Federal Politics

Why employers don't take on people with disabilities

Australian Network on Disability chief executive Suzanne Colbert says there has been no improvement in hiring workers ...

Employers who take on workers with disabilities are overwhelmingly glad they did. Almost 90 per cent report benefits including improved morale, getting skills they might not get in another way and greater customer loyalty according to the second annual disability confidence survey released to coincide with World Disability Day.

How to be a minister? Buy the book, and charge the taxpayer

Liberal National senator James McGrath bought the book <i>How to be a Minister: A 21st Century Guide</i>.

Summer is here, Parliament has risen and no doubt our more bookish leaders will use the long break to catch up on their reading and expand their horizons. It's only now, with the release of expenditure reports from the first half of the year, that we get a look at what politicians were reading last summer.

One Nation splits over Culleton High Court fight

One Nation Senator Rod Culleton says it is fair for the public to view a rift between himself and the rest of One Nation.

One Nation has ended the parliamentary year with a deepening rift, after Pauline Hanson led two of her senators in voting against embattled colleague Rod Culleton, in the lead up to the fight for his political life.

Ban on PM attending Mardi Gras overturned

The Prime Minister might be right to look cheered.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull won't be banned from attending next year's Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, after the organisation's board overruled moves by members to protest the government inaction on same-sex marriage.