
Stuff covers every aspect of news and information, from breaking national and international crises through to in-depth features, sports, business, entertainment and technology articles, weather reports, travel services, movie reviews, rural news... and lots more.

Stuff is New Zealand's award winning news website, bringing together the vast resources of Fairfax New Zealand's journalists and photographers around the country to provide a single online 'publication'.

Stuff also boasts a mobile site, a version of optimised for internet usage via mobile phone.

Page Views 185,382,000
Source: Nielsen Online Ratings May 2016 (Domestic)
Unique Audience 2,044,000
Source: Nielsen Online Ratings May 2016 (Domestic)

Stuff is New Zealand's number 1 news site with a unique audience of over 2 million people per month.  With an engaging and dynamic environment for readers, it delivers creative and exciting opportunities to reach consumers through niche targeting, content marketing, native advertising and creative executions that wow.

Click here (<~~DocAnnotation.type.708~~> <~~DocAnnotation.size.708~~>) to get an overview of's audience.

Source: Nielsen Online Ratings, May 2016.

Banner Ads Ad Formats

Top Banner (760x120)

Half Page (300x600)

Skyscraper (160x600)

Medium Rectangle (300x250) 
Text Ads
Top Strip

Relevant Offers

Special Offers

Featured Promotions

Sponsored Links
Useful Links

Click here to view the ratecard, effective 1 September 2014.

All campaigns are targeted to New Zealand eyeballs only, unless otherwise requested. This  improves the overall effectiveness of campaigns as most advertising is relevant only to those living in New Zealand.

CPM (cost per mille (thousand)) is the industry standard (or currency) for online advertising and how we price online advertising. We use a formula to work out how much an ad will cost depending on the CPM price and the number of impressions. When you buy advertising off us you purchase it in impressions, the more impressions you have means the more times your ad will be seen. The total price is worked out by multiplying the CPM by the number of impressions (divided by 1000) the client wants to receive.

For example you want a top banner on Run of Stuff and would like 400,000 impressions
Price = $17 CPM x (400,000 impressions/1000)
$17 x 400 = $6,800

Standard Creative - 5 working days prior to campaign start date

Rich Media - Creative Changes 1 working day prior to creative start date

Custom Formats - Material submission for custom formats to be agreed with Fairfax Digital trafficking department

Pencil Bookings

Pencilled more than 30 days prior to campaign start date 2 weeks - notification alerts will be sent out by Fairfax Digital with reminders of pending pencils 2 weeks after original pencil date. The client will then have a further 7 days to confirm the booking otherwise it will be automatically deleted from the system.

The client will have a maximum of 7 days to confirm the pencil booking otherwise it will be released unless prior arrangement with the Account Manager is made.

Cancellation Policy

30 days prior to campaign commencement date - No cancellation fee

8 - 29 days prior to campaign commencement date - Cancellation fee of 50% of the total campaign cost

1 - 7 days prior to campaign commencement date - Cancellation fee of 75% of the total campaign cost

On or after campaign commencement date - Cancellation fee of 100% of the total campaign cost

Direct Sales:
Fairfax Digital
Address: 40 Boulcott Street
PO Box 2595 Wellington 6140
Phone: +64 4 496 9850
Fax: +64 4 474 0580

Agency Sales:
Fairfax Media Network - Auckland
Address: 2 Hereford Street, Freeman's Bay
PO Box 90741, Victoria Street West
Auckland, New Zealand
Ph: +64 9 970 4000
Fax: +64 9 970 4059

Agency Sales:
Fairfax Media Network- Wellington
Address: Level 2, 40 Boulcott Street,
PO Box 2595,
Wellington, New Zealand
Ph: +64 4 474 0479
Fax: +64 4 474 0257