, and systemic patterns can help us.

So can sharp political and social analyses of structural conditions. So can anti-authoritarian cultural and psychological interpretation. Not least, so can audaciously visionary imaginations of a different world.

We want to keep helping to facilitate activist writers to explore and articulate that kind of research, that kind of vision. For that, of course, we need funding.

It’s been our great honor to receive a $1000 bequest from the estate of Howard Ehrlich (1932-1915), anarchist  scholar, sociologist, supporter of activist research, founder and editor of Social Anarchism: A Journal of Theory and Practice since 1980, author of books including The Best of Social Anarchism, Hate Crimes and Ethnoviolence, and Reinventing Anarchism Again.

For more on Howard and his work click here

We stand on the shoulders of a crazy-ass circus pyramid of revolutionaries; with your help we can build it even more mindbogglingly skyward with more and more people pitching in to hold each other up, carrying on work in new directions that can make IAS donors like Howard Ehrlich and Noam Chomsky proud, honoring elders who made anarchism a lifelong commitment, by trying not to fuck it up for generations to come.



An Appeal from Noam Chomsky: Support Radical Writing and Publishing

In a time when money and power are concentrated into ever-fewer hands, the Institute for Anarchist Studies (IAS) stands out. For two decades, the IAS has been providing grants to radical organizers and thinkers, allowing them to take time to reflect and write about their experiences in struggles for social transformation.


In addition to financial support, the IAS offers editorial assistance to the writers they work with – those who receive grants, those writing books to be jointly published by the IAS and AK Press, and those who contribute to the IAS’ annual journal, Perspectives on Anarchist Theory. Such assistance is especially vital for the support of new writers, helping them develop the skills and confidence necessary to craft their words and express their ideas clearly.

Although IAS members donate their time to this project, they need to raise thousands of dollars each year to award grants and continue publishing. The IAS has done this work for twenty years, and plans to continue far into the future. But they can’t do that without your help.

I’m asking that you give the IAS a generous one-time, tax-deductible donation or sign up to give monthly. Please help with this vital effort to build much-needed radical intellectual infrastructure for our movements.

Please Donate by Clicking Here!


Noam Chomsky

Perspectives on Anarchist Theory 
Are you an organizer or activist currently engaged in movement work?  Are you interested in taking time to reflect on the lessons and ideals of this work in order to help advance anarchist praxis?  Are you a self-taught thinker with a particular interest or expertise in some aspect of radical history or practice? Are you willing to share your insights to contribute to our collective memory?  Do you have ideas, experiences, or questions that you would like to develop and share with a wider audience? I encourage folks to submit work that explores the transformative power of joy, challenge, and strategy.

We do not have a maximum or minimum word count, though shorter pieces do allow us to include mf you answered “yes” to any of these questions, the Perspectives on Anarchist Theory editorial collective would like to hear from you.  We believe it is crucial that those of us with visions of a free society share our work and ideas so that we can create a solid, common foundation on which to build a better world.  We value underrepresented voices, accessibility, complexity, and the rigorous investigation of ideas.

We are currently accepting work related to the concept of “play,” and encourage writers to conceive of the theme as broadly as possible.  For some, “play” may conjure notions of mischief or the anarchic spirit.  For others, it may provoke questions around creative street tactics and interventions, or the various roles of theater and performance in movement work.  Pastimes, game theory, sports and sport culture, playfulness at all ages—all are fair game.  We ore work by a broader range of authors.  When submitting, please ensure first that you are familiar with the kinds of writing and scholarship Perspectives publishes, and that your document format adheres to the Chicago Manual of Style.  All notes must be done as endnotes, not footnotes, and the note numbers must be typed directly into the body of the text.  Authors are welcome to query in advance of submitting manuscripts.  Editorial support is available to develop your idea or piece; first-time authors are encouraged to submit.

To submit or query, please email:  Submission deadline for the Play issue is January 1, 2017.

Photo by Abbey Volcano

IAS Merchandise Will be on Sale Soon

The Institute for Anarchist Studies as bookmarks, tee shirts, tote bags and more. Watch our website for an update on how to buy them. It will be coming soon. 
Purchase Perspectives on Anarchist Theory and Anarchist Interventions

You can purchase issues of Perspectives on Anarchist Theory, including our current issue on Anarcha-Feminiisms, our Anarchist Intervention book series, and other books we publish from Powell's Books and AK Press
Contacting IAS

New IAS Mailing Address! 
The IAS has a new mailing address. It is: The Institute for Anarchist Studies (IAS), PO Box 90454, Portland, Oregon 97290
Visit us online:
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Support Independent Radical Scholarship
The Institute for Anarchist Studies is funded by donations from individual anarchists, anti-authoritarians, libertarian leftists, and other like-minded radicals as well as collectives, publishers, and projects interested in furthering anarchist scholarship–people like you! The IAS also raises funds through its Mutual Aid Speakers List and donations at other events. In this way, the IAS is both independent and yet deeply interconnected with, and supported by, anarchist and like-minded folks and movements. The IAS, in short, is about the anti-authoritarian Left sustaining its own public intellectuals and critical intellectual spaces to provide funding for things like child care or taking time off work to enable organizers the time to reflect and write.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Institute for Anarchist Studies. Your donation is invaluable to the work of the IAS and its projects. We accept secure credit card donations over the Internet through PayPal. You can also provide a one time donation or ongoing support by making a monthly donation here, or you can mail cash, checks or money orders to the address above. 
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