• Defend Privacy. Support EPIC.

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC.

    EPIC is on the front lines of the major privacy and civil liberties debates. In 2016, EPIC has important work to do on algorithmic transparency, student privacy, and government surveillace, among many other issues. Please donate to EPIC today to help us continue this important work.

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC. »

  • danah boyd endorsement

    danah boyd Asks You to Support EPIC

    danah boyd, founder of the Data & Society Research Institute and social media scholar, knows that we need EPIC's diligence. danah asks that you support EPIC today!

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC. »

  • Danielle Citron endorsement

    Danielle Citron Asks You to Support EPIC

    Esteemed law professor Danielle Citron from the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law knows that EPIC rocks. Her book Hate Crimes in Cyberspace was named as one of the "Top 20 Best Moments for Women in 2014" by the editors of Cosmopolitan and Harper's Bazaar. Professor Citron asks that you support EPIC today!

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC. »

  • Joi Ito endorsement

    Joi Ito Asks You to Support EPIC

    Joi Ito, entrepreneur and MIT Media Lab Director, knows that EPIC is always on the cutting edge of privacy and technology policy. Ito recently sat down with President Obama to discuss artificial intelligence for WIRED Magazine. Joi asks that you support EPIC today!

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC. »

  • Craig Newmark endorsement

    Craig Newmark Asks You to Support EPIC

    American Internet entrepreneur Craig Newmark, the founder of craigslist.org, supports EPIC and asks you to support EPIC too!

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC. »

  • Bruce Schneier endorsement

    Bruce Schneier Asks You to Support EPIC

    Bruce Schneier, internationally renowned security technologist, knows that EPIC is on the front lines of the major privacy and civil liberties debates of our age. Bruce asks you to support EPIC today!

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC. »

  • Paul Smith endorsement

    Paul Smith Asks You to Support EPIC

    Paul Smith, one of the nation's preeminent Supreme Court litigators, knows that EPIC's public interest litigation program is phenomenal. He asks you to support EPIC today!

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC. »

  • Tim Wu endorsement

    Tim Wu Asks You to Support EPIC

    Tim Wu, author, policy advocate, and professor at Columbia Law School, knows how important EPIC's work is. Wu coined the phrase "net neutrality" and has been named one of America's 100 most influential lawyers. Tim asks you to support EPIC today!

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC. »

  • EPIC Cloud 2016

    EPIC 2016

    EPIC is on the front lines of the major privacy and civil liberties debates. In 2017, EPIC has important work to do on algorithmic transparency, student privacy, and government surveillace, among many other issues. Please donate to EPIC today to help us continue this important work.

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC. »

  • Defend Privacy. Support EPIC.

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC.

    EPIC is on the front lines of the major privacy and civil liberties debates. In 2016, EPIC has important work to do on algorithmic transparency, student privacy, and government surveillace, among many other issues. Please donate to EPIC today to help us continue this important work.

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC. »

Top News

Uber Expands Data Collection, Tracks Users, as Transport Services Case is Heard by European Court

Uber is now routinely tracking the location of all of its users, even when they are not using the transportation service. Last year, EPIC filed a complaint with the FTC after Uber announced the plan to collect location data when the app operated in the background. EPIC said that Uber had engaged in unfair and deceptive trade practice. The FTC failed to act and Uber is now tracking users non-stop. In Europe, Uber is facing legal action as the European Court of Justice considers whether the company should be considered a transportation service, subject to the same rules as its competitors, or a digital platform, which operates outside the law.

Congress to Examine Artificial Intelligence

Today the Senate Commerce Committee will hold a hearing on "The Dawn of Artificial Intelligence." Experts from industry and academia will provide "a broad overview of the state of artificial intelligence, including policy implications and effects on commerce." In a prepared statement, EPIC urged the Committee to support "Algorithmic Transparency," an essential public policy strategy to make AI accountable. The hearing follows two White House reports -Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence and the National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan. EPIC is currently litigating several "AI" cases including EPIC v. FAA (drone surveillance), Cahen v. Toyota (autonomous vehicles), EPIC v. CPB (U.S. traveler "risk assessments"), and Secret DNA Forensic Source Code.

Congress Passes Consumer Review Fairness Act, Bans Gag Clauses

Congress has passed the Consumer Review Fairness Act, a law protecting consumers' right to post negative reviews without fear of retaliation. The bipartisan measure would make it illegal for companies to include non-disparagement clauses in consumer contracts, or to impose penalties or fees for critical reviews. The Federal Trade Commission will enforce the new law, which now awaits President Obama's signature. "By ending gag clauses, this legislation supports consumer rights and the integrity of critical feedback about products and services sold online." said Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John Thune. EPIC has long supported free speech and access to information online.

Government Breaches Continue, Hacker Compromises more than 130,000 Navy Records »

FBI to Monitor Twitter »

New Study Shows Global Increase in Comprehensive Privacy Protections »

DHS Releases Revised FOIA Regulations, Agrees and Disagrees with EPIC's Suggestions »

EPIC Recommends Privacy and Safety Standards for Autonomous Vehicles »

EPIC Asks FTC to Continue "Disposal Rule" »

EPIC news Archive »

EPIC's Work

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Open Government »

EPIC v. DOJ: Seeking unpublished reports from the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General.

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Appellate Advocacy »

In re SuperValu: Whether Victims of Data Breaches Must Suffer Certainly Impending or Actual Concrete Harms (i.e., Damages) In Order to Sue

epic.org/state-policy/ image

EPIC State Policy Project »

EPIC's State Policy project, launched in the Spring of 2015, aims to track legislation across the country to identify trends and emerging issues impacting privacy and civil liberties.

Data Protection 2016 image

Privacy Campaigns »

EPIC has launched "Data Protection 2016," a non-partisan campaign to make data protection an issue in the 2016 election.