Port Adelaide's Jarman Impey under investigation for hit-run smash

Port Adelaide spent several hours searching for Jarman Impey after he left the scene of an accident on Saturday night, abandoning his car after damaging four parked cars.

Impey travelled around 15 kilometres from Norwood to Grange after colliding with the cars on the street outside teammate Angus Monfries' home at about 7pm and walking home.

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Port's Impey involved with hit-run

Port Adelaide Football Club has confirmed player Jaman Impey is being questioned after a series of car crahses.(Video courtesy: ABC News 24)

Power officials were not able to speak to the 21-year-old, who had left his phone at Monfries' house, until around midnight.

Police were called to the scene by others at Monfries' house half an hour after the incident, and Impey had provided a statement to them on Sunday, with the incident now under investigation.

In a video statement issued by the club on Sunday night, Impey said he was deeply sorry for the "very bad decisions" he had made.

"It was a mistake and I spoke to police and understand there will be repercussions for my actions," he said. 


"I'm willing to do anything to ensure I'm not in this position again and I'm sincerely sorry for what happened, I can't apologise enough."

Impey's situation will be discussed further by club's leadership group on Monday, but Power chief executive Keith Thomas said the Power needed to be conscious of the young player's challenging current personal circumstances.

Impey recently lost his father, who raised him as a single parent in country Victoria, after a long illness.

"Having spoken to Jarman this afternoon I think he was a bit embarrassed and pretty panicked by the situation, so he left the scene and actually made his way home," Thomas said.

"The incident was reported to the club, not by Jarman but by some of the guys who were there and we then spent the rest of the evening tracking Jarman down and found him late last night.

It feels to me like he was really just panicked by the situation he was in

Keith Thomas

"From Jarman's point of view he's very embarrassed and apologetic and very remorseful. He certainly didn't handle this situation anywhere near as well as he would have liked.

"From the club's point of view we're disappointed that we're in this situation. We're thankful that no one was hurt and I think if there's one positive, that's probably it.

Thomas said Impey was one of a few players to have spent the afternoon at Monfries' house, drinking by the pool after training on Saturday morning.

His white Commodore sedan was seen crossing onto the wrong side of the road and crashing into a parked ute, pushing the ute into a Toyota sedan.

The vehicle then continued driving, smashing into a parked Audi sedan and pushing it into a BMW.

No one was inside the parked vehicles at the time of the crashes.

Monfries' car, the Audi, bore the brunt of the damage.

"They were drinking during the afternoon but it's impossible for me to comment on to what extent that was a factor at seven o'clock," Thomas said.

"I'm sure that will be a part of the police investigation.

"Given the extent of the damage to the car that he hit, it looked reckless. There was a fair impact as he was leaving. I can only assume he was not driving appropriately.

"It feels to me like he was really just panicked by the situation he was in."

Thomas said that while he did not want to underplay or overplay Impey's personal situation, the club would be mindful of it when considering a penalty.

"We are mindful of the fact that Jarman is 21 years old and his father passed away just about a month ago," he said.

"He's a young man dealing with the issues that go with that so we're conscious of his wellbeing but having said that, this is an incident that shouldn't have occurred and we'll deal with it appropriately.

"What we'll do is we'll now discuss it with the leadership group and Kenny (Hinkley) with Jarman. It's clearly a breach of our standards and Jarman's really aware of that.

"There will be disciplinary action associated with it but how that looks - we'll determine that as a group.

"I am mindful of the fact that Jarman's wellbeing needs to be considered here - his state of mind - and we'll take that into account."
