
Paul McGeough

Paul McGeough is chief foreign correspondent for the Sydney Morning Herald.

Donald Trump has big spending and tax cuts plans.

Russia aimed to influence US election, top spies tell Trump

It was a heart-stopping moment at the intersection of American politics and intelligence – three spy chiefs confronting a Republican President-elect who for months has been mocking them, to tell him that yes, despite all his bluster, Russia had been rooting for him to defeat his Democratic challenger.

A Syrian boy displaced with his family from eastern Aleppo eats a vegetable in the village of Jibreen south of the city ...

Aleppo residents await dark end game

As Russian-backed Syrian regime forces grind the last rebel fighters into defeat, the imminent fall of the besieged city of Aleppo heralds a collision.

President-elect Donald Trump, Reince Preibus, left, his incoming chief of staff, and Mitt Romney dine at New York ...

Trump settles into swamp life

US President-election Donald Trump promised to "drain the swamp" in Washington. But the old lines of Washington power, financial and political, are all too clear in his latest appointments