About ZCommunications


Z Communications is the overarching name for all of Z’s various projects and activities. It includes Z Magazine, ZNet, Z Media Institute, Z Video Productions, ZSpace, and ZBooks, and diverse components of each.


Z Magazine is a print monthly periodical devoted to addessing class, race, gender, and power issues in contemporary society and social life. You can view articles by author or topic, search them, etc. There is also considerable information about Z and links to related projects. And you can subscribe to the print magazine, or, by becoming a Z Sustainer, to the online version where you can then see the whole magazine simultaneous with its print release, including all graphics, etc.


ZNet is primarily a repository of thousands of text articles, video, audio and other links, and other content for general viewing. It is updated daily. ZNet’s Top Page, for example, hosts the latest links, news, and updates – plus entry routes to all major component parts, some of which are described below.


Volunteers from around the world have translated ZNet articles into many languages. Articles can be read in Spanish, Italian, German, Slovak, Turkish/Kurdish, Hindi, and more. A compendium page of links to all these facilities is our ZTranslation page. The volume of material prepared and posted to many of these sites is truly incredible!


ZMI is a summer school held in Woods Hole Massachusetts each June. Students and faculty come from around the world and spend about nine days and nights exploring, debating, refining, and enlarging their mutual ties and understanding of media and broader social and political relations, vision, and strategy.


Z provides videos in dvd and other formats via our facility called ZVideo Productions. These videos cover the gamut of concerns the site addresses, emphasizing, like the site as a whole, activism, vision, and strategy. Videos are sold in the ZStore and there are discounts, often very deep discounts, for Sustainers.

We also have numerous videos explicitly for online viewing, mostly excerpts from ZVideos, but sometimes created in whole for the purpose. Links and viewing tools for these are available throughout the site, as well as on the ZVideo pages, per se. Navigating this is trival, they are just links to click with a viewing area for the video display.


Our Sustainer Program is how Z stays alive and grows. Users sign up to donate on a monthly, quarterly, bi annual, or annual schedule for an amount of their own choosing. In return, to show our appreciation, Z provides various facilities and options such as access to Z Magazine online, nightly commentary mailings, access to our zine of daily commentaries, their own personal blog, commenting on articles, blogs, and reviews throughout the site, discounts on videos and print subs, etc.


ZCom provides blogs for all of our regular writers. Each has their own, if he or she wishes, and there is an overall writer’s blog whose content appears not only in the blog venue, but, for specific posts, as links on pages throughout the site, by topic, place, or author, as well. ZNet also provides blogs to our Sustainers. Again, each Sustainer has his or her own and there is also an overall blog system of Sustainers compiling all their posts. Users of ZCom who sign up as free members can all access blogs to read the posts. Only writers and sustainers, however, can post blog content or comment on blogs, in part because of the expenses involved, and in part to guarantee responsibility in posting, commenting, etc. The whole thing is called ZBlogs.


To help users who wish to see all material from a specific writer, or to find out more about a specific writer, our writer’s page searches content based on writer name, and also links to writer’s ZSpace pages where all their ZCom content is linked, but also any additional content from elsewhere that they choose to incorporate.


Part of exploring ideas and possibilities is getting discussion in different forms and styles. ZInterviews are compendium pages of two of our more popular options.


 Part of exploring ideas and possibilities is getting discussion in different forms and styles. ZDebates are compendium pages of two of our more popular options.


To help gather always available resources and information, or to help in times of crisis with special materials, or to network content of particular style or focus, ZNet has special sub sites dedicated to tracking very busy ZPlaces or ZTopics or types of article. These range from focusing on global warming, the U.S. occupation of Iraq, Lyrics and Quotes, to current affairs and Left events like big protests, demos and so on, and to particular parts of the world or countries. The menu to the left on this page gives an extensivev list and links you to each such page.


To help gather always available resources and information, or to help in times of crisis with special materials, or to network content of particular style or focus, ZNet has special sub sites dedicated to tracking very busy ZPlaces or ZTopics or types of article. These range from focusing on global warming, the U.S. occupation of Iraq, Lyrics and Quotes, to current affairs and Left events like big protests, demos and so on, and to particular parts of the world or countries. The menu to the left on this page gives an extensivev list and links you to each such page.


Within the overall Z concern with vision and strategy, there is a special focus, as well, on what is called participatory economics, an alternative to capitalism. This sections are, to our way of thinking, the heart of our reason for being!


Within the overall Z concern with vision and strategy, there is a special focus, as well, on what is called participatory society, an alternative to the overall charachter of societies as we know them today. This section is, to our way of thinking, the soul of our reason for being!


Web sites can deliver not only material to view, but also material to listen too. ZCom offers links to interviews, lectures, talks, etc., often prepared directly for our site, but also including links to material in other parts of the internet. Links to content appear in diverse places throughout ZCom, but are also collected in our ZAudio area, for easiest overall perusal and listening.


ZCom graphics come from Z Magazine, Z Video shots, Photos, Cartoons, and user graphics, too. This material displays in many places and ways trhroughout the overall site, but the ZGraphics section gives you an easy way to see and search all graphics at once.


Z Store provides links for our Sustainer program, Z Magazine subscriptions and renewals, Z Videos, and ZBooks. The store, along iwth the Sustainer Program, is the central means for site transactions. Please visit and use the facilities!


A site as large as ZCom must have excellent search capabilities or else its vast stores of information will be only poorly utilized. Our search facilities permit searching the site overall, or within parts of the site, and searching by content type, topic, place, person, or text.

Contact Z

This page is a simple compendium of email addresses for reaching us for various purposes.



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