A snake has been captured after hiding out under the ice machine at a Katherine service station. PICTURE: Derrick Den Hollander


PUNTERS who looked to fill up at this Katherine servo last weekend were hit with a snakey surprise.

A charming two-metre Olive Python decided to keep its cool by making the ice machine its new home.

Snake catcher, David Reed said the plucky fella had hitched a ride into town underneath a car and when the driver stopped to fill up in town it made its way under the machine and refused to come out.

“A fella had pulled up to fill his car and it had hitched a ride,” he said.

“He knew he was safer there than out in the open so he wedged himself in and stayed there.”

A snake has been found underneath an ice machine at Woolies in Katherine. PICTURE: Facebook

A snake has been found underneath an ice machine at Woolies in Katherine. PICTURE: FacebookSource:Supplied

Mr Reed said the python, which can grow up to 4m had been at the servo from Sunday, 11am, until he was removed 8pm Monday.

“He would have been hot in the car but it was more likely he went to the ice machine because it was dark and covered than to be cool but you never know.”

He said although the snake look pretty bloody scary, it was very unlikely it would have caused a passing motorist any harm.

“They are a python, so they are not venomous. The big ones rarely come into town but he had hitched a lift.”

Mr Reed, who was contracted by Parks and Wildlife to relocate the python said he was starting to see more snakes as the wet came in.

“It (business) is starting to pick up.”

Originally published as Slippery snake hitches a ride