Jared Davidson

Lines of Work: Stories of Jobs and Resistance (review)

By Scott Nikolas Nappalos, ed. (Alberta, Canada: Black Cat Press, 2013). Review by Jared Davidson, first published in LHP Bulletin 64.

Wobbly driplines: strikes, stowaways & the SS Manuka

Built in 1903 and wrecked off New Zealand’s southern coast in 1929, the Manuka was a floating fragment of class society—and of class warfare. This article uses the Manuka to tell the wider story of syndicalism, transnationalism, anti-militarism, and the IWW in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Fighting war: anarchists, Wobblies and the New Zealand state 1905-1925 - Jared Davidson

This article highlights the anti-war agitation of anarchists and the IWW based in New Zealand during the period before, during and after the First World War.

Reds and Wobblies: working-class radicalism and the state in New Zealand 1915-1925

Talk presented at the National Library of New Zealand, 22 October 2013, by Jared Davidson about New Zealand's radical history. More images are available here.

Sewing freedom: Philip Josephs, transnationalism & early New Zealand anarchism - Jared Davidson

Sewing Freedom is the first in-depth study of anarchism in New Zealand during the turbulent years of the early 20th century—a time of wildcat strikes, industrial warfare, and a radical working class counter-culture.

Trunk, Johann Sebastian, 1850-1933

Johann Sebastian Trunk

Short biography of transnational anarchist Johann Sebastian Trunk, by Jared Davidson.

100 years of anarchism in New Zealand celebrated today

Philip Josephs

100 years ago today, 9 July, the Freedom Group was formed in Wellington, New Zealand.

Socialist cross of honor: markings of a working class counter-culture

Short article on the Socialist Cross of Honor, a medal produced by the New Zealand Socialist Party in 1911. The now rare medal was given to anti-militarists jailed for resisting conscription, and played a pivotal role in fostering a radical working class counter-culture. Reproduced from LHP Newsletter 55.

Some (more) thoughts on activism, class struggle and material needs

A personal account of activism, class struggle and organizing around material needs by Jared Davidson (Beyond Resistance, New Zealand).

Pages from New Zealand history: Tracing Joe Hill's Ashes in New Zealand

Presentation on Joe Hill, the IWW and New Zealand's radical labour movement (video).