
What's your NBN Plan B?

As the copper phone network goes from bad to worse, decent broadband is still years away for many Australians.

If your copper phone line is slowly failing but the NBN is still years from your street, what's your fallback broadband plan?

Stephen Hawking hospitalised in Rome

Pope Francis greets physicist Stephen Hawking during an audience with participants at a plenary session of the ...

British physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking has been hospitalised in Rome for checks after not feeling well but his condition is not believed to be serious, a spokesman said.

Facebook's AI to police live videos

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

Facebook is working on automatically flagging offensive material in live video streams, building on a growing effort to use artificial intelligence to monitor content.

Are these the 50 best albums ever?

Radiohead's OK Computer is more than just OK, it seems.

No list of the world's best albums will ever satisfy everybody. The latest, from a UK hi fi company, rates music according to its recording quality.

Hands on: RadioApp live streaming radio

RadioApp puts your favourite Australian commercial and national radio shows in your pocket.

Combining Australia's commercial stations and national broadcasters in the one slick app, RadioApp makes it easy to listen to live radio when you're on the move.

Sun, sand and subterfuge in Watch Dogs 2

Bright and playful, <i>Watch Dogs 2</i> is a hacker's paradise.

While the first Watch Dogs was a great core concept hurt by the dreary Chicago setting and insufferably morose main character, the sequel realises its full potential by taking itself much less seriously.

Hands on: InkCase smartphone case

Oaxis' InkCase i6 for the iPhone 6 builds an eBook reader into the back of your phone.

Adding an eBook-style screen to the back of your smartphone, InkCase lets you keep tabs on the world while conserving your battery.