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Whedonesque - a community weblog about Joss Whedon
"You'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll hate each other 'til it makes you quiver."
11984 members | you are not logged in | 09 December 2016

December 09

Buffy Summers is Hollywood's third most favourite female character. This is from an industry poll drawn up by The Hollywood Reporter.
When Buffy met Illyria. And here's your Whedonverse pic of the year.
Joss Whedon reveals more about his new movie script. He tells Vulture that it's about a Jewish woman in World War 2.

December 08

James Marsters talks Buffy, Joss Whedon, and why the slayer story endures. He'll be at Paradise City Comic Con this weekend.
Buffy casting director shares behind-the-scenes stories. The latest episode of Big Bad Buffy Interviews has Marcia Schulman talking about her time on the show.

December 07

Watch the Season 2 premiere of 'Con Man'. Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion's show returns for another season.
(SPOILER) Agents of SHIELD 4x09 Promo "LMD." The show returns on Tuesday January 10th and a six part web series about Yo-Yo called 'Slingshot' begins December 13th. Natalia Cordova-Buckley talks about the series here.
(SPOILER) Discuss Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 4x08 "The Laws of Inferno Dynamics". The episode was written by Paul Zbyszewski and directed by Kevin Tancharoen.
Alan Tudyk describes unique challenges developing 'Rogue One' droid K-2SO. He talks about doing motion capture and the voice work for the character.

December 06

Video editing: snap zooms should never be a snap decision. Joss' use of snap zooms in Firefly gets praised because it was done in an "observed, character-POV fashion" which "grounded a fantastic sci-fi universe in a very live-in human reality".
(SPOILER) Agents of SHIELD 4x08 "The Laws of Inferno Dynamics" Sneak Peek #2. The Assault Begins. Sort of.

December 03

(SPOILER) Agents of SHIELD 4x08 "The Laws of Inferno Dynamics" Sneak Peek #1. Mace is not a happy camper and tbh it's justified. More...

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