
Latest health news

Impotence clinic fined $350k for contempt of court

ACCC commissioner Sarah Court welcomed the fines.

Male sex clinic Advanced Medical Institute has been slapped with a $350,000 fine for flouting Federal Court orders with thousands of advertisements spruiking the effectiveness of it's impotence treatments.

How Sophia's YOLO attitude ruined her holiday

Sophia Brockman (lower right) fell "violently ill" with food poisoning after drinking a Vietnamese iced coffee.

Sophia Brockman, 25, knew it was dangerous to drink iced drinks in Vietnam but didn't expect to spend the rest of her trip with severe stomach cramps, often lying in the fetal position in bed while her friends were on the beach

The prescription for a healthier Australia

Australia's health could be improved by cutting salt, a report found.

Dramatically cutting salt levels in processed foods sold in Australia could save an estimated 3500 lives each year by reducing cardiovascular disease, stroke and kidney disease, according to a new report.

SIDS breakthrough gives hope for future

The discoveries have raised hopes that babies could be screened for this risk in the future, but Dr Machaalani said the ...

An Australian study of 30 babies who died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or cot death, has discovered they have decreased levels of a protein that helps adults and babies wake up if they stop breathing from sleep apnea.

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