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Motorcyle racer app MotoGP wins by treating games as a media business


The Big Idea

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Serial entrepreneur Graeme Warring has gone from Oz Experience to toys called "squishies" to gaming apps.

Serial entrepreneur Graeme Warring has gone from Oz Experience to toys called "squishies" to gaming apps.

After two years and a $2 million dollar investment serial entrepreneur Graeme Warring's MotoGP game has just gone live on the app store.

It's the latest venture for the man who co-founded the Oz Experience and Kiwi Experience buses, which was the blueprint for the hop-on-hop-off form of travelling that has become ubiquitous around the world.

We decided we were no longer in the game industry, we were in the media business. This was a revelation. 

Graeme Warring.

The game received 10,000-plus downloads in the first couple of days, and Warring says downloads are growing steadily. "We had a minor feature in the US app store which kicked traffic in the US and one of the riders, Cal Crutchlow sent out an Instagram post, which saw traffic in the UK skyrocket."

The app has more than 80,000 users and he says thousands of fans are racing more than 50 races a day.

Based in Phoenix, Arizona with his American wife, Warring is now chief operating officer of Weplay Media, which he co-founded.

He has been developing online games since the iPhone and app store came into existence in, respectively, January 2007 and April 2008.

"One studio I invested in, 2XL Games, produced the 740th game in the app store. In fact Supercross was featured in the iPhone instruction book released in 2008. At the time we could produce a game and people would pay to download it; they were heady days," says.

But things changed radically and the market became a race to the bottom as paid apps made way for free-to-play games. From a place where there were fewer than 1000 apps, suddenly there were more than a million apps on the app store. It appeared anyone could make an app, so marketing became more important than development.

"M&A activity became the quickest and safest route to scale, which saw the rise of behemoths. The entire ecosystem was updated twice a year with new and better hardware and the pace of change was frenetic and unrelenting," says Warring.

So he re-evaluated and decided to pursue a strategy that would start with distribution first and work backwards from there.

"Pretty much everyone has a device to operate content on and access to an app store from which to download it," says Warring.

Licensing became a viable path to market, de-risking the investment, and allowed Warring to quantify an audience and produce specific content for it.

"We decided we were no longer in the game industry, we were in the media business. This was a revelation. It meant we could focus our efforts on producing a unique entertainment experience for each customer, monetising the content with advertising and product placement.

Warring quips that while TV stations broadcast, he is a "pocketcaster". It is a new way of imagining content and its relevance to people.

This led to the decision to license the MotoGP motorcycle brand for apps. It offers a global TV audience of more than 280 million people for each race, a well-oiled global fan experience, high profile celebrities and brands that were already heavily invested in the series.

"We thought if we executed well, we would be able to find a market which would be open to playing the game and consuming the content," he says.

Warring acknowledges the business was entering new territory, occupied by people who were not traditional gamers or experienced gaming app users.

"We had to focus on the gaming experience. It couldn't be too hard; if players sucked at the game they wouldn't play it. So it had to be simple, yet still challenging."

He dumbed-down the racing experience and produced a game based on timing of the brakes and throttle to produce a winner.

"We simplified the experience by reducing the complexity of the racing experience to two buttons. Yet as timing is counted in hundredths of a second, your skill as a player is very important."

This mindset produced the game people are now greedily downloading from the app store.

The hard work begins

Now the game is live the real work begins. Warring is obsessively watching customer progression through the game, identifying points where players fall off the wagon, disengage or, conversely, where they become fully engaged.

He's working with the licensor to market the game and sees his job now as being about engagement and amplification of the fan experience, linking the fans directly to the success of their favourite rider.

"The operation of the game requires a team almost as large as the development team. We have marketing staff, social media staff, artists and programmers working on changes and new features as we identify areas of weakness and fix them or areas of opportunity and seize them," says Warring.

"But at the heart of all this work is the player, discovering what they like and doing more of that and less of everything else. By enhancing the experience, our inventory of eyeballs becomes more valuable and we can sell this to advertisers and brands that wish to see real engagement with their brands rather than a random like or click," he says.

Jumping hurdles

Warring has faced plenty of challenges along the way and anticipates plenty of curveballs in the future.

"We are on our own and we don't know what's around the corner. But the challenges we anticipate we plan for."

For example the game has made radical changes in long-established game mechanics by taking away the players' ability to steer the bike. To address this, he has produce video and written content to explain in minute detail why Warring produced the game he did.

"The critics may still bitch about our approach, but they will not be complaining in a vacuum, they will know exactly why we did what we did and we hope they will at least respect our decision, if not agree with us."

But he says the biggest challenge is going for a global audience. "The motorsport franchise is just as popular in Indonesia as it is in Spain, the US or Australia. So we have to look at everything through an international lens and when we make a change, the knock on effect is to make a change in 13 different languages on the same day. Managing this process is a real challenge."

When it comes to returns, Warring says motorcycle racing games have traditionally underperformed car racing games.

"A truly great motorcycle racing game generates revenues in the US$10 million range, whereas some of the popular car racing games generate 10 times that in a year," says Warring.

"I would be happy if we could produce revenues of US$15 million-plus over the next few years. But our goal is to produce a game our customers love and value. If we do that I think we can rival some of the other hugely popular games in the racing category."

In terms of what's next, Warring says he wants to partner with other sporting and entertainment properties to optimise their fan engagement strategies in the same way as he aims to do with MotoGP.

"We have our eye on other licenses, but our immediate focus is to do an outstanding job with MotoGP without distraction. If we can demonstrate our ability to do this then it is not a big stretch to see how our tech and experience could be parlayed into other sports, race series or fan-based experiences."

Warring's advice for other businesses developing a product is to identity what the real challenge is and be honest about it. "You may think you are the smartest entrepreneur in the world with the best idea for a new product, but is the challenge the solving of the problem you seek to solve, or commercialising the solution and taking it to market?

"I see people all day long who create a better mousetrap but soon find out that the real mousetrap is not the miles from conception to production but the final few yards from the storeroom to the shelf. If you can not see a distribution path and a way to connect with your customers without a bloody fight, then you may want to sit under a tree in the local park for an hour or two and have a really long think about what you are doing."

Sound advice indeed.

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1 comment so far

  • Good read that. Thanks for the article.

    Date and time
    March 30, 2016, 9:17AM

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